Building a Serverless Application With AWS Lambda and API Gateway

The rapid advancement of digital technology has made the present world more creative and competitive. Thus, we require solutions for developing competitive and user-friendly apps. But what is serverless computing?  And how can we build a Serverless Application with AWS Lambda and API Gateway? That is the crux of this article. Let us dig deeper to find how Node.js benefits web application development.

Table of contents :

  • Introduction
  • What is Serverless?
  • History of Serverless
  • What is Cloud computing?
  • Cloud computing models
  • How Serverless computing came into being?
  • FaaS and BaaS as Serverless
  • Building a Serverless Application with AWS Lambda and API Gateway
  • Configuration on AWS
  • Create the Resource and Method
  • Deployment of API
  • Conclusion


As developers, we are always trying to optimize everything from how people communicate to how people buy things. The goal is to make humans arguably more productive. In the spirit of making humans more productive, the software development landscape has seen a dramatic rise in the emergence of developer productivity tools. This is especially true of the software infrastructure space. Innovators are creating solutions that allow developers to focus more on writing actual business logic and less on mundane deployment concerns.

What is Serverless?

To understand what serverless is, first we need to understand what servers are and how they have evolved over time. So, what are servers? When we build software systems, most times we build them for people. For that reason, we make these applications findable on the interwebs. Making an application discoverable, ideally, entails uploading that application to a special computer that runs 24/7 and is super-fast. This special computer is called a server.

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The History of Servers

Almost two decades ago, when companies wanted to upload a piece of software they had built to a server, they would have to purchase a physical computer, configure the computer, and then deploy their application to that computer. In cases where they needed to upload several applications, they would have to get and set up multiple servers, too. Everything was done on-premise.

The problem of Servers

It did not take long for people to notice the many problems that came with approaching servers that way.

  • There is the problem of developer productivity: a developer’s attention is divided between writing code and dealing with the infrastructure that serves the code. This issue could easily be addressed by getting other people to deal with the infrastructure issues
  • The problem of cost. These people dealing with the infrastructure concerns would have to be paid, right? In fact, just having to purchase a server even for seemingly basic test applications is a costly affair.
  • Furthermore, if we begin to factor in other elements like scaling a server’s computing capability when there is a spike in traffic or simply just updating the server’s OS and drivers over time.

The concern arises is how exhausting it is to keep an in-house server. People craved something better. There was a need. AWS took away the need for organizations to set up their in-house server. Instead, organizations and even individuals could just upload their applications to Amazon’s computers over the internet for some fee. And this server-as-a-service model announced the start of cloud computing.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing is fundamentally about storing files or executing code or sometimes both on someone else’s computer, usually, over a network.

Cloud computing platforms like AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Heroku, and others exist to save people the stress of having to set up and maintain their own servers.

The thing which is outstandingly unique about cloud computing is the fact that you could be in any part of the world and rent a computer in any other corner of the world. You can then access that computer you have rented and do stuff with it over the internet. Essentially, cloud vendors provide us with compute environments to upload and run our custom software. The environment we get from these providers is something that has progressed, and now exists in different forms.

Cloud computing models

In cloud computing parlance, we use the term cloud computing models to refer to the different environments most cloud vendors offer. Each new model in the cloud computing scene is usually created to enhance developer productivity and shrink infrastructure and labour costs.

For example, when AWS was first launched, it had the Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) service. The EC2 is structurally a bare-bones machine. People that pay for EC2 service would have to do a lot of configurations like installing an OS, a database, and maintaining these things for as long as they own the service.

  • Infrastructure as a Service

While EC2 offers lots of flexibility, it also requires lots of effort to work with. EC2 and other services like it across other cloud providers fall under the cloud computing model called Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Not having to purchase a physical machine and set it up on-premise makes the IaaS model quite superior to the on-premise server model. But still, the fact that owners must configure and maintain lots of things makes the IaaS model makes it a not so easy model to work with. The major problem with IaaS is having to configure and maintain a lot of things. For example, OS installation, patch upgrades, discovery, and so on.

  • Platform as a Service

The somewhat labour-intensive requirements of the IaaS model eventually also became a source of concern. To address that, the next cloud computing model, Platform as a Service (PaaS), was born. In the PaaS model, all that is abstracted. A machine in the PaaS model comes pre-installed with an OS, and patch upgrades on the machine amongst others are the vendor’s responsibility.In the PaaS model, developers only deploy their applications, and the cloud providers handle some of the low-level stuff. While this model is easier to work with, it also implies less flexibility. Elastic Beanstalk from AWS and Heroku are some of the examples of offerings in this model.

In both the IaaS and PaaS models, developers had to manually deal with scaling up/down a server’s computing capability. Additionally, with both the IaaS and PaaS platforms, most vendors charge a flat fee for their services and it is not based on usage. In situations where the fee is based on usage, it is usually not very precise. Lastly, in both the IaaS and PaaS models, applications are long-lived (always running even when there are no requests coming in). That in turn results in the inefficient use of server resources. The above concerns led to the next evolution of the cloud.

How Serverless Computing came into being?

Just like IaaS and PaaS, Serverless is a cloud computing model. It is the most recent evolution of the cloud just after PaaS. Like IaaS and PaaS, with serverless, you do not have to buy physical computers. Furthermore, just as it is in the PaaS model, you do not have to significantly configure and maintain servers. Additionally, the serverless model went a step further: it took away the need to manage long lived application instances, and to manually scale server resources up or down based on traffic. Payment is precisely based on usage, and security concerns are also abstracted.

In the serverless model, you no longer must worry about anything infrastructure-related because the cloud providers handle all that. And this is exactly what the serverless model is all about: allowing developers and whole organizations to focus on the dynamic aspects of their project while leaving all the infrastructure concerns to the cloud provider.

Literally all the infrastructure concerns from setting up and maintaining the server to auto scaling server resources up from and down to zero and security concerns. And in fact, one of the killer features of the serverless model is the fact that users are charged precisely based on the number of requests the software they deployed has handled. So, we can now say that serverless is the term we use to refer to any cloud solution that takes away all the infrastructure concerns we normally would have to worry about. For example, AWS Lambda, Azure functions, and others.

We also use the term serverless to describe applications that are designed to be deployed to or interact with a serverless environment.

A cloud offering is considered a BaaS and by extension serverless if it replaces certain components of our application that we would normally code or manage ourselves. For example, when you use Google’s Firebase authentication service or Amazon’s Cognito service to handle user authentication in your project, then you have leveraged a BaaS offering.

A cloud offering is considered a FaaS and by extension serverless if it takes away the need to deploy our applications as single instances that are then run as processes within a host. Instead, we break down our application into granular functions (with each function ideally encapsulating the logic of a single operation). Each function is then deployed to the FaaS platform.

Way too abstract? Okay, see the image below:

All FaaS platforms are event-driven. Essentially, every function we deploy is mapped to some event. And when that event occurs, the function is triggered.

FaaS and BaaS as serverless

Summarily, we use the term serverless to describe a Function as a Service or Backend as Service cloud solution when

  • We do not have to manage long lived application instances or hosts for applications we deploy.
  • We do not have to manually scale up/down computing resources depending on traffic because the server automatically does that for us.
  • The pricing is precisely based on usage
  • Any application that is built on a significant number of BaaS solutions or designed to be deployed to a FaaS platform or even both can also be considered serverless.

Building a serverless application with AWS Lambda and API Gateway

What are AWS Lambda and API Gateway?

They are serverless cloud solutions. Remember we stated that all serverless cloud solutions belong to one of two categories: BaaS and FaaS. AWS Lambda is a Function as a Service platform and API Gateway is a Backend as a Service solution.

How is API Gateway a Backend as a Service platform?

Well, normally we implement routing in our applications ourselves. With API Gateway, we don’t have to do that – instead, we cede the routing task to API Gateway.

AWS Lambda, API Gateway, Our Application – How are all these connected?

The connection is simple. AWS Lambda is where we will be deploying our actual application code. But because AWS Lambda is a FaaS platform, we are going to break our application into granular functions, with each function handling a single operation. We will then deploy each function to AWS Lambda. Lall other FaaS platforms, it is event-driven. So, when you deploy a function to the platform, that function only does something when some event it is tied to happens.

In our case, we will be deploying a minimal REST API backend. Because we are going serverless and more specifically the FaaS way, we are going to break down our REST backend into independent functions. Each function will be tied to some HTTP request. API Gateway is the tool that we will use to tie a request to a function we’ve deployed. So, when that request comes in, the function is invoked.

Configuration on AWS 

The primary task here is to build a minimal paraphrasing tool. We are going to create a REST endpoint that accepts a POST request with some text as the payload. Our endpoint will then return a paraphrased version of that text as the response. To achieve that, we will code a lambda function that does the actual paraphrasing of text blocks. We will then connect our function to the API gateway, just so whenever there is a POST request, our function will be triggered.

But first, there are certain things we need to configure. Follow the steps in the following sections to configure all that you would need to complete the task in this part.

  • Step 1 – Create an AWS Account
  • Step 2 – Code our Lambda Function on AWS

Please note that we are going to need a function that does the actual text paraphrasing, and this is where we do that. Follow the steps mentioned below to create the lambda function:

  1. Login to your AWS account using the credentials in step 1. In the search field, input ‘lambda’, and then select Lambda from the list of services displayed.
  2. Click the create function button on the Lambda page.
  3. Keep the default Author from scratch card selected.
  4. Enter paraphrase_text in the Name field.
  5. Select Python 3.9 for the Runtime.
  6. Leave all the other default settings as they are and click on create function.
  7. Scroll down to the Function code section and replace the existing code in the code editor with the code given  below:

import http.client

def lambda_handler(event, context):

# TODO implement

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(“”)

payload = event[‘body’]

headers = {

‘content-type’: “application/json”,

‘x-rapidapi-host’: “”,

‘x-rapidapi-key’: “your api key here”


conn.request(“POST”, “/api/rewrite”, payload, headers)

res = conn.getresponse()

data =

return {

‘statusCode’: 200,

‘body’: data


Step 3: Test our Lambda Function on AWS

Here, we will test our lambda function with a sample input to see that it produces the expected behavior: paraphrasing whatever text it is passed.

To test your just created lambda function, follow the following steps:

  1. From the main edit screen for your function, select Configure test event from the Test dropdown.
  2. Keep Create new test event selected.
  3. Enter TestRequestEvent in the Event name field
  4. Copy and paste the following test event into the editor:


“path”: “/paraphrase”,

“httpMethod”: “POST”,

“headers”: {

“Accept”: “*/*”,

“content-type”: “application/json; charset=UTF-8”


“queryStringParameters”: null,

“pathParameters”: null,

“body”: “{\r\”sourceText\”: \”The bone of contention right now is how to make plenty money. \”\r\r\n    }”


You can replace the body text with whatever content you want. Once you’re done pasting the above code, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Click create.
  2. On the main function edit screen, click Test with TestRequestEvent selected in the dropdown.
  3. Scroll to the top of the page and expand the Details section of the Execution result section.
  4. Verify that the execution succeeded and that the function result looks like the following:



“statusCode”: 200,

“body”: “{\”newText\”:\”The stumbling block right now is how to make big bucks.\”}”


As seen above, the original text we passed our lambda function has been paraphrased.

Step 3: Exposing our Lambda Function Via the API Gateway.

Now that we’ve coded our lambda function and it works, here, we’ll expose the function through a REST endpoint that accepts a POST request. Once a request is sent to that endpoint, our lambda function will be called.

Follow the steps below to expose your lambda function via the API Gateway

Create the API

  1. In the search field, search and select API Gateway
  2. On the API Gateway page, there are four cards under the choose an API type heading. Go to the REST API card and click build.
  3. Next, provide all the required information as shown in the image below and click Create API.
  4. For endpoint type, select Edge optimized

Create the Resource and Method

In the steps above we created an API. But an API usually has endpoint(s). An endpoint usually specifies a path and the HTTP method it supports. For example, GET /get-user. Here, we call the path resource, and the HTTP verb tied to a path a method. Thus, resource + method = REST endpoint.

Here, we are going to create one REST endpoint that will allow users pass a text block to be paraphrased to our lambda function. Follow the steps below to accomplish that:

  • First from the Actions dropdown select Create Resource.
  • Next, fill the input fields and tick the check-box as shown in the image below
  • Click Create Resource.

You can replace resource name and resource path with anything you see fit. Notice how we have also enabled CORS.

  • With the newly created /paraphrase resource selected, from the Action dropdown select Create Method.
  • Select POST from the new dropdown that appears, then click the checkmark.
  • Provide all the other info shown in the image below and click save.
  • lambda function is the name of the function we create in one of the previous steps.

Deployment of API

  • In the Actions drop-down list, select Deploy API.
  • Select [New Stage] in the Deployment stage drop-down list.
  • Enter production or whatever you wish for the Stage Name.
  • Choose Deploy.
  • Note the invoke URL is your API’s base URL. It should look something like this:{stage name}
  • To test your endpoint, you can use postman or curl. Append the path to your endpoint to the end of the invoke URL like so:{stage name}/paraphrase. And of course the request method should be POST.
  • When testing, also add the expected payload to the request like so:


“sourceText”: “The bone of contention right now is how to make plenty of money”.



First, we learned about serverless, then, we set up a lightweight serverless application with AWS Lambda and API Gateway. Serverless does not imply the complete absence of servers, though. Everything depends on having a deployment flow where you do not have to worry about servers. The servers are still present, but the cloud provider is taking care of them. We are going serverless each time we build a significant component of our application on top of BaaS technologies or whenever we structure our application to be compatible with any FaaS platform.

Author Bio

Bala SubbaRao Kunta is a technical content creator who works for Mindmajix. He is passionate about technology and possesses an interest in writing content that relates to the latest technologies like IOT, AI, Devops, Machine Learning, and Data Science.  In his free time, he likes playing cricket.

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