Transition Toronto Short Film Contest

Organization: Transition Toronto
Location: Toronto, Ontario

Win $200 and a GoPro HD Hero 960 Camera

Transition Toronto is holding a short film contest. The films submitted should depict the future of Toronto communities in the year 2030, either after or during a successful transition away from fossil fuels. The films will contribute to the development of art depicting a future in which Toronto residents can live happy, fulfilled lives despite the future’s constraints on energy and environmental resources. Films submitted can be in the style of fictional narratives, documentaries, anything in between, or anything outside of that range.

The best film will win $200 cash and a GoPro HD Hero 960 Camera. Films will be judged by a panel on:
• Portraying a positive, satisfying post-carbon community and/or post-carbon lifestyle in the Toronto of 2030.
• Realistic portrayals of the implications of energy resource restraints (no violations of conservation of energy or conservation of matter laws, and fossil fuel supply limitations should be appropriately considered).
• Specific ties to Toronto communities or the broader city of Toronto.

We are not necessarily looking for films that would fit into the science fiction genre. Film-makers should consider the implications of energy resource limitations on technological development and use.

Don’t know how to make films? Don’t have any funds? No problem.

Transition Toronto and Greg Greene will train you to make films on little to no budget. In a series of 3 workshops, led by award-winning director Greg Greene ( and film-maker Josh Graham, Transition Toronto will train you to “Make a viral video hit with little to no budget.” The workshops will cover:

• Pre-production (July 7th, details here:
• Production (July 21st, details here:
• Post-production (August 4th, details here:

The workshops are scheduled to allow attendees to apply the skills they learn in making their contest submission (though workshop attendees need not necessarily enter the contest). Workshops are $15 each, or $35 for all three. NFB members receive a reduced rate — please ask us about details. Each workshop will run from 7 — 9 pm at the National Film Board of Canada’s Ontario Centre, 150 John St., Toronto.

Entering the Contest
The contest entry fee is $10, or free to anyone attending at least one of the above workshops. Register by emailing with “Film contest” in the subject line and stating your intent to register. Film submission instructions will be given in a reply.

Submissions must be received by August 30th, 2011. Winner will be declared on September 30th.

Suggested Filmography
If you don’t know what we mean by “post-carbon” or a future that exists within our energy budget, check out the following films to gain the appropriate background:

• The End of Suburbia (, not copywritten, so downloading via torrents is legal, or attend our June 30th screening
• The Power of Community (
• Earth 2100 (,
• In Transition 1.0 (,, TTo can provide)
• Farm for the Future (

Transition Toronto

Transition Towns/Cities in Canada

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