Nutritional approaches to hormone health help to enhance hormonal performance and foster vibrant health. Different hormones play differing roles, so the dietary regimes we choose are often responses to particular health issues or conditions. Often, doctors may advise patients to eat foods high in certain amino acids if they wish to boost the presence of human growth hormone (HGH). Some recommend modifying salt or fat intake to remediate high blood pressure or cholesterol. As there are eating plans relating to growth hormone — which contributes to the healthy development of bone and muscle — there is also a diet directed at human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). This neurotransmitter promotes fertility and well-being during pregnancy.
What Is the HCG Diet?
HCG is elevated during pregnancy, especially over the first few months. It is the indicator that many pregnancy tests look for in determining whether gestation is occurring. When exceptionally high, HCG can signal the possibility of cancer in the ovaries, placenta or (in men) testicles. A lesser-known function of HCG is its potential for weight loss. In the mid-20th century, research demonstrated that HCG supplementation and vigorous calorie restriction could help shed a significant number of pounds. Moreover, this loss focuses entirely on fat tissue, leaving bone and muscle intact.
Another benefit of the HCG diet is its capacity to burn fat, where adipose tissue is most unyielding. So many frustrated dieters attest to such stubborn deposits, but HCG dieters testify to success against them. These anatomical areas include the thighs and abdomen. In addition to full-body weight loss, this human chorionic gonadotropin diet also can blunt the cravings so prevalent in other diets. Given that the HCG diet can reduce consumption to 500 calories daily, the expectation would be that hunger would torment the patient. Not so when this restriction is coupled with a daily hormonal complement of HCG.
What Is HGH?
True to its name, human growth hormone is active in the cellular multiplication common among growing humans. It also serves as a factor in the metabolism and structural preservation of the body. Originating in the pituitary gland, HGH is available in synthetic form to address slow metabolism and injury healing and improve sports/athletic performance. It can lead to diminishing fat stores and a higher physical endurance threshold.
How does HGH cause the loss of fat in the body? Metabolism, the mechanism that transforms food into energy, receives boosting from a substance similar to insulin, aptly named insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1). IGF-1 lowers blood glucose, as does insulin, without the problems of insulin over-production, so often a culprit in obesity. HGH stimulates the production of IGF-1, sparing the bloodstream a surplus of insulin. Since insulin is an active fat-storage agent, HGH keeps this negative effect at bay. In this way, HGH contributes to the shedding of fat.
Key Differences
What makes these two important hormones different from one another?
HGC accomplishes fat loss by signaling the hypothalamus – that part of the brain that regulates hunger and thirst, among other things — to bypass other sources and utilize stored fat for energy. In so doing, it suppresses hunger because it receives the energy it needs to function. Less metabolism-focused, the HCG diet can reduce calories without inducing food cravings or feelings of starvation. People can remain on this strict eating regimen comfortably because they feel relatively satiated. On the other hand, the weight loss achieved by HCG dieters dramatically does not improve muscle mass or physical stamina.
Weight is also subject to loss due to the human growth hormone. Yet the processes are dissimilar to those of HCG.
- Promotes ILF-1 instead of insulin production.
- Increases muscle mass, which, in turn, burns more calories when resting.
- Is lipolytic, i.e., releases acid to disintegrate resistant adipose cells.
- Wins the competition between HCG vs HGH bodybuilding.
As with the HCG diet, human growth hormone advocates recommend reducing the total number of calories eaten daily to achieve optimal results.
It is easy to see that hormonal supplementation can bring about weight loss, particularly from fat. At the same time, those considering such treatments should fully understand the differences among their options. Goals, general health, and side effects are all variables worthy of attention. There is no “one size fits all” approach to fat loss. This is why consultation with a physician experienced in endocrinology and weight management is necessary before jumping in. Once evaluated and prepared, you might find the HCG diet the solution for excess flab.