Quarry simply referees to an open pit from which rock are extracted or is a type of mining not located underground, is usually in an area know to be abundant in a particular rock formation (Allen, 2010). Quarries are generally used extraction building material such as sand, rip and also for the extraction engineering material they are often collected with concreted and asphalt plant due to requirement of large amount aggregate.
Quarry over the years, has cause a lot of impact to the environment that are detrimental to the environment and this impact are drainage problem (leading to water pollution), noise nuisance (from machines and truck use in the operation), emission of dust particles (leading to water pollution), acute and chronic reparatory disease of human arising from the dust and destruction of building during blasting of rock with explosive.
Drowng (2007) stated that some worker who work in such site or company with a healthy state tend to fall into illness either by having acute or chronic respiratory disease arising from the emission of the dust during the operation. Quarry has a significant impact on plant (vegetation) within the located environment of the quarry site or company, this is as a result of the emission of dust and toxic materials that settle on these plant causing destruction of their internal structure, blocking of the plant stomata, abrasion of leaves and cuticle and stunt growth of the plant and some time death Not only that, it` still have effect on biodiversity (Anand, 2006).
Quarry per say have a lot of intrinsic environment impact affecting man’s health instead of enjoying the operation and use the site as a tourist center, because of these effect, it calls for a n urgent attention to control, arrest and to eradicate these negative impact which quarry operation has on the environment by using proper equipment in carrying out quarry operation such as BAUTH CHART. When these things are been properly considered and put in place then life and the environment will be sustain.
Conceptual framework
Quarry is as old as man, rock quarrying and stone crushing is a global phenomenon and has been the concern of everywhere in the world today (Wang 2007). According to Okafor, (2006) stated that quarry involves the extraction of rock for construction works i.e. building or engineering work and for making of other materials i.e. it serve as raw material for other product, e.g. cement. It was also said by the same author that rock quarry involves processes and this processes is carried out either by blasting with explosive material or by excavating (opening) a pit. According to him, he said that dynamites are plug attach to the rock and blast for explosion while for the pit, a heavy plant is installed for the excavation.
Allen (2010) stated that quarry industry (site), when considered in view of its contribution to revenue (money) generation in the economic market. It has achieved a remarkable success, mean while on the other hand when considered in respect of it potential significant impact/effect` on human and the environment where the site is located and the community or locality it has left a disaster. Quarry simply referred to an open mine which rock or minerals are extracted(Allen2010).
Quarry can also be seen as one type of rock or mineral not only located underground, but is usually in an area known to be abundant in a particular rock or rock formation (Masha 2012).
Quarry is also a place where little rock are made from bigger one (rock) (Anand 2006). The problem of rock quarry is classified into two which are environment and socio-physical. (Fedra 2005).
Method of rock quarry
Rock quarry majorly depend on the type of rock that is present, but there are two type of method use in getting rock out of the earth crust. These are: Blasting and drilling.
Blasting: This is the process of using explosive to break large pieces of rock out the earth. These explosive material used in the blasting are dynamites and mixture of ammonium nitrate and diesel fuel called (ANFD). The material is donated, during the blasting process the explosive is fixed to the rock (large abundant) and blast during this process big piece of rock are break out of the abundant of rock on the earth crust.
Drilling: In this process, a hole is open or drilled to the ground where explosive will be place for blasting to open the earth surface and to bring out those pieces of rock break from the abundant once.
Impact of quarry on agriculture and vegetation on the located community
The green plant, by the volume of other photosynthesis activities, occupies important position in the existence of life because of their ability to maintain a balance in the volume of oxygen and carbohydrate which lead to the purification of the environment. They supply man with food, drugs, fibers, ornament, fuel, building material and other raw material, so as for any change or alternative or done or made to the composition of these plant (vegetation), will affect animal life in terms of the provision of food, shelter, security, comfort and also have implication on the health of such animal (Vicas, 2007).
According to Fedra (2005), the industry (quarry) discharge dust that settle not only on land, air, buildings but plants (vegetation) also and this have a significant impart to the plant (vegetation) which is responsible for the blocking of plants stomata, damaging of the plant internal structure , resulting from the emission of toxic compound that settle and are been absorb by the plant such as copper, beryllium, calcium, lead, zinc e.t.c and abrasion of leave and cuticle which may affect or affect the long term survival of the plant (vegetation).
Impact of quarry on the atmosphere and water
Dust from quarry site is a major source of air pollution although the security will depend on factors like the local micro climate condition and the concentration of the dust particles and their chemistry, for example lime stone produce highly alkaline (reactive) dust, where as local dust produce acidic dust. The air pollution is not just only a nuisance (in terms of surface deposition) but causes possible effect on human health, in particular, cause Air borne disease (respiratory problem) and also without proper protection it can cause serious damage to the eyes or eye irritation in such working environment (Osha, 2006).
Impact of quarry on biodiversity
One of the biggest negative impacts of quarry on the environment is damage to biodiversity. Biodiversity essentially refers to the range or varieties of living specie in an environment e.g. micro-organism, little mammals (Rodent), fish, reptile, plant e.t.c. biodiversity conservation is very important in the environment as all species are inter linked in the environment, if this is not immediately visible or known and our survival on the fire balance that exist with in nature.
Based on this fact, both negative and adverse societal impact of modern manufacture technology has a great consequence on the economic, health and safety of the environment in general when biodiversity is destroyed (Tanko, 2007). Quarry carries the potentials of destroying biodiversity by destroying the habitant that is supporting the species, this can be done either direct removal of the habitant and the specie by evacuation of the ground or indirect damage by changing the habitant from surface earth to ground coater that cause some habitant to dry out or flooded which will greatly affect the special living in that ambient (Maboguizie, 2008).
Impact of quarry on human
Quarry has a significance impact on human, dust from quarry sit is a major source of air pollution that has possible effect on human health such as causing respiratory disease and not only that, the deposition and settling of this dust on water surface, contaminate the water, and when such water is consumed it might lead to gastro intestinal disorder
Blasting of rocks with explosive is another factor which also affect human in such area greatly resulting from the destruction of building during blasting of this rocks with explosives.