Which is better and why? Promoting SFI and TripleClicks locally and more personally…or globally via the Internet?

I believe the best answer is to do both
whenever possible. To successfully build a team strictly locally might be
difficult, depending on number of people available to you, but some locals on
your team would be great!! And it’s easier to meet with them if they are having

By also promoting globally, your PSAs will be able to buy products from local
ECAs, which helps to build TripleClicks, benefiting everyone. You will also end
up with friends all over the world, and that can be very interesting and fun,

In this global world we live in nowadays, a well-rounded entity–be it a
company, country, or team–is pretty much a must. Don’t be afraid to recruit
affiliates from other countries, they might become some of your diamonds!! We
have translation available on each page, so communication, while it might not
be perfect, will do quite well.

Consider buying a unit or two of S-Builder Co-op, which should give you 6 to 8
PSAs/month/unit once they start coming in. This is an easy way to acquire PSAs
as well as PRMs, $22/mo as part of your Standing Order. They come in slowly
enough that you can connect with them as they arrive, get them started, and be ready
for the next ones. Better than 40-50 at one time–that’s a LOT of time to send
e-card welcomes, etc. Just food for thought:)

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