algebraic equation for the determination of the equilibrium level of income
(and output) in our two-sector model (equation 6 26) yields an interesting
result and introduces us to the concept of the multiplier. The multiplier
concept is used to capture a process whereby a change (increase or decrease) in
any of the components of aggregate expenditure is amplified to that the overall
effect on the level of output, income and employment is greater than the
initial change.
algebraic equation for the determination of the equilibrium level of income
(and output) in our two-sector model (equation 6 26) yields an interesting
result and introduces us to the concept of the multiplier. The multiplier
concept is used to capture a process whereby a change (increase or decrease) in
any of the components of aggregate expenditure is amplified to that the overall
effect on the level of output, income and employment is greater than the
initial change.
injection into the income stream (for example, an increase in autonomous
investment) would lead to an amplified (a more than proportionate) increase in
income, output and employment. In other words, national income and output would
increase by a multiple of the increase in autonomous investment. This multiple
(the amount by which the increase in autonomous investment is multiplied to get
the increase in income and output) is called the multiplier. The multiplier is
valid for both an increase and decrease in investment and/or government
expenditure (in the case of a three-sector model). For a decrease in
investment, however, the multiplier would work in the opposite direction
leading to a multiplied reduction in national income, output and employment.
What then is the rational behind the multiplier?
injection into the income stream (for example, an increase in autonomous
investment) would lead to an amplified (a more than proportionate) increase in
income, output and employment. In other words, national income and output would
increase by a multiple of the increase in autonomous investment. This multiple
(the amount by which the increase in autonomous investment is multiplied to get
the increase in income and output) is called the multiplier. The multiplier is
valid for both an increase and decrease in investment and/or government
expenditure (in the case of a three-sector model). For a decrease in
investment, however, the multiplier would work in the opposite direction
leading to a multiplied reduction in national income, output and employment.
What then is the rational behind the multiplier?
explain by taking the case of an increase in planned business investment in the
two-sector model. An additional spending by the business sector will create
additional income for the household sector (since there will be increase in the
demand for factor inputs). This will increase the latter’s capacity to spend
(consume). Similarly, the increased expenditure of the household sector will
create additional income for the business spending which again creates
additional income for the household sector etc. This process will continue with
the initial increase in planned business expenditure generating circles of
increases in income will be a multiple of the initial increase planned business
explain by taking the case of an increase in planned business investment in the
two-sector model. An additional spending by the business sector will create
additional income for the household sector (since there will be increase in the
demand for factor inputs). This will increase the latter’s capacity to spend
(consume). Similarly, the increased expenditure of the household sector will
create additional income for the business spending which again creates
additional income for the household sector etc. This process will continue with
the initial increase in planned business expenditure generating circles of
increases in income will be a multiple of the initial increase planned business
we assume, for example, that planned autonomous investment expenditure
increased byN500m (from N400m assumed earlier to N900M). if the propensity (tendency) of
households is to spend eighty percent of every additional income (i.e. the MPC
is 0.8), we can analyse the effect of the increase in investment on the equilibrium
level of income, output and employment by means of table 6-1. In the table, the
increase (change) in planned business investment (N500m) constitutes the whole increase in income in the first
circle. When this increase gets into the economy (as households’ services are
employed by the business sector and money is paid them in form of factor
incomes), households spendN400m) (0.8
x 500m) out of it and save the remaining hundred million the saving leaks out
of the income stream, (i.e., does not enter into the next circle) so that the
change (increase) in income in the next circle isN400m. Again this increase the income and leads to additional
spending by households of (0.8 x 400m)N320m
and savings ofN80m.
we assume, for example, that planned autonomous investment expenditure
increased by
households is to spend eighty percent of every additional income (i.e. the MPC
is 0.8), we can analyse the effect of the increase in investment on the equilibrium
level of income, output and employment by means of table 6-1. In the table, the
increase (change) in planned business investment (
circle. When this increase gets into the economy (as households’ services are
employed by the business sector and money is paid them in form of factor
incomes), households spend
x 500m) out of it and save the remaining hundred million the saving leaks out
of the income stream, (i.e., does not enter into the next circle) so that the
change (increase) in income in the next circle is
spending by households of (0.8 x 400m)
and savings of
process of income in income leading to increased consumption and back to
increased income etc. continues until the circle is exhausted. From the above
analysis, it is clear that the ultimate size of the change in national income,
output, and employment will be dependent on the marginal propensity to consume
(what fraction of an additional unit of income received by households is
spent). The size of the MPC will determine the number of circles by means of
which changes in consumption is transmitted to changes in national income and
also the size of the changes in consumption expenditure in each circle. In
process of income in income leading to increased consumption and back to
increased income etc. continues until the circle is exhausted. From the above
analysis, it is clear that the ultimate size of the change in national income,
output, and employment will be dependent on the marginal propensity to consume
(what fraction of an additional unit of income received by households is
spent). The size of the MPC will determine the number of circles by means of
which changes in consumption is transmitted to changes in national income and
also the size of the changes in consumption expenditure in each circle. In
The higher the MPC, the higher the
greater the change in consumption expenditures that will be associated with a
change in income, the larger the absolute size of the multiplier and the larger
the total change in income that will be generated by the initial change in
autonomous investment spending.Conversely,
The higher the MPC, the higher the
greater the change in consumption expenditures that will be associated with a
change in income, the larger the absolute size of the multiplier and the larger
the total change in income that will be generated by the initial change in
autonomous investment spending.Conversely,
The higher the MPS, the lower the
change in consumption that will be generated by changes in income, the smaller
the absolute value of the multiplier and the smaller the total change in income
that will be associated with the initial change in investment.
The higher the MPS, the lower the
change in consumption that will be generated by changes in income, the smaller
the absolute value of the multiplier and the smaller the total change in income
that will be associated with the initial change in investment.
the multiplier is
the multiplier is