6 Natural Remedies For Dry Eyes

Do you have symptoms such as dry eyes, eye fatigue, itching or vision problems? Have you ever wondered if there are natural remedies for dry eyes?

What are dry eyes?

Eye dryness is a condition that has increased in recent years due to our modern lifestyle. It is one of the most common reasons for consultation, behind visual acuity. It is a disease that can directly affect our quality of life.

There are 3 types of dry eyes: evaporative dryness, aqueous deficiency dryness and mixed dryness.

Generally, a person suffers from dry eye when their tears are of poor quality and/or their production is not enough. As a result, the ocular surface becomes irritated and inflamed and certain symptoms may appear.

Many factors can aggravate or cause dry eyes, including ageing, cosmetics, medicine, eye surgery, and preservatives in eye drops, as well as screen use. The condition of dry eyes can affect anyone.

To treat it, there are also many complementary treatments. Today God Service Eye Clinic talk about natural remedies that can help you alleviate and improve your dry eye symptoms.

Some natural remedies for dry eye


Chamomile is a plant with many beneficial properties, although it is mainly known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Application advice: make a chamomile infusion, soak two pieces of cotton and put them in the eyes for 5 to 10 minutes.

Cornflower water

Cornflower water offers instant relief from dry eyes by helping to soothe and hydrate the eyes, particularly through its action on eye fatigue.

Application advice: Apply cornflower water on cotton pieces and put them in the eyes for 5 to 10 minutes.

Castor oil

Castor oil is one of the bases used in many eye drops because it helps to retain water. It will help prevent tear evaporation and therefore limit dry eyes.

Application advice: Apply a castor oil-based eye drop at night before going to sleep. Attention, it is recommended not to wear contact lenses within 12 hours after application.

Omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3 fatty acids improve the quality of tears thanks to their lipid contribution. A sufficient amount of oil in the tears limits tear evaporation and keeps the eye hydrated.

Application advice: They are found in many foods, especially fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, etc.) and certain oils, mainly vegetables (rapeseed, walnut, linseed, etc.).

Vitamin A

Vitamin A deficiency can cause dry eye, but that’s not all. Vitamin A makes it possible to heal the cornea, which prevents irritation.

Application advice: It can be consumed through food supplements, liver, dairy, and eggs, as well as vibrant vegetables and fruits like tomatoes, peppers, mango, and melon. It can also be applied topically.

Everyday habits

Many natural daily habits can help improve dry eyes. Here are some tips:

  • The hygiene of the eyelids must be regular. After removing make-up, warm the eyelids with a heating effect mask or with hot compresses (for 10-15 minutes). Then, rub your eyes to get rid of the bad meibum. Finally, it is advisable to clean the edge of the eyelids with wipes for dry eyes.
  • Protect your eyes from external factors. Wind, sun or smoke cause dry eyes. Remember to wear glasses whenever you can to prevent your eyes from drying out.
  • Screens are highly harmful to the eyes and can cause them to dry out. In fact, while we are staring at a screen, our eyes tend to blink less, which causes them to dry up. When utilising screens, remember to take regular pauses.
  • It is better to wear prescription glasses than contact lenses. If not fitted, contact lenses can cause dry eyes, as they can use natural tears to hydrate, which in turn dries out the eyes.

Why do we feel dry eyes at night?

Some people don’t sleep with their eyes completely closed and don’t even realize it. Because of this, the air can dry out the surface of the eye and cause dry eyes. Also, at night we don’t blink. Have you ever wondered what blinks are for?

They hydrate the cornea by extending the tear film and stimulating the meibomian glands. These glands, found in the eyelids, produce the oil from the tears and constitute their lipid supply. Therefore, they have an essential role in limiting the evaporation of tears.

Does tear production slow down at night?

When we sleep, our body goes through different cycles, including deep and light sleep phases. The body slows down its processes, including the production of tears, during these phases. In fact, this production naturally decreases at night when the eyes are closed and at rest. Therefore, the ideal is to prevent dry eye to limit the symptoms that can be experienced.

Why do we have rheumy eyes when we wake up?

When we sleep, we do not blink, so the meibomian glands produce less lipid, while mucus, secreted by the conjunctiva cells, and enzymes remain active. These secretions are normally evacuated when blinking, but at night the secretions are not evacuated and harden, thus creating crusts on the corner of the eye and sometimes on the eyelashes.

Some tips to limit dry eyes at night

  1. Increase the humidity in the room with an air humidifier. If you use a heating or air conditioning system, you may increase your risk of dry eye. If the humidity is less than 30%, it may cause increased dry eyes. The ideal humidity level should be between 40% and 60% to limit the symptoms of dry eyes.
  2. Use a sleep mask. This trick helps prevent air from getting into your eyes if they’re not completely closed, which can prevent you from having dry eyes and sticky lids when you wake up. Wearing a sleep mask can help keep the surface of your eye moist by reducing the evaporation of natural tears.
  3. Use eye gels at night, which can help limit dry eye symptoms by offering prolonged hydration. This is because they contain hydrating ingredients that adhere to the surface of the eye and maintain its hydration for longer than traditional artificial tears.
  4. Remember to remove contact lenses before bed. Sleeping with contact lenses is not recommended, as they can increase the risk of eye infections and irritations. Contact lenses reduce the oxygen available to the eyes and use tears to hydrate. Therefore, in order not to take risks, it is essential to remove them before going to bed and follow hygiene measures.
  5. Don’t forget to remove your make-up before going to bed. This is an essential step to avoid dry eyes because makeup can cause irritation and clog the glands that produce tears. If these glands are clogged, the production of tears will be less and, therefore, there will be a greater chance of suffering from dry eye.
  6. Wash your eyelids daily. The eyelids can accumulate secretions, oils/creams, as well as bacteria throughout the day, which can lead to eye problems such as infections, inflammations, and dry eye. In fact, accumulations on the eyelids can clog the glands that produce tears and therefore cause dry eyes.

If you suffer from disorders related to dry eyes, do not hesitate to consult an ophthalmologist.

Photo Credit: Burjeel Hospital

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