Financial Inclusion Specialist Job Vacancy at International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC)


The 2SCALE program1 is designed to incubate and accelerate inclusive business development in African agri-food systems. 2SCALE works together with companies (African, Dutch, and other small and medium-sized enterprises – SMEs) and producer organizations (POs) to develop business models and partnership models that promote inclusiveness, develop competitive edge, and have potential for scaling. These partnerships, also referred to as public-private partnerships (PPPs), are the core implementation modality to achieve the objectives of the program.

Specifically, 2SCALE supports partnerships in target agri-food industries with significant potential to:

  • Improve food and nutrition security, both at grassroots level and at the consumer end of the value chain by serving local and regional markets (including Base-of-the-Pyramid – BoP – markets) with nutritious food
  • improve the terms of inclusion of smallholder farmers and other micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the value chains
  • attract and employ the youth
  • engage and empower women

To strengthen PPPs, 2SCALE also collaborates with companies and organizations that provides specific expertise to support the target agri-food value chains.

2SCALE is co-funded by the private sector and by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS). Building on a first phase (2012-18), the current phase of 2SCALE runs from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2023. It is awarded to a consortium led by the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) and comprising the Base-of- the-Pyramid Innovation Center (BoPInc) and the Netherlands Development Organization (SNV).

2SCALE offers a range of support services to private partners – companies and farmer groups – enabling them to produce, transform and supply quality food products to local, national, and regional end-user markets, including Base of the Pyramid consumers. 2SCALE is supporting Agri-value chains (VCs) in Nigeria, with greater need of strengthening SMEs and farmer groups financial capacities. 2SCALE is partnering with Adefunke-Desh Nigeria Limited and Nalmaco Nigeria Limited in the sorghum value chain in northwestern Nigeria. The partnership is implemented using the PPP approach to improve the terms of inclusion for 20,000 SHFs and support them with financial services to expand the value chain and meet industry demand for high quality and traceable grains.


The principal deliverable of this consultancy will be to develop financing investment proposal for presentation to potential investors/financial institutions (FIs).


  1. Support 2SCALE sorghum aggregators (Nalmaco and Adefunke-Desh) in revising financing investment proposal
  1. Support the aggregators to develop or revise strategic/ business plan
  2. Develop a financial model for reflecting its profitability and financial needs
  3. Support the aggregators to develop cashflow forecasts including market studies or other research supporting their conclusions and
  4. Conduct a risk analysis for the financial plans and evaluate capital expansion
  5. Analyze market trends and identify risks and opportunities around indigenous

Environmental screening and mitigation measures

The proposed assignment does not have a negative influence on the environment. However, its success can bring about increases investment in farms which could have environmental implications. In view of the broad action plans for partnerships have strategies to mitigate the effects of farm expansion on the environment. Farmers will be trained on the appropriate use of pesticides as well as IPM methodologies to reduce the use of inorganic pesticides. Conservation agriculture techniques will be encouraged among farmers.

Expected results

The following are the expected outcomes of this assignment.

  • A financing investment proposal to be shared with potential
  • Supporting documents to be attached to the financing


No Deliverable Format Deadline Comment
1 Work plan for the assignment Word 10th December – having a clear budget and timelines
2 Financing strategic investment proposal plan Word 30th December The proposals shall be detailed to include clear description of the business/company, management experience, key financial data, and marketing plans
3 Cashflow forecasts Excel 30th December The cashflow forecasts will be detailed enough and will have assumptions/ notes to support the figures.


 Itinerary, schedule, and Level of Effort (LOE)


# Task Itinerary or base Timeframe LOE


1 Reading and detailed review of relevant documents Last week of November 2
2 Conduct risk analysis Last week of November- Frist week December 3
3 Development of Cashflow forecasts First – Second week of December 4
4 Compile a detailed strategic business or investment plan Third and fourth week of December 5
5 Report Last week of December 4
  Incorporate comments and final document submission Last week of December 2020 3
Total 20



The consultant will be based in Northern Nigeria. S/he will travel to Zaria if necessary, for this assignment.


Collaboration and Reporting

The consultant will report to CTL of Nigeria. S/he will also work closely with Adefunke-Desh and/or Nalmaco and wherever necessary the 2SCALE financial inclusion specialist.


Payment frequency

Payment terms Amount Deliverables
First Payment 50% When deliverable 1 is completed and accepted by 2SCALE
Final 50% When all the deliverables are submitted, and accepted by 2SCALE


Required Skills


Interested partners must demonstrate the following:

  • Minimum of 5-10 years’ experience in financial proposal development, agribusiness operations, financial information management including capacity to prepare logical, coherent, and consistent documents.
  • Experience in developing business plans, marketing plan and budgets/forecasts
  • Excellent analytical skills, along with the ability to analyze market trends and identify business
  • Strong orientation in agriculture financial
  • Knowledge and experience in assessing organizations financial


Required Experience

Interested partners must demonstrate the following:

  • Minimum of 5-10 years’ experience in financial proposal development, agribusiness operations, financial information management including capacity to prepare logical, coherent, and consistent documents.
  • Experience in developing business plans, marketing plan and budgets/forecasts
  • Excellent analytical skills, along with the ability to analyze market trends and identify business risks.
  • Strong orientation in agriculture financial modelling.
  • Knowledge and experience in assessing organizations financial status.


How to Apply

Applicants should send their CV and any relevant documents to show their qualification and competence to carry out the assignment to and copying


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