Important to-do list before an engagement ceremony

Planning a big, fat engagement ceremony and don’t know where to start? It sure can be overwhelming. But not to worry. We are here to help you make a to-do list in the chronological order of all the things that need to be done before the ceremony. Make sure to begin your preparations well in advance so you have a lot of time and don’t have to rush through it.

  • Planning your budget

The first and foremost thing to do is to plan your budget in detail. Make a list of all the things that need to be paid for in advance so you have an estimate of how much money is required right from the beginning. Ceremonies are expensive so you’ll have to get your financial affairs in order. Go through your bank statements, accounts, discuss it with your partner and plan it together.

  • Ring selection 

There can’t be an engagement without a ring, right? O the next important thing on the list is ring selection. Now this is a tough one. You’re going to be wearing the ring forever, so people tend to get picky. Keep ample of time for ring selection. If you aren’t able to choose from the available catalogue, you can also have a custom-made ring that matches your partner’s. Then there will be trials, and some more trials, until you finalise on the one precious ring that will represent the beautiful relation you share with your soon-to-be better half. Take a look at the unique hidden halo engagement rings that are the raging trend in the market these days. 

  • Venue and guest list

If you’re planning a ceremony in the wedding season or during holidays, then you know better than to wait till the last moment to pick a venue. There is a huge demand for bigger venues and people pre-book them way before the event. That is exactly what you need to do as well. Deciding a venue involves a crucial step which is making a guest list. The number of people you wish to invite will determine how big or small a venue you will require for the ceremony. Once the list is ready, find a venue accordingly and book it for the decided date of the engagement ceremony.

  • Invitation cards

Next on list is sending invites to all the people that you included in your guest list. Get your cards designed and ready from the decorator from the variety of samples available. Again, keep in mind that the timing to send invites is very crucial. If you send them too early, people are likely to forget. And if you send them too late, then people might already have made plans for that day. 15 days before the actual ceremony is the perfect sweet spot of time to send the invites. 

  • Dress and hair

This is the toughest part for women. Dress choosing is a bigger ceremony than the actual engagement. Keep your weight in check so even if the dress is pre-decided, it will definitely fit you on your big day. Also, this is a good time to decide on a hair dresser. It is better to test dresses and hairstyles together so you know how your entire look will turn out to be. A dress rehearsal helps for this purpose. It not only gives you an idea of how everything will be on the big day, but also brings down your anxiety a few notches. 

New designs of lab grown diamond engagement rings are out every year during the wedding season. Don’t forget to check those out. Since it’s a big day for both of you, make sure all the planning is done taking into consideration the opinions of both the parties. Use this preparation time to bond and grow into the relation as a soon-to-be married couple. Happy planning!

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