Expression of Interest Consultancy Services for a Virtual Laboratory Solution

  1. Background

The Government of Rwanda initiated the gradual roll-out of competence-based curriculum, which provides a more practical, skills-based approach to learning and orients schooling toward the requirements of the workplace. The main barrier to implement the new curriculum is related to the low access to science laboratories. This shortage of Lab facilities has weakened the school’s ability to deliver the competency-based curriculum. To address this problem, the Government of Rwanda, through the Rwanda Education Board (REB) envisions to create virtual laboratories as a solution to provide students with the chance of practicing scientific skills.

The specific objective is to identify an innovative solution design of visual software simulations that can be utilized across a variety of science courses, in secondary (lower and upper levels) schools.

  1. Purpose of the Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to have a competent Consulting firm that has vast experience in virtual reality systems, to virtualize a variety of science courses, in secondary (lower and upper levels) schools

The developed system should allow the student to interact and visualize the information in a 2D and 3D environment using a mid-to-lower specification laptop or PC. The system should also be web-based as well as available offline.

  1. Duration of the Assignment

The assignment is expected to be fully implemented from June 2020 and completed no later than September 2020.

  1. Legislative and Regulatory Framework

The laws of the Republic of Rwanda shall govern the Contract, and the language of the Contract shall be English.

  1. Intellectual Property License Agreement

Rwanda Education Board (REB) and GIZ will own the intellectual property of the system but a licensing agreement will be signed between the contractor, REB, and GIZ-DSSD that will govern the terms of use of the intellectual property.

  1. Scope of the Assignment
Service Service Description

1.      Develop the Solution design and architecture of the System

i.        To develop a detailed design of the virtual laboratory system for O’ Level senior two (2) chemistry experiments as provided by Rwanda Education Board (REB) in the competence-based curriculum.

ii.      A detailed description of the system architecture.

iii.    To develop user interface specifications and domain model

2.      Virtual laboratory system (V-Lab) development

i.        Design a fully functioning Virtual Lab to virtualize all chemistry experiments for O’ Level senior two (2) in a 2D and/or 3D environment; a total of 10 experiments that can be found on the REB website:

ii.      The experiments will be reviewed with the contractor upon award of the contract.

iii.    The solution provided should be fully compatible and plugged directly in the learning management system of Rwanda Education Board including additional interactive web-resources for self-evaluation. The self-evaluation should be in both English and Kinyarwanda.

iv.     Create the required technical documentation and user manuals in English for normal usage and administration of the System.

v.       Develop a comprehensive Virtual Laboratory system that provides the following features among many;

  • Dynamic and User-friendly courses built from the competence-based curriculum provided by Rwanda Education Board.
  • A reliable system for both high and low specification desktops and laptops systems that currently exist in schools.
  • Support for multiple types of questions and a variety of test types in an assessment engine.
  • Support both English and Kinyarwanda language sets.
  • Standard Compliance (SCROM, API, AICC)
  • The system must use up-to-date web standards (e.g. html 5)
  • The system must ensure cross-platform usability.
  • The system must be built in a way that no additional plugins are required (e.g. flash)
  • The system must be barrier-free (according to web accessibility Criteria of W3C)

vi.     Develop comprehensive and standard API Libraries and frameworks for the Virtual lab so it can integrate with A technical criteria document will be provided upon award of contract.

3.      Maintenance and Support for the duration of the assignment, see section 3 Duration of the Assignment


I.            System support services for full system

  • Timely response for initial support & troubleshoots requests with remote technical support for critical issues
  • System maintenance and support documentation

II.            Fix all identified technical issues

III.            Conduct preventive maintenance and optimization

IV.            Provide training of trainers that will be made up of REB technical staff and teachers.

4.      Service Level

A service level agreement shall be signed to ensure:

I. Maintenance and Support are to be provided as set forth in the Maintenance and support section

II. Provide an accurate description of the problem and the severity of the problem, stating the circumstances that lead to the severity condition, and other relevant best practices for every technical issue and troubleshoot requested.

  1. Deliverables

The following deliverables shall be delivered to the Client:

  • Deliverable 1: Inception report detailing the Consulting Firm’s understanding of the assignment and the methodology to be employed to complete the assignment; roadmap with specific, clear, and detailed milestones with their respective implementation, deployment timelines to ensure timely system delivery.
  • Deliverable 2: Document of the detailed design and architecture of the system.
  • Deliverable 3: Handover of a fully implemented and functional System.
  • Deliverable 4: Develop and implement a comprehensive training plan for the REB and RISA teams.
  • Deliverable 5: Ensure the Virtual laboratory system’s full operationalization and usability and propose corrective or preventive measures to mitigate any future risks.
  • Deliverable 6: Provide and ensure that 100% of all support requests are successfully met on time and the critical level of the request.
  • Deliverable 7: Ensure that required reports are timely submitted and adjusted accordingly as per respective feedback received from all stakeholders involved.
  • Deliverable 8: Produce a final detailed report at the completion of the assignment that includes all achieved milestones, challenges faced, and mitigation strategies used and recommendation that can guide future similar assignments.
  • Deliverable 9: Present and demonstrate a final version (prototype/product) in a workshop with all relevant REB, GIZ-DSSD, and RISA stakeholders.
  1. Supervision and Reporting Structure

The Consulting firm will report to the designated personnel of GIZ-DSSD and REB. Decisions about the implementation of the assignment will be jointly taken by GIZ-DSSD and REB.

Content Supervision: The consulting firm will closely collaborate with REB personnel in the development of the Virtual lab in order to ensure the virtual Lab meets pedagogy standards set by REB.

Contractual and Financial Supervision: The Consulting firm is required do weekly project progress briefings to the REB, RISA & GIZ-DSSD team.

Technological Guidelines: the consulting firm will closely collaborate with RISA personnel in the development of the virtual lab system in order to ensure the virtual Lab meets all technical standards set by RISA & REB.

  1. Reporting Requirements

The following reports shall be submitted in English:

  1.  Inception Report

This report shall be given two (2) weeks after the commencement of the assignment detailing but not limited to the approach and methodology, proposed work plan for undertaking the assignment, and implementation timeline scheduling of the assignment. It should be submitted in three (3) copies to the GIZ-DSSD.

  1.  The Weekly Progress Reports

These reports shall constitute a summary of the accomplished work and shall reveal in detail the achieved milestone and the work plan for the coming week. The report shall also identify the problems encountered during the implementation of the previous week’s activities and the suggested measures and needed help from REB, RISA & GIZ-DSSD team to facilitate the next week’s work. This report should be submitted on a weekly basis.

III.    Training Report

The Training Report will contain all the details about any trainings that can/will be conducted with specific topics done under the Consulting Firm/Consultants Supervision. The report will also contain all the related materials, diagrams, and manuals used in the training and for future reference.

  1.  The Draft Final Report

This report will elaborate on all activities undertaken during assignment execution including all project documentation. This will include all the system and software development documentation and manuals.

  1.  The Final Report

The final report shall incorporate comments/ feedback from REB, RISA, GIZ-DSSD, and its partners on the draft final report.


  1.   Key Expertise and Qualification required
    10.1    General & Specific experience 
Requirements Required supporting document

The Consulting Firm must have professional experience in Virtual reality and virtual labs or projects of similar nature especially in Rwanda and/or the East African region.

Consulting Firm profile or list of CVs highlighting list of services offered and specific references of similar assignments

10.2    Qualification & Technical Expertise of key staff
10.2.1    Virtual Reality Specialist

  • MSc in Computer science, IT, Systems engineering or any other related program.
  • Completion of similar projects of documenting business process, developing requirements and system design and architecture documents.
  • Experience of designing and implementing software for education
  • Project management skills
  • Communication skills

10.2.2    Software Developer 

  • MSc in Computer science, IT, Systems engineering or any other related program.IT industry certifications in software development and database technologies.
  • Completion of similar projects of developing a complex data-rich system.
  • Experience of designing and implementing software for Agriculture
  • Project management skills
  • Communication skills

 10.2.3    Education Specialist

  • MSc or BSc in education, or any other related program.
  • Completion of similar projects of building an automated and digitalized education system.
  • Experience in designing and implementing learning management systems.
  • Project management skills.
  • Communication skills.
  • Must have experience teaching (chemistry) in secondary schools.
Key Staff Expertise Estimated number of days for deliverables
Virtual Reality specialist 30 days
Software Developer 30 days
Education Specialist 30 days
  1. Application

The only consulting firm are eligible to apply to this assignment, individuals will not be accepted.

Please submit your EoI documents in two separate envelops (1 for technical Details and 1 for a financial offer) until latest Friday 15 May 2020 at 4:00 pm, at the front desk of

GIZ Office Kigali/Rwanda

KN 41 Street / Nr.17 – Kiyovu

B.P 59 Kigali – Rwanda

The EoI should contain the following:

For Technical Proposal: A Technical Proposal with a brief description of why your Consulting Firm would be considered as the most suitable for the assignment, relevant expertise, and a detailed clear methodology, on how will be your approach and complete the assignment.

The Technical Proposal should also contain The CVs of the personnel proposed in accordance with the EoI The CVs shall not exceed 4 pages.

Information about legal status – business and taxes registration certificates

For the financial Proposal:  indicates the all-inclusive total contract price, supported by a breakdown of all costs. The cost must be in RWF and VAT excluded.

GIZ reserves all rights

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