is a 5 years (Nov 10, 2015- Nov 9,2020) USAID-funded program focusing on
capacity building, Nutrition and WASH service delivery. The program is
implemented through a consortium of two International Agencies; Catholic Relief
Services – USCCB (CRS) who is the prime and SNV, the Netherla
is a 5 years (Nov 10, 2015- Nov 9,2020) USAID-funded program focusing on
capacity building, Nutrition and WASH service delivery. The program is
implemented through a consortium of two International Agencies; Catholic Relief
Services – USCCB (CRS) who is the prime and SNV, the Netherla
nds Development
Organization a sub recipient. Gikuriro program works through decentralized
Government of Rwanda (GoR) systems and structures and is in line with USAID’s
Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy to improve nutrition to save lives, build
resilience, increase economic productivity, and advance development. The goal
of Gikuriro is to improve the nutritional status of women of reproductive age
and children under five, especially in the first 1,000 days day window of
opportunity from pregnancy until a child’s second birthday.
Supply of Smart phones
Supply of Smart phones
Netherlands Development Organisation, SNV RWANDA, Project GIKURIRO invites, by
the present invitation to tender, qualified bidders for Smartphones specified
Netherlands Development Organisation, SNV RWANDA, Project GIKURIRO invites, by
the present invitation to tender, qualified bidders for Smartphones specified
Description |
Unit |
Specification |
Quantity |
Smart phones |
Piece |
4.0. or higher, Screen: 4 Inches or higher, Battery higher than 1600mAh+; So the device can take GPS readings; Connectivity to transfer data from phones to the laptops (3 or 4 G, Wi-Fi, micro USB), Camera to take high quality pictures; the device can take GPS readings, support local languages and having IMEI number. |
111 |
Rwanda expects all quotations to be tax inclusive.
Rwanda expects all quotations to be tax inclusive.
This tender is open to all interested eligible bidders
2. The following documents will have to be in the bid:
• Copy of Trade License;
• Original or certified copy of affidavit of no debt by RRA
still valid;
• Provide guaranty period of the telephone to be supplied
3. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information
from GIKURIRO Project from 8:00 AM to 16:00 PM located at
This tender is open to all interested eligible bidders
2. The following documents will have to be in the bid:
• Copy of Trade License;
• Original or certified copy of affidavit of no debt by RRA
still valid;
• Provide guaranty period of the telephone to be supplied
3. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information
from GIKURIRO Project from 8:00 AM to 16:00 PM located at
Chadel House, KN 78st, second Floor,
Opposite to Ecole Belge Email: rwanda@snvworld.org
and copy email: pkabre@snvworld.org
and jfuraha@snvworld.org
Chadel House, KN 78st, second Floor,
Opposite to Ecole Belge Email: rwanda@snvworld.org
and copy email: pkabre@snvworld.org
and jfuraha@snvworld.org
Bidders will only submit their bids by hand. Bids in sealed envelopes
must be delivered to the address mentioned above by 06thApril 2017 by 4:00
PM. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened physically in the
presence of the bidders or of their representatives who choose to attend in
person at the address mentioned above on 06th April 2017 at 4:30 PM.
Bidders will only submit their bids by hand. Bids in sealed envelopes
must be delivered to the address mentioned above by 06thApril 2017 by 4:00
PM. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened physically in the
presence of the bidders or of their representatives who choose to attend in
person at the address mentioned above on 06th April 2017 at 4:30 PM.
is a not-for-profit international development organization. We have built a
long-term, local presence in 38 developing nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin
America, providing innovative solutions in Agriculture, Water, Sanitation and
Hygiene, and Renewable Energy. SNV has been working in Rwanda for more than 35
years to improve people’s livelihoods by strengthening the capacities of public
and private sector organisations. SNV works in full alignment with Rwanda’s
development agenda. It does so by helping to realize the national development
goals in three sectors above mentioned.
is a not-for-profit international development organization. We have built a
long-term, local presence in 38 developing nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin
America, providing innovative solutions in Agriculture, Water, Sanitation and
Hygiene, and Renewable Energy. SNV has been working in Rwanda for more than 35
years to improve people’s livelihoods by strengthening the capacities of public
and private sector organisations. SNV works in full alignment with Rwanda’s
development agenda. It does so by helping to realize the national development
goals in three sectors above mentioned.
Director SNV Rwanda
Director SNV Rwanda