PhD Positions in Optics and Photonics at ICFO, Spain

Positions in the field of Photonics-related Research fields at ICFO – The
Institute of Photonic Sciences, 2012 Spain
and Photonics
Course Level:PhD
Scholarship Provider: ICFO, Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC)
Scholarship can be taken at: Spain
The ICFO-UPC PhD Fellowship Program welcomes applications from individuals with
backgrounds in any scientific disciplines related to optics and photonics.
Persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply. No restrictions of
citizenship apply to the ICFO-UPC Fellowships. Candidates must hold an
internationally-recognized Master-equivalent degree. Very exceptionally,
outstanding candidates holding an internationally-recognized
Bachelor-equivalent degree might be considered, too. The degree must be in a
field of science and engineering related to optics and photonics. Suitable
backgrounds include optics, physics, mathematics, electronics and
telecommunications engineering. The fellowships are offered for periods of one
year, renewable for a total of four years. The renewal of the fellowship is
conditional on satisfactory performance in research and teaching activities.
Open for International Students
ICFO, in collaboration with the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), is
offering predoctoral fellowships to well-qualified graduate students who wish
to obtain a doctoral degree in any of the photonics-related research fields.
Ph.D. students at ICFO benefit from the extensive course offerings of local
universities and focused instruction by ICFO professors. Research is carried
out at ICFO.
to Apply
Online, To apply for a PhD fellowship position with ICFO, suitable candidates
are requested to submit (in English): – A presentation letter with declaration
of research interests, – A Curriculum Vitae, including contact details, –
Scanned copies of your complete (Bachelor and Master equivalent) University
academic transcripts in English or Spanish, – Scanned copies of the degree
certificates, if available at the time of application, – The contact e-mail of
two potential referees. – If available, scanned copy of standardized test
results (GRE, TOEFL, etc.). Note that submission of test results is optional,
but they can be particularly helpful for evaluating candidates with degrees
obtained outside the European Higher Education Area.
Application Deadline
30th of September, 2012
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