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Terms of Reference for Consultant to support Country Coordinating Mechanism Engagement

Organisation Country Coordinating Mechanisms of the Global Fund in Rwanda, CCM Rwanda
Consultancy  Title Consultancy to support Country Coordinating Mechanism Engagement
Introduction The national consultant will support with preparation for pre-and post-Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) meetings for key populationscivil society[1], and communities
Overview Background Engagement of key populations, people living with and/or affected by the three diseases, civil society, and community representatives is a key principle that guides the activities of a CCM. Such engagement should continue throughout the grant life cycle to provide valuable input to strengthen the delivery of programs and the achievement of targets. Each CCM should establish a mechanism to engage with these constituencies in a way that allows their input and voices to be heard.

For this engagement, at least 15% of the funding provided to a CCM by the Global Fund must be allocated to constituency engagement for non-governmental sector activities, including civil society, key vulnerable population groups, and communities of people living with and affected by the three diseases, to promote and improve the quality of stakeholder participation.

To amplify the participation and voice of a CCM’s key populations, civil society and people living with and/or affected by the three diseases constituencies, this assignment will enhance their preparation and participation both prior to and following CCM (and relevant CCM Committee) meetings. The planned support will be provided by a national consultant hired independently by the CCM.

Objectives of the Consultancy 1. Amplify the participation and voice of representatives of key and vulnerable populations, civil society, and/or communities living with and/or affected by the three diseases in CCM meetings and related decision-making forums (e.g. CCM sub-committees), and more generally in governance and stewardship of national HIV, TB and malaria response(s).

For CCMs in the transition context, there should be an added focus on how inclusion and participatory decision-making in national health governance will be maintained when the country transitions out of Global Fund financing.

2. Build capacity among the civil society constituencies to effectively prepare for and participate in CCM meetings.

3. Enhance bi-directional feedback mechanisms between CCM representatives and their constituencies.

Scope of Work
Tasks Metric
Understand the principle of Engagement and its relationship to the other Evolution principles such as Positioning and Oversight. Engagement E-Learning module completed, and guidelines reviewed.

Engagement guidance note and Annexes read.

Positioning and Oversight guidance notes read.

Undertake a desk review.


Obtain relevant CCM documentation (bylaws, conflict of interest management policies, civil society communication/ engagement plans, contact information of civil society constituencies, calendar of activities).


  • CCM bylaws or governance documents.
  • Civil society communication/engagement plans.
  • Positioning plan, where it exists.

Any other relevant documents.

Meet with relevant CCM members to discuss the scope of work, and timelines and to gather background for the assignment and input into the process. This includes, but is not limited to, representatives for:

  • Key populations
  • People living with and/or affected by the three diseases
  • Civil society and community representatives
  • CCM Secretariat
  • CCM Executive Committee or Leadership.
At the beginning of the assignment, at least one meeting held.
Support preparation of up to 4 meetings (general CCM meetings, oversight committee, other sub-committees, technical /meetings, etc.).

  • Receive key information from the CCM Secretariat in advance of CCM meetings.
  • Support representatives to prepare for meetings by helping them review and understand agenda items and key documents in advance.
  • Facilitate consultation process with their constituency to obtain input (e.g. qualitative or quantitative data) and positions on the agenda and any emerging issues requiring governance attention.
  • Help define and articulate the constituency’s position for the CCM meeting, ensuring clarity, evidence-based and data-driven arguments and analysis. This should specifically highlight the differentiated needs of populations most vulnerable to and affected by HIV, TB and malaria and community representatives.
  • Outline desired outcome of meetings and proceedings at CCM meetings, ensuring views of diverse stakeholders are taken into consideration.
  • Coordinate the development of speaking notes and other supporting materials to use during CCM meetings.
  • Facilitate and support analytical data-driven discussions and decisions.
Prior to each CCM meeting:

  • Key CCM meeting documents reviewed.
  • Timely consultation with constituencies conducted.
  • Speaking notes developed.


Facilitate debriefs from CCM meetings.

  • Conduct a facilitated discussion of the results achieved /decisions made during CCM meetings by the CCM civil society and community members and/or alternates.
  • Discuss and finalize the agendas to be raised in the next CCM meeting.
  • Virtual meeting conducted to discuss results achieved, decisions made at the last CCM meeting, and next steps.
  • Bi-directional communication on the issues raised and decisions made by CCM and its Committee related to civil society organizations, key populations and/or people living with and/or affected by the three diseases and community with respective constituencies.
  • Develop engagement or communication plan, tools, and/or templates for rapid sharing of data/information by CCM representatives of key and vulnerable populations, civil society, and/or communities living with and affected by the three diseases to their constituencies – based on needs of constituencies and their representatives.
  • Engagement/communication plan, tools, and/or templates developed for information-sharing and exchange pre-and post-meeting.
  • Develop a summary report with key findings, including communication gaps, recommendations to strengthen bi-directional feedback, outcomes from facilitations for each of the meetings.
Report (maximum 3 pages) on meeting outcomes and next steps.
Deliverables CCM to agree on deliverables, which may include the following:

  • Costed work plan with activities to improve the quality of pre-post meeting preparations.
  • Preparation documents and speaking notes summarizing the position (s) of representatives of key and vulnerable populations, civil society, and communities living with and/or affected by the three diseases.
  • Quarterly reports (prior to CCM meetings) summarizing decisions made at CCM meetings and follow-up actions by representatives of key and vulnerable populations, civil society, and/or communities living with and/or affected by the three diseases.
  • Evidence of functional and effective bi-directional accountability/feedback communication channels and tools for rapid sharing of data/information by representatives of key and vulnerable populations, civil society, and/or communities living with and affected by the three diseases to their constituencies.
  • Summary report, including communication gaps, recommendations to strengthen bi-directional feedback, outcomes from facilitations for each of the meetings.
Action Approximate Date
Bids submission 30/04/2022
Bids evaluation 06-13/05/2022
Provisional notification 17/05/2022
Final notification 25/05/2022
Contract signing 31/05/2022
Deliverable 1: Approving  costed work plan 01/06/2022
Deliverable 2: Preparation document and Speaking Notes summarizing the positions  of  Constituencies representing KP Week 1 July
Deliverable 3: Quarterly reports summarizing decisions made at CCM meetings Week 1 September
Deliverable4: Evidence of functional and effective bi-directional accountability/feedback communication channels and tools for rapid sharing of data/information Week 1 October
Deliverable 5. Summary report, including communication gaps, recommendations to strengthen bi-directional feedback, and outcomes from facilitations for each of the meetings. Week 1 December
Reporting Lines
  • The consultant will report to the CCM Executive Committee and the Chair of the CCM Evolution Task Force.
  • The consultant will work in close collaboration with the CCM representatives of key and vulnerable populations, civil society, and/or communities living with and/or affected by the three diseases.
  • The CCM Secretariat is requested to share the consultant’s deliverables with the Global Fund.
Level of Effort (LoE)


Recommendation of at least 12 days level of Effort (LoE) to support pre-and post-preparations for at least 4 CCM (or relevant CCM committee) meetings between July 2022 to December 2022.

CCM Executive Committee, Evolution Task Force, and CCM representatives of key populations, people living with and/or affected by the three diseases, civil society, and community representatives will decide on the level of effort based on the number of meetings as well as constituency needs and capacity.

Qualifications, experience and skills A. Qualifications


§ Master’s degree required with Public health, MBA, Social Science,  Population studies orientation highly desirable with at least 5 years of experience  in working with local CSO/NGO either through research, assessment or technical support;

§ Bachelor’s degree required, with Public health,  Social science, Population studies orientation with at least 8 years of experience  in working with local CSO/NGO either through research, assessment or technical assistance;


B. Experiences

  • At least 3 years of experience working with key populations, people living with and/or affected by the three diseases, civil society, and community groups.

C. Skills:

  • Ability to engage populations most vulnerable to and/or affected by HIV, TB, and malaria and community representatives, encourage participation, keep people’s attention and keep the discussion moving.
  • Ability to synthesize and summarize strategic information.
  • Ability to coach/mentor.
  • Good analytical and documentation/report writing skills.
  • Strong communication and facilitation skills.
  • Demonstrated commitment to the role of communities in responses to HIV and AIDS, TB and malaria, and the principles of meaningful community engagement and participation.
  • Demonstrated expertise and experience of consulting with multi-stakeholder bodies in the areas of civil society organizations’ engagement, management, capacity development, and/or rights advocacy of populations most vulnerable to and/or affected by HIV, TB, and malaria and community groups.
  • Working level of English as well as knowledge of the local language (particularly the one most widely spoken by key population representatives).

Optional qualifications and expertise

  • Demonstrated knowledge/experience of the Global Fund grant architecture and management process.
  • Demonstrated knowledge/experience of CCM governance-related issues.
  • Experience in successful provision of technical assistance in the short and medium-term.
  • Demonstrated understanding of civil society constituencies’ role in the Global Fund.
Competencies Languages:

  • Working level of English as well as knowledge of Kinyarwanda language is a requirement for this role.
Application Process
  • All interested applicants are required to provide a technical and financial proposal of no more than five (5) pages.
  • The financial proposal should provide a detailed break-down of costs by deliverable and estimated person days to accomplish each one.
  • Please include at least two professional references (name, relationship, and email and contact number) that can be easily contacted by CCM-RW secretariat.
  • Please annexes the CVs of all members of the consulting team and firm experience for related assignments.
Duration of the Assignment
  • The consultant has a period of 4  months of completion of work, effective from the contract signing date. Expected completion date: End  December 2022.
How to Apply
  • If you believe you meet the above requirements, please submit the softy copy Proposal to
  • CCM-Rwanda is located in the Ministry of Health, 3rd Floor/Sonatube-Kicukiro/ KN 3 Rd.
  • The deadline for receiving the softy copy of the proposal  is  03/05/2022 at 17:00 PM


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