Conceptual framework on tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is defined as an infectious disease, caused in most cases by micro-organisms called mycobacterium tuberculosis. The micro-organisms usually enter the body by inhalation through the lungs. While the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Programme, Revised Workers’ Manual (1998) on the other hand defined tuberculosis as a communicable systemic disease caused by tubercle bacillus (myocardium tuberculosis). It further explained that infections are caused by inhalation of droplet nuclei containing virulent human strains of the tubercle bacillus. Infection by mycobacterium bovis through ingestion of unpasteurised cow’s milk is less.

Davies (1998) defined tuberculosis as a chronic disease of the lungs caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis.             The Revised Worker’s Manual (1998) further explained that ‘’almost every organ in the body can be affected, but involvement of the lungs (pulmonary tuberculosis) accounts for more than 80 percent of tuberculosis cases.  Extra pulmonary tuberculosis can involve site such as bones, glands, the genitor-urinary system, the nervous system (tuberculosis meningitis), and intestine’’.


Davis, P.  (1998). Clinical Tuberculosis (2nd ed.). London; Chapman and Hall Medical.

National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Programme (2002). Revised Worker’s Manual. Luton: Crest Books

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