Get busy living or get busy dying

How Israel Silgram uses his own harrowing journey from darkness to redemption to inspire others. Israel is on a mission to connect with people using the power of public speaking as a way to use his own story to inspire other going through their own difficulties, that hold them back in life.

Israel early life was a series of tragedies and traumas. Born into a chaotic home where abuse was rampant, he faced constant fear and rejection. His mother, an alcoholic, and his father, a stern and aggressive man, created an environment where

violence was the norm. This tumultuous upbringing left Israel emotionally and psychologically scarred.

By the age of 18, Israel had already been entangled with the law numerous times. His involvement in an armed robbery led to a potential eight-year prison sentence. The crime’s brutality—assaulting a man in front of his seven-year-old daughter—was a stark reflection of the violence that had permeated Israel’s own life.

Israel’s descent into a life of crime and substance abuse was fueled by his desperate attempt to escape his inner demons. His teenage years were marked by delinquency: stealing, drug dealing, and violent gang activities became his everyday


The turning point in Israel’s life came during a period of homelessness in Amsterdam. Amidst his drug-fueled haze, he had a moment of clarity, spurred by a voice urging him to seek solace in a church. Despite his initial resistance, Israel ventually walked into a church, where he experienced a profound sense of peace and began feeling a love and warmth he had never known before. This marked the beginning of a long and arduous journey towards rehabilitation.

Israel spent years in a Christian community, receiving therapy and counselling. This period of introspection and healing was crucial in rebuilding his life and finding a new purpose.

Today, Israel channels his experiences into helping others. He has dedicated his life to supporting children and adults in finding hope and purpose. Through his work in social impact businesses and charities, he has developed housing, education, and

early intervention projects aimed at transforming lives. He also trains in therapeutic care, fostering and adopting children, and providing them with the love and stability he never had. Israel has now raised millions and established nine social enterprises, including outdoor centers for children and businesses that employed ex-prisoners. Israel’s message is clear: no matter how dark your past, there is always a path to


By sharing his story, he aims to inspire others to “get busy living” and embrace the possibility of a brighter future. His journey from a life of crime and addiction to one of service and purpose is a testament to the power of resilience and

the human spirit.

Israel is looking for any opportunities to speak on stage or be interviewed, so he can share his message and show there is always hope and however traumatic a person’s experience, change can always happen.

Media Contact:

Israel is available for an interview on the above or relevant topics on broadcast and publication media including tv, radio, magazines, and other appropriate platforms.

To book or for more information please contact

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