How Is Solar Power A Direct Substitute For Traditional Forms Of Energy

The world’s first solar thermal power station was built by Frank Shuman between 1912 and 1913 in Egypt. After that commercial concentrated solar power plants were first developed in the 1980s.  Since then the cost of solar panels has fallen and the production has doubled about every three years. In 2023, solar power systems generated 5% of the world’s electricity, which is way higher than 1% in 2015. In 2017, the International Energy Agency showed that solar had become the fastest-growing source of power. The global solar power market is projected at USD 273 billion in 2024.

How Solar Energy Works:

Solar energy is light and heat from the sun that is converted into electricity by using solar panels. It is an essential source of green and renewable energy. Solar panels use photovoltaic cells (PV) to generate electrons flowing through a circuit to produce direct current (DC), which can be restored in various power devices like batteries and inverters. There are 5 types of solar panels. 

Advantages of Using Solar Energy:

When the radiant energy of the sun converts into electricity it can provide energy to residences and businesses. As the earth’s most plentiful energy source, the sun holds enormous advantages.

  • Renewable energy source: Solar energy is the most exemplary form of renewable energy. This implies that it is endless. It is a constant source of energy for Earth.
  • Clean energy: solar panels create no carbon emissions and other dangerous greenhouse gases. It avoids environmental damages like mining for fossil fuels. Fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gases produce high amounts of pollution and are limited in quantity.
  • Reduce the electricity bill:  A solar power plant can reduce your dependency on traditional grids and help you save a lot on your bill to zero. Instead of paying for the electricity provided by the govt, you can get paid for it by storing the excess and selling it to the govt.
  • Low maintenance cost: Solar panels have a very minimum cost of maintenance. Just keep them clean and dust-free and you are sorted for the next 20 to 25 years. It is worth your money to invest in solar panels.
  • Easy installation:  Solar panels can be easily installed on your rooftop. A rooftop solar can meet your daily requirement for electricity very conveniently. Solar panels can be easily installed in remote areas where the thermal power plant can not reach.
  • Government subsidy: Under the scheme of PM Surya Ghar Yojana, the govt will cover up to 40% of the cost of installation of rooftop solar panels. It will help poor and middle-class families.
  • Agriculture and Horticulture: To optimize the productivity of plants solar power can be a game changer. From irrigation to cold storage solar energy can be a great alternative to traditional electricity methods.

Why There is a Need for a Substitute for Traditional Forms:

Climate change is real and the main cause for this is insensitive human activities like burning fossil fuels (oils, coal, gas) and releasing pollution in the environment. The concentration of greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere is directly linked to the raised average global temperature.

Poor regulations on thermal power plants are leading to poor air quality. Carbon dioxide, methane, is largely the product of burning fossil fuels. All the by-products of fossil fuels are discharged into water bodies. Every year thousands of liters of water are used in the production of traditional electricity. It is the main cause of water scarcity.

If we talk about the nature of fossil fuels they are finite. We have limited sources of coal and oils. Regressive mining and consumption of these sources have adverse impacts on geographical conditions and ecosystems.

Also, we are dependent on other countries for oil and coal. Natural gas and crude oil are at record all-time highs. The historic dependence on gas and oil also means that our electricity markets are still not organized enough to prioritize renewable energy.

How Solar Energy Helps the Environment:

Solar energy reduces our reliance on fossil fuels by providing clean energy, it can help reduce carbon emissions in the environment. Global warming shows our failure as humans to effectively protect our nature. Solar energy can protect our earth’s water reserves. Contrary to traditional electricity production solar panels require no water.

By reducing our dependency on fossil fuels we can preserve them for the next generations. Implementation of solar panels in natural habitats without harming any wildlife can help us achieve biodiversity preservation.

Why Solar Power is Getting Economical Every Year:

Due to solar energy being widely adopted as a clean and sustainable option, it is getting more economical every year. Here are some reasons why it is more convenient than traditional sources of energy.

  1. As the solar energy-based industry grows the rapid increase in solar panels production reduces the cost per unit.
  2. Going solar not only helps you save on the hefty amount of utility bills but also affects the economy positively.
  3. Govt is aggressively making policies to make solar more economical for the middle-class section. Giving incentives and rebates in the initial stage of installation of solar panels to make it more attractive for all sections.
  4. Installing solar plants on your property will augment its worth and you can not only claim for a better price but also clinch the deal very promptly.
  5. As technological research advances it improves solar efficiency and reduces its cost.
  6. Products related to solar energy such as inverters, junction boxes, and solar panels are available at more reasonable prices resulting in comparatively lower solar tariffs.

Solar Power Around the World: Who’s Leading the Way?:

In 2023, India left behind Japan to become the world’s third-highest producer of solar power. It has reportedly generated 113 billion units as compared to Japan’s 110 billion units. The leading producer is China which produced 584 BU of solar power in 2024.

China is also the largest manufacturer of solar equipment. China has aggressively invested in solar power since 2011, which is ten times higher than the entire continent of Europe. China has targeted 33% of electricity generated from renewable energy by 2025.

What is the Future of Solar Energy: What to Expect Next:

The future of solar energy looks bright, and there are some major developments in this area.

  • The whole world is looking for sustainable methods of energy and solar is the most promising alternative to it. As technology advances, innovations in this category make it more reliable for people to adopt.
  • Advanced battery technologies will provide great reliability and allow us to store solar energy and use it when needed even during the period of low sunlight.
  • Concentrated solar power plants are the most promising innovation in this area.
  • Modals, integrated tailored grants, and green bond schemes will increase the adoption of solar energy and it will help to scale it at a larger level.
  • Robotics, AI, and advanced Off-grid PV systems have used rechargeable batteries to store excess electricity. Grid-tied systems allow excess energy to be sent to the transmission grid and fill deficits with regular grid electricity.
  • Emerging technologies like Thin film solar cells and floating photovoltaics (FPV) contribute more to the advancement of solar energy.


We have discussed the changes above in detail.  Still, so many people think that renewable energy is not viable economically based on their knowledge. However, a lot has changed during the past decade as people became more aware of environmental concerns. Climate change is an eye-opener for the whole world. So if someone can get all the benefits with minimum cost and better value why would not they opt for renewable sources? On top of it, they also become even more environmentally responsible human beings.

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