NUDOR is a civil society organization established in 2010 by eight national organizations of persons with disabilities. NUDOR exists to strengthen the voice of the disability movement in Rwanda. Together NUDOR and its members are working so that persons with disabilities can enjoy the equal rights to which they are entitled.

NUDOR’s vision is a society where people with a disability enjoy the same human rights and opportunities as other citizens. Its mission is to serve as a platform for organizations of People with Disabilities, to share their experiences, to express their views and to support them in strengthening their capacities and achievements.


Consultancy to develop an evidence-based Alternative report on the implementation progress of the UNCRPD Concluding Observations  for Rwanda of 2019 including recommendations for continued progress

Background to the assignment

The Government of Rwanda ratified the UNCRPD (United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability) on 15th December 2008.

This gave a mandate to the Government to develop the initial state report on CRPD implementation progress which has done and submitted to UNCRPD Committee on 15th October 2015.

In Articles 33.3, the UNCRPD gives the mandate to the fact that “Civil Society, in particular persons with disabilities and their representative organizations, shall be involved and participate fully in the monitoring process of the CRPD implementation.”

From that, NUDOR initiated the process of developing the Alternative report (Parallel report) on the implementation progress of the convention that has submitted to UNCRPD committee of Geneva on 31st August 2018.

At the end, this process led to have the concluding observations for Rwanda issued by the UNCRPD Committee in April 2019.

The roadmap of the implementation plan of mentioned concluding observations has been developed 2020 by NCPD and Ministry of Justice in partnership with NUDOR and other CSOs operating locally in disability inclusion area.

According to the road map of the implementation plan, NUDOR is aiming to assess up to date the implementation progress of those CRPD concluding observations and then develop related evidence-based alternative report including recommendations for advancement.

Objectives of the assignment 

Overall Objective

The objective of the assignment is to develop an evidence-based Alternative Report of the implementation progress on UNCRPD concluding observations for Rwanda in 2019 according to the roadmap developed by the Government.

Specific Objectives

  • Empowering NUDOR team and marginalized groups in charge of data collection in data collection technics(training materials, transport and accommodation of participants will be supported by NUDOR)
  • Define the methodology and the approach to be used in data collection
  • Analyse the collected data by using NVivo software
  •  Assess the impact of the UNCRPD concluding observations  on the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the various government programs by measuring the real change or lived experiences of individuals/households of persons with disabilities
  • Organise and facilitate three Meetings with 25 participants in charge of data collection; one meeting for preparation of data collection, One Mid-term evaluation of the process, and a third for closing observations
  • Coordinate the data collection sessions  (evidence-based information & data) on the implementation progress of the UNCRPD Concluding observations for Rwanda including recommendations for continued progress
  • Draw lessons and indicators for the next parallel report
  • Develop an evidence-based Alternative report on the up to date implementation progress of the UNCRPD concluding observations for Rwanda including recommendations for advancement

Expected result and key deliverables

  • The result of the assignment will be that NUDOR and its stakeholders have gathered significant wealth of information on the UNCRPD concluding observations for Rwanda, their current implementation progress and the way forward.
  • The timescale for deliverables is as follows:
  • Inception report detailing the methodology, technics, list of persons/institutions to be consulted and timeframe to conduct the assignment
  • A draft report addressing each of the objectives of the assignment within 50 days calendar of contract signing
  • Validation workshops which ensure separate active engagement of all stakeholders (NUDOR & its members, DRF,… ) in validation of the report within 55 days calendar of contract signing
  • A final report incorporating feedback from the semi validation and validation meetings within 60 days calendar of contract signing


Materials for meetings and data collection, transport and accommodation of participants in all sessions will be supported by NUDOR

Scope of the assignment 

The consultant will conduct the assignment in Kigali City (Within concerned ministries, Government institutions, DOPs, etc) and in Five Districts of Rwanda (Musanze, Burera, Musanze, Gatsibo and Nyaruguru)

The assignment is expected to be completed within 60 calendar days from the signing of contract.

The Consultant will work under supervision of the NUDOR Project Manager with technical support from NUDOR secretariat.

The following tasks are assigned to the consultant:   

  • Submit an inception report detailing the methodology and timeframe to conduct the assessment with necessary tools to be used for data collection;
  • Develop the tools to be used to collect information as required;
  • Gather required information as needed by accessing relevant documents/reports and engaging with relevant stakeholders;
  • Analyse the up to date status of Core International Human Rights Treaties ratified by Rwanda Government and relate them to the CRPD Concluding observation roadmap and implementation progress:
  • CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
  • CRC: Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • UPR : Universal Periodic Review 
  • Collect data within mention districts, concerned ministries, Government institutions, DOPs,…
  • Analyse collected data and produce an assessment report responding to the specific objectives;
  • Provide regular updates to NUDOR Project Manager and project team for feedback and guidance;
  • Present the initial findings to NUDOR project team;
  • Present the draft report to NUDOR project team
  • Present the final draft report to NUDOR stakeholders for validation;
  • Finalize the assessment report by integrating the provided comments during the validation session;
  • Submit final report to NUDOR secretariat.

Requirements for submission of proposal.

  • The consultant may be an institution/firm or an independent/individual person

The consultant(s) shall have:

  • Extensive experience in shadow report development and familiar with CRPD monitoring.
  • A background in disability rights monitoring reporting is mandatory;
  • Extensive experience in carrying out research using a variety of sources and techniques evidence based.
  • To be familiar with NVivo software
  • Understanding and appreciation of the rights of persons with disability as a social issue.
  • Strong interpersonal, writing, presentation, and organizational skills are required.
  • Ability to communicate technical information to a non-technical audience is critical
  • Ability to work as a team member and collaborate with others.
  • Professional and mature demeanour.
  • Valid certificate of registration of the consultancy firm provided by RDB
  • Certificate of registration and non-claim issued by RRA
  • Valid RSSB clearance certificate
  • Valid VAT certificate of non-clearance provided by RRA
  • Proof of having the electronic billing machine (EBM) from RRA
  • Certified od academic degree  in Law, social sciences, Project management or any other related field
  • Proficiency in English; Kinyarwanda would be an advantage.


  • All ministries, government institutions and other organizations mentioned in the roadmap as responsible implementers will be contacted by Questionnaire
  • 15 NUDOR members  will be consulted by focus group discussions
  • 8 District officials(6 V/M ASOC, Dr Social protection, Dr of Education, Dr of Health, Dr of planner, Advisor of Executive committee), NCPD coordinator at District level and the president of NUDOR Platform (Interview or focus group discussion )
  • Data collection in Districts and within NUDOR members will be conducted by NUDOR team with supervision of the consultant. NUDOR will accommodate its team during the sessions.
  • Data collection within ministries, government institutions and other organizations mentioned in the roadmap as responsible implementers will be conducted by the consultant

Schedule of the work

  • Kick-off  meeting with ministries officials and data collectors is planned for July 2022
  • Data collection at all levels (District , Ministries and government institutions and DPOs) is planned from July 2022
  • Mid-term evaluation of the process meeting  with 20 participants in charge of data collection is planned for August 2022
  • Data analysis planned August 2022
  • Validation meeting planned for September 2022

Application process 

  • Interested consultants should submit the following in a sealed envelope with the title “Consultancy to develop an evidence-based Alternative Report on the implementation progress of the UNCRPD Concluding Observations     for Rwanda”. 
  • Technical proposal describing how the consultant intends to undertake this assignment in a sealed envelope with the title of the assignment.
  • The Bidder shall identify, in summary format, the names, education, experience and professional qualifications of the individuals/or firm’s individuals proposed for carrying out this assignment ;
  • Copy of degrees for the consultant (s) (not necessarily notified)
  • A Financial proposal that explains the costs of the assignment: The Bidder must propose realistic and reasonable costs for the work, in accordance with the Bidder’s technical approach

The application should be submitted not later than 17th June 2022, 12:00 am, both in electronic copies at  and hard copy at NUDOR office located at Kicukiro District, NIBOYE sector, NIBOYE Cell, KK21 Av. Building 26

Done at Kigali on 26/05/2022

NSENGIYUMVA Jean Damascène

Executive Secretary



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