Health Development Initiative (HDI) is an independent, non-profit organization based in Kigali and registered with the Rwandan government. HDI strives to improve both the quality and accessibility of healthcare for all Rwandans.

Terms of Reference (Consultant)

Conduct an impact and end-line assessment survey of the project titled ‘’strengthening CSOs capacity to participate and contribute in policy making processes’’

  1. Introduction

Health Development Initiative-Rwanda (HDI) is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit organization based in Kigali.

HDI advocates for and supports inclusive, health-friendly policies and services for everyone regardless of social, cultural, economic or any other status.

Using a rights-based approach, HDI builds sustainable alliances to advocate for and support, inclusive, health-friendly policies and services for everyone regardless of social, cultural, economic or any other status.

Since November 2018, HDI in consortium with Great Lakes Initiative for Human Rights and Development (GLIHD), Ihorere Munyarwanda Organization (IMRO), and the Rwandan NGO Forum for HIV and Health Promotion are implementing the project titled: ‘’Strengthening Rwandan Civil Society Organizations’ Capacity to contribute to Policy’’. The project is funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Rwanda.

As we are getting closer to the completion of this project, which we have been implementing for more than three years, HDI would like to hire a consultant with expertise in monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL) to provide consultancy services in conducting theendline survey of the project’s achievements, with focus on how the project strengthened CSOs’ capacity to participate and contribute to policy making processes.

  1. About the Project

The project titled ‘’Strengthening CSOs capacity to participate and contribute in the policy making processes’’ was funded by the state of the Netherlands, represented by the Minister for foreign trade and development cooperation for the implementation period of three years. The project is being implemented by a consortium of four CSOs namely HDI (the lead), Great Lakes Initiative for Human Rights and Development (GLIHD), Ihorere Munyarwanda Organisation (IMRO) and Rwanda NGO Forum on HIV and Health Promotion (RNGOF). The project is being implemented in 11 districts namely; Nyarugenge, Kicukiro, and Gasabo, Musanze and Rulindo, Huye and Nyanza. Rubavu and Karongi, Rwamagana, Bugesera.

The overall goal of the project is to strengthen the capacity of CSOs, involved in the justice and human rights sector, to participate and contribute in policy making processes. The specific objectives of the project are to market role of CSOs to state actors and bolster CSOs’ relationships and participatory engagement with government; strengthen CSO cross-collaboration to meaningfully engage in policy processes; increase CSO capacity to conduct effective advocacy; leverage the courts as a tool for advocacy as well as to build the evidence-base and increase innovation around CSO impact.

  1. About the Evaluation

HDI is behind the request for a final external evaluation. The final external evaluation is an integral activity of the project that aims at demonstrating the impact of the project in line with the objectives, expected outcomes as well as project indicators.

  1. Expectation and Objectives of the Evaluation

The external evaluation should make it possible to assess:

  • The relevance of the objectives set by the project;
  • The effectiveness of the project and the quality of the project steering and project management;
  • The efficiency of the project (analysis of the relationship between resources employed and the results obtained)
  • The impact of the project on the target groups;
  • The strengths and weaknesses of the project in relation to the various points listed above, and will underline the main lessons that can be learned from them,
  • draw lessons learned, and make operational and general recommendations in order to feed the reflection of the consortium concerning the possible continuation of an action in the same sector.
  1. Scope of the evaluation

The evaluation will relate to the project “Strengthening CSOs capacity to participate and contribute to policies” as a whole. The timeframe which the evaluation will consider is that of the implementation of the project, which began in November 2018 and will end in June 2022.

  1. Duration

The successful consultant will start this assignment as soon as possible following the completion of the recruitment process and signing the contract thereof. The duration of the consultancy is expected to be not more than 60 working days from the signature of the contract.

  1. Responsibility

The consultant will be under the supervision of Associate Director of the HDI’s Policy and Advocacy Institute.

  1. Required skills and competences:
  • Have a minimum of a Master degree in public policy, public law, Human Rights, development studies or any other relevant field;
  • Have a minimum of 5 years of experience working with human rights CSOs and/or public institutions involved in the justice sector and human rights;
  • Strong research skills and experience in conducting similar work;
  • Excellent command of English and outstanding written skills;
  • Excellent analytical, interpersonal, communication and reporting skills;
  • Proof of former conducted assignments is a requirement;
  • Have a strong understanding of the Rwandan CSOs and the justice sector.

Consultants interested in conducting this evaluation should include:

  • A technical proposal presenting the understanding of the issues and the evaluation questions, the method of evaluation
  • A financial proposal
  • CV of the consultant(s) and references from the last 5 years in similar domains

Applications should be sent to info@hdirwanda.org  no later than the 13th of May 2022.

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