What Does a Pole Dancing Lesson Include? Discover the Key Components



Embark on a journey into the world of pole dancing and discover what a pole dancing lesson truly involves. From calorie-burning workouts to graceful choreography, this article delves into the key components that make up a pole dancing class.

Pole Dancing Lesson: What does include?

A Pole Dancing lesson not only can burn up to 600 calories but it is a complete workout for the entire body. Perhaps Pole Dancing was related only to nightclubs in the past but in recent years this has been reversed. Nowadays, Pole Dancing has become a huge success and it is taught in gyms and dance schools around the world.

After a few lessons, you will discover muscles you did not know existed as it exercises different muscle groups simultaneously. Thanks to that you’ll see your body changing too fast and your strength rising dramatically.

How long is a lesson?

A typical lesson lasts 60 minutes:

  • 15-minute warm-up
  • 40-minute main lesson
  • 5-minute recovery


Warming up includes aerobic exercises, strength training, and stretching. Warming up is planned according to the level of the class to prepare the body for the exercises to be followed.
Read the 9 benefits of warm-up here

Main lesson

A Pole Dancing course includes a variety of movements such as spins around the pole, climbing, and dance moves on the pole or the ground.
The instructor will initially present the move, then she/he’ll explain it and then he/she will help you execute it. Unlike an aerobics class, here you can take a break after performing the exercises. These regular breaks mean that the Pole Dance can be characterized as “interval training”.

Interval training is known to be one of the best ways to burn fat and improve cardiovascular function.


Once you have learned the basic techniques, you will be called to learn a choreography combining all the movements into a single result. Strength, technique, grace and flow are needed in a choreography. Through choreography, you will enhance strength, musicality, quality of movement, and the “lines” of your body. 



The Freestyle is the unplanned dance when you dance spontaneously. Freestyle dance is …free because you don’t have to follow any specific steps as you would do in a choreography. It is primarily based on the feelings and inspiration of the person dancing. The freestyle is the ideal way to “untie yourself.”


Floorwork is about dance exercises that are used as a means of a smooth transition to and from the pole. It also serves as a break from the pole allowing the dancer to rest.

Considered as floor work:

  1. The transition from the pole to the floor
  2. The movements that are made on the floor
  3. The transition from the floor to the pole


At the end of the course, there must always be a recovery which includes gentle stretching and breathing to return heart rates to normal levels.

A few more things:

  • It’s not as scary as it seems. Nobody is going to ask you to flip from the first lesson.
  • No need to be half-naked or wear high heels to attend a Pole Dancing lesson.
  • The friction of the skin with the metal material of the pole is expected to create bruises on your skin.
  • Nobody is going to judge you. During the course, only the Pole Dance instructor will pay attention to what you are doing.
  • Unlike other sports or dances where the objectives are long-term, in Pole Dancing you experience a sense of achievement in each lesson. This sense is what makes Pole Dancing addictive!
  • Unlike gyms, nobody will remind you in a Pole Dancing school that you are there to lose weight. You are there to learn the next trick, the weight loss is secondary!
  • Remember the move at the beginning of the course which seemed impossible? At the end of the course, it will not be anymore!
  • Discover the Perfect Pole Dancing Equipment Here!


Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced dancer, a pole dancing lesson offers a transformative experience for the mind and body. Explore the different elements of a lesson, embrace your creativity through freestyle dance, and share your tips and experiences in the comments section below.

Source: Vertical Wise


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