Falconwatch Field Watch Coordinator Job Vacancy in Canada

Employer: Hamilton Community Peregrine Project of Hamilton Naturalists’ Club
Location: Hamilton, Ontario

Hamilton Naturalists’ Club –
Hamilton Community Peregrine Project
Falconwatch 2011

Job Description: Field Watch Co-ordinator
Pay rate: $625 Cdn / week for 5 weeks
Period of Contract: 5 weeks beginning approximately 10 June 2011
Candidates must be legally eligible to work in Ontario

The Field Watch portion of the Hamilton Community Peregrine Project (HCPP) provides outdoor monitoring of Peregrine Falcon chicks as they fledge from an urban nest on the Hamilton Sheraton Hotel. The main objective of the watch is to be available to assist the young peregrines, if required, as they fledge from the nest. If any of the peregrines become injured, ill, or stranded at street level, a rescue is to be performed and the bird either taken for medical attention or returned safely to the hotel roof near the nesting site. Otherwise, the Co-ordinator and volunteers are there to observe the birds, make notes on interesting events and occurrences and to educate the public.

Reporting to the (HCPP) Lead Monitor, the Co-ordinator will ensure that all on-site aspects of the program run smoothly during the 5 weeks of the watch. Except as specifically mentioned below, it should not be necessary for the Co-ordinator to arrange for or schedule volunteers. The Lead Monitor is responsible for finding and scheduling volunteers.

This is a contract position. The Field Watch Co-ordinator will not be considered an employee of the Hamilton Naturalists’ Club.

Interested applicants are asked to send a cover letter and resume to:

Audrey Gamble Falconwatch 2011
Application Deadline: May 15, 2011

The Field Watch Co-ordinator will be expected to:
• have qualifications in biology, preferably ornithology, or natural resources management or significant equivalent experience
• be available seven days a week, from 9:00AM to about 9:30PM during the fledging period (approximately three weeks) and at other times (see below) once the chicks leave the nest. During the fledging period, relief coverage for co-ordinator meal breaks will be provided on most days by the Lead or Senior Monitors at arranged times.
• assist at two training sessions and a banding ceremony which may take place prior to the beginning of the contract period
• be able to use a Windows-based personal computer, word processing software, and email
• be able to work easily with volunteers from a diverse cross-section with respect to age, education, knowledge of birds and nature, and varying degrees of Falconwatch experience

The Field Watch will start shortly after the chicks become active on the nest ledge. During the first several days of the watch the co-ordinator will monitor the nest ledge personally. Once the chicks have established routine presence on the nest ledge volunteers will be present daily from 5:00AM to 9:00PM or dusk. Depending on events, the Co-ordinator will work with volunteers at street level or provide co-ordination via radio from the twenty-second floor of the Stelco Tower. Once it is determined that volunteers are no longer required from dawn to dusk, the Co-ordinator will provide coverage at dawn and again at dusk each day and prepare the final report (5:00am-9:00am and again from 5:00pm-9:00pm)

The Co-ordinator will be expected to:
• Assist at the main training session (2 to 4 hours) for Field Watch Volunteers which is normally held approximately one week (on a week evening) before the chicks become active on the ledge.
• Participate in the training session (1 to 3 hours) for the Field Watch Rescue Team which is normally held approximately one week before the chicks become active on the ledge.
• Attend the banding event (2 to 3 hours) which is normally held on a weekday morning when the chicks are approximately 3 weeks of age (in early June)
• Call on downtown property managers to deliver restricted roof access signs and to become acquainted with locations of offices and management personnel. This will be scheduled to follow the banding event.
• Report to Lead Monitor by telephone upon arrival for the day’s scheduled shift and again at the end of the day’s shift.
• Report to Lead Monitor by telephone on the occurrence of significant events such as a bird’s first flight from the nest, a downed bird etc.
• Greet individual Field Watch volunteers during their first shift of the season ensure that they have read the Volunteer’s Manual provided to them during training, and that they are comfortable with their role. If the volunteer did not attend the main training session, the Co-ordinator will provide a copy of the Volunteer’s Manual and review the key points of the training, with special emphasis on personal safety while on duty and all aspects of rescuing a bird should it be required.
• Greet Field Watch volunteers on each subsequent shift either on two way radios if Co-ordinator is in the Stelco tower, or in person in the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board parking lot. At shift changes advise arriving volunteers where every bird is located at that time. Remind them to keep detailed notes and keep everyone on that shift informed as to the birds’ whereabouts on the two way radios. Leave a note for the 5AM shift advising the location of ALL the birds at the end of the previous day.
• Establish and maintain two way radios radio traffic discipline among all Falconwatch participants.
• Accept all calls to the Field Watch cell phone, referring administrative calls to the Lead Monitor and acting on all other calls as required.
• Maintain control of volunteers and equipment, especially when trying to keep track of two or more birds flying at the same time and when more than one volunteer is active. This may involve directing volunteers to specific viewing locations other than the school board parking lot to locate or monitor the birds. Ensure that rescue boxes are equipped and at hand.
• Develop notes on key features of birds to help keep track of individuals through the fledging process
• Co-ordinate rescues of birds during regular shift hours (9:00AM – 9:00PM)
• Call out the rescue team if required during hours (9:00PM – 9:00AM) when not on site, using the rescue team schedule provided by the Lead Monitor
• Establish and/or maintain good relations with area community personnel, including building managers and staff, security managers and staff, parking lot attendants, police on duty, Animal Control as required, etc.
• Assume responsibility for limiting the primary watch area to safe use of assigned space within the parking lot and maintaining good overall public impression of watch area (no litter, no profanity)
• Monitor volunteer attendance per the shift schedule provided by the Lead Monitor
• In the absence of the Lead Monitor, call in relief help if a volunteer cannot take a shift or if extra help is required, using the master list and schedule provided by the Lead Monitor
• Account for all equipment daily; ensure that two way radios are charging when not in use and especially overnight, cell phone batteries are charged, and vests are returned
• Answer questions from the public about Hamilton’s falcons and other peregrine nest sites in the area
• Monitor and enforce keeping of shift logs by volunteers
• Prepare daily reports from personal observations and those of the monitors. Email a daily report to addresses provided by the Lead Monitor. These reports will be posted on the web site.
• Act as the Field Watch representative for contacts with the media if requested by the Lead Monitor. Advise the Lead Monitor if the media make contact in advance of visiting the site. Advise the Lead Monitor if significant events occur so that the Lead Monitor can notify the media. Act as the field watch representative if members of the media arrive at the watch site when the lead monitor is not present.
• Act as liaison with Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources if requested by the lead monitor or if a representative of MNR arrives at the watch site when the lead monitor is not present
• Prepare a comprehensive final report on the Field Watch 2011 process
• Record weekly log of hours worked and submit weekly log and invoice as directed by the Lead Monitor who will arrange for weekly pay cheques
• Visit building managers following Falconwatch to distribute post Falconwatch emergency contact information provided by Lead Monitor and to collect roof access signs for return to Lead Monitor
• Prepare and mail Lead Monitor-reviewed thank you letter to volunteers, HCPP partners and other participants i.e. building landowners, companies that made donations etc.

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