7 Flexible Degrees You Can Earn On The Weekend

So you want to go back to school. But between a
full-time job, taking care of your kids and pets, not to mention keeping up
with friends, you’ve got a full plate. There’s no time to drive to campus and
sit in a class that’s held on someone else’s schedule. But that doesn’t have to
be the only option if you pursue online education, which you can earn after
hours, on the weekends, or whenever you’ve got time.

“Beyond flexibility and convenience, online
learning gives students the ability to work at their own pace when they
want,” Melissa Loble, associate dean of distance learning at University of
California Irvine. “You can go back and replay a video, look at an image again,
or review a concept you might not have understood fully. That’s just not
something you can do in the classroom.” She adds that students who are
working professionals can often apply their studies to their current
jobs,  becoming more effective employees.
Before you make the leap, take a look at these
popular degree programs that have successfully made the online transition.
It’ll take motivation and determination, but you could earn an in-demand degree
on the weekends if you’re up for the challenge.
#1: Health Care Administration
Are you interested in a new career that’s in huge
demand? If you’re a detail-oriented person with an interest in making our
medical system work like a well-oiled machine, studying health care
administration online might be just what the doctor ordered.
According to the College Board, in a health care
administration program, you can expect to learn the ins and outs of how to
manage the daily operations of a medical facility. You may learn about
budgeting, how to handle staffing issues, and policy making in a hospital or
doctor’s office.
The Online Advantage: One huge pro of studying a health care administration program online is
that it can bring people from all different experiences, backgrounds, and
geographic locations together in a virtual classroom, which brings a rich
diversity to coursework and case studies, says Loble. This is a good primer for
the real world, she adds, where you will need to work with a range of people –
from other administrative staff to patients – all with a range of expectations
and problems.
#2: Computer Science
Do you already spend your weekends on your computer
surfing the net? If so, you should consider channeling more time and energy
into learning more about your computer by earning a degree in computer science
According to the College Board, computer science
majors may study how computer systems and humans interact with each other.
Classes may include instruction in artificial intelligence, digital system
design, and software engineering.
The Online Advantage: According to Loble, studying computer science online actually gives
students a leg up on what’s going on in the tech workplace – telecommuting.
“People are being asked more and more to work from home, and they have to
know how to be part of a company at a distance,” says Loble. “It’s
really important to pick up those skills to be able to work independently and
communicate with coworkers at a distance, which an online course can teach
#3: Business Administration
Big business is a dog-eat-dog world, but
fortunately for you, we’re going to let you in on a secret that could help you
get ahead – the in-demand business administration degree online. You can hold
down your 9-to-5 and fit the key principles of business in on the weekends,
working toward the goal of launching a new career or advancing in your current
What can you expect to study? The College Board
says that some of what you encounter while studying business administration may
prepare you to organize, direct, and control an organization’s operations.
The Online Advantage: According to Loble, studying business administration online prepares
students for the increasing globalization of the business world. “Business
jobs these days are so group-work-oriented that it’s important for students to
learn how to communicate and work with people at a distance. That’s the reality
at companies these days – your coworkers could be in another part of the
#4: K-12 Education
Have an inkling that you were put on this earth to
teach kids concepts and prepare them for the real world? A career as a teacher
is definitely something to consider, and taking your coursework online could
allow you to realize your true calling without having to leave your current
What will your weekends look like? According to the
College Board, education majors may study how people learn and different
strategies to teach them. Additionally, your courses may include educational
psychology, philosophy of education, and supervised student teaching.
The Online Advantage: “Education was one of the first of the disciplines to go online,
and it does well online, because generally the instructors are thinking about
how to teach and the most effective way to meet your needs,” says Loble.
Online instructors who teach education understand that they need to foster
dialogue through simulations, projects and other exercises that translate to
effective virtual learning, she adds.
In essence, according to Loble, studying education
online prepares you for the challenges of teaching in a modern classroom where
technology has become increasingly important.
#5: Nursing
Maybe you’re already a nurse and looking to get a
promotion. Or you’re a caregiver and think you’ve got the compassion and
discipline to go pro as a nurse. Either way, you’re busy and need a flexible
option to pursue this career. Earning a degree in nursing online just might be
your golden ticket.
What kind of coursework will you accomplish?
According to the College Board, you might expect to learn how to examine
patients and treat their immediate needs as well as how to promote better
long-term health.  Some typical courses include microbiology, anatomy and
physiology, and pharmacology.
The Online Advantage: Because nurses often work unconventional hours and long shifts, taking
coursework online offers much-needed flexibility for those already in the
field, Loble says.
Another great thing about studying nursing online
is how realistic medical simulations have become – you’re not really missing
anything by studying online, Loble says.
#6: Criminal Justice
Are your weekends full of “Law &
Order” marathons? Instead of lying on the couch and watching our legal
system play out on T.V., you could be enrolled in an online criminal justice
program, cracking your own cases with forensic simulations.
Criminal justice is an interdisciplinary major that
delves into every aspect of the law, crime, and the criminal justice system,
according to the College Board. Coursework could include criminology, policing
society, and victimology.
The Online Advantage: Similar to health care administration, putting a criminal justice
program online brings people together from all parts of the country, even the
world, says Loble. This can in turn make for better prepared professionals, she
says, because everyone shares and learns from each other’s community
“It leads to richer responses to case studies
and assignments,” says Loble. “And when you have a country or world-wide
student body, that’s always great for networking down the road.”
#7: Psychology
You’re the problem solver in your group of friends
– the one everyone goes to when they need someone to listen. If so, your
insight into the human mind may be the perfect foundation for earning a
psychology degree online.
According to the College Board, as a psychology
student, you may study the way humans and animals act, think, feel, and learn.
You may take classes such as developmental psychology, perception and
sensation, and social psychology.
The Online Advantage: “So much of psychology is about in-person consultations which makes
online [study] tricky,” says Lobel. “But you can accomplish a lot of
that through webcams and Skype. You can watch case studies and evaluate guest
speaker lectures all on your own time, over and over again.” She explains
that online study gives students a chance to master the concepts at their own
pace, as opposed to a classroom setting where you can’t slow down a professor
or return to a PowerPoint slide.

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