Instagram Insight: How to Activate and Read Statistics

It is no mystery that the world of social networks is increasingly moving towards a broad use of images, and neither is the fact that in this world Instagram reigns supreme.

It is obvious then how the social network purchased by Facebook in 2012, especially in recent months, has transformed into a powerful web marketing tool: from the introduction of Stories to the possibility of sponsoring your content, the platform dedicated to sharing photos and videos seems to follow in the footsteps of Mark Zuckerberg’s original creature.

If what we have said is true, it becomes essential on Instagram as on Facebook to monitor the feedback of your activity to be able to plan future actions: types of photos to publish, hashtags to use, profiles to interact with, etc. An indispensable tool for monitoring activities on a social network is Insights.  Perhaps not everyone knows it, but on Instagram, it is possible to activate them, to see daily (but also more frequently) impressions, likes, comments, clicks to the site, and many other statistical data.

How to activate Insights

The first step to take is to activate the Insights section on your account: to do this, just go to your profile and click on settings (the wheel in the top right next to the “edit profile” button) at this point you will need to access the “Switch to a business profile” item and connect to a Facebook Page of which you are an administrator. Once this is done, not only will the insights be activated but also other functions (such as the ability to promote the page). The first way to buy followers is to access some sites that we could define as “supermarkets” where you can Buy Followers on Instagram Singapore. To view the statistical data, just click on the icon with a histogram graph in the top right, next to the profile name.

How to Read Insights

The first data we will see will be those related to followers  (total number and weekly increase) and posts (also in this case, total number and weekly increase). We could then analyze:

  • Impressions: The total number of times all posts were viewed
  • Reach: The number of unique accounts that have viewed a certain content
  • Profile Views: Number of times the profile page has been viewed
  • Website Clicks: Number of times the website on the profile was clicked

In addition to this data, you can activate data relating to  Stories. In this case, the parameters we have to evaluate the success of our content will be:

  • I like;
  • comments;
  • saved;
  • impression;
  • coverage;

At this point, seeing the evolution of statistical data from time to time, you can understand your best practices and base your choice of content to share in the future on these.

Insight without company profile

Obviously from the Menlo Park headquarters, I want to push as many users as possible to switch to a business profile so that they can enjoy the most professional use of Instagram possible; therefore, accounts that decide not to activate the business profile have no other way to analyze their insights than to rely on external tools (free or paid) such as:

  • Social Bakers (free).
  • Iconsquare (paid).
  • Simply Measured (free).
  • Union Metrics (free).

Now you have all the information you need to start using Instagram professionally and to read the insights related to your business. If you want to delve deeper into the topic instead, you can sign up for our  Web Marketing Master in Rome or our course on Social Media Marketing.

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