TechnoServe Internal Research Manager Job Vacancy in Uganda

Internal Research Manager

I. Provide Management Expertise
Position Location & Travel Potential: One position based in TechnoServe Uganda-EADD Office with possible but
limited travel across Uganda.
Reports To: Country
Director Uganda/EADD Regional Program Manager
Start Date: ASAP
Job Duration: At least 6 months
Contacts: or
II. General Company Information
TechnoServe, Inc. is an international non-profit
development organization founded in 1968.
Its mission is to help entrepreneurial men and
women in poor rural areas of the developing world to build businesses that create
jobs, income and economic opportunity for their families, their communities and
their countries.
III. Program Purpose:
TechnoServe is working with Heifer International
and the International Livestock Research Institute to implement the East Africa
Dairy Development Program (EADD) in targeted districts in Uganda, Rwanda and
EADD will move smallholder, women and men farmers
out of poverty by improving their participation in the dairy value chain.
The vision of success for the EADD is that the lives
of 179,000 families—or approximately one million people—are transformed by
doubling household dairy income by 2018 through integrated interventions in
dairy production, market-access and knowledge application.
In Uganda, EADD been working to improve marketing
of milk through formal channels to expand access to profitable markets and
generate income for smallholders.
Working in collaboration with dairy processors and
milk collection centers (MCC), EADD has been focusing on improving productivity
and milk quality, setting-up of value added services for farmers, and building
capacity of processors and MCCs.
Given that the traditional market (those dairy
products that are not processed prior to consumption) comprises an estimated XX
percent of the Ugandan market, EADD has been working with Traditional Markets
(TMs) since inception and acknowledges the importance of these distribution
As such, EADD seeks to promote the “regularization”
of these market channels in addition to our work with processors.
Lack of information about the size and composition
of the consumer dairy market is a major barrier to recommending strategies to
formal-market processors and to MCCs seeking to diversify their marketing
This consumer study will be a first step toward
developing strategies for formal-sector processors—including consumer campaigns
and new products and packaging—and for MCCs—including routes-to-market, direct
marketing to consumers, and new products.
To ensure delivery of consumer market study outputs,
TechnoServe EADD (Ug) is recruiting a consultant to manage the market research
The consultant will work directly with the market
research company, Uganda SBM, Uganda CD and TNS Regional Program Manager.
IV. Scope of Work
The key objective of this assignment is to ensure
quality results from a contracted market research firm. The consultant will be
expected to manage the entire research process and the contracting of the
research organization.
The consultant’s activities will cover the
Research process
  • Recruitment of a competent consumer market
    research company
  • Support the research company to develop a
    sampling plan and procedure
  • Work with the research company to develop data
    collection tools
  • Ensure effective data collection techniques
    are applied
  • Supervise data collection
  • Ensure appropriate data analysis method is
  • Provide back-stopping for consumer report
  • Organize for presentation of the results to
Strategies to develop the consumer market
  • From the consumer report, identify target
    consumer segments by size and growth opportunity and key barriers to
    increased consumption.
  • Propose appropriate product and marketing mix
    to address these barriers
  • Identify stakeholders that are best equipped
    to develop and roll out these marketing strategies and develop proposed
    roles and activities for each
  • Identify existing Government of Uganda
    policies that may positively or negatively affect strategies to increase
  • Benchmark the Uganda case against neighboring
    countries and other relevant comparables to develop case studies that
    might provide insight as to how to grow and develop the Uganda consumer
  • Translate the results of the consumer market
    survey analysis into stakeholder engagement strategy goals, messages, and
Staff development
  • Train TNS staff on any identified area of
Management of market research
  • Work plan developed and signed off
  • Consumer market company recruited
  • Research plan developed
  • Sampling procedure and data collection tools
    developed and agreed upon
  • Reliable data collected
  • Presentation meetings organized
Further analysis of consumer survey
  • PPT report on consumer-market survey analysis
    focusing on the following areas:
  1. Description of priority consumer segments,
    including socio-demographic characteristics, size of the segment, usage
    characteristics and attitudes, need-states, and current barriers to
    increased consumption
  2. Recommendations on product/marketing mix
    (including key activities) to address barriers for each priority consumer
  3. Identify key stakeholders to champion key
    activities to address barriers
  4. Recommend preliminary EADD engagement strategy
    with each of the major stakeholders
  5. Recommend role for TNS relative to EADD
  • Reports of presentations to EADD and other
Staff development
  • TNS staff trained on a common area of
V. Skills Required
Qualified consultant should have the following qualifications and skills;
  • Team management skills
  • Background in marketing research
  • Strong interpersonal communication and
    information-gathering skills
  • Ability to structure and manage complex tasks
  • Demonstrated problem-solving skills
  • Proven ability to work independently,
    delivering high-quality end products
  • Excellent analytical skills
  • Excellent writing and PowerPoint presentation
VI. Fees and Expenses
Consultancy fees will be as par agreement between
the consultant and TechnoServe
TechnoServe, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.

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