Girl Networks Rwanda Mapping

Effect Rwanda’s mission is to enable all of Rwanda’s one million adolescent girls
(aged 10-19) to fulfil their potential. We work across four areas:
partnering with leaders to deliver for girls; developing innovations in girl
programming; working through our brand platform Ni Nyampinga to
inspire and enable girls; and generating girl-led insights and
evidence. Our work aims to encourage investments that will benefit Rwandan
girls – in systems, c

ulture, government and industry. These investments will
realise Rwanda’s Vision 2020.

Networks Rwanda Mapping
Reporting Lines:
to Associate Evidence Manager, Girl Effect Rwanda
delivery date:
Girl Effect
Effect aims to support adolescent girls to maximize their potential. We work to
harness the media in innovative ways, support girls to build social networks
and work with communities to increase the value placed on girls by themselves
and those around them.
take a girl-centred approach to the challenges girls face. We know that girls
need support in multiple areas to gain the agency they need to make decisions
important to them, so we take a holistic approach to our work.
Rwanda, Girl Effect has created a branded media platform aimed at girls living
in poverty and the communities around them. Ni Nyampinga seeks to address
specific barriers in girls’ lives preventing them from fulfilling their
potential and realising the girl effect. Through the visible presence of the brand
in society and the content Girl Effect distributes, especially through its
weekly radio talk shows as well as its quarterly magazine, it is able to
deliver specific behaviour change messaging as well as promote broader
value-based messaging designed to reframe the role of girls in society to a
broad audience.
Effect’s Girl Networks
part of its engagement strategy with the target audience, Ni Nyampinga also
promotes Girls networks. Girl Networks exist to increase the depth of Girl
Effect’s work with girls through increasing brand engagement, extending brand
reach and deepening brand impact. This is done using three types of networks:
self-starting clubs, partner clubs and safe spaces.
of the Role
Effect Rwanda is seeking to commission a research consultant/agency with expertise
in adolescent girl programming and/ or mapping of social development
. The
consultant will be required to provide short-term support to Girl Effect Rwanda
in researching the existing structures that 10-19 year old girls and boys
access outside of school (or after school), what is learnt in these networks,
and how, when they do access these structures and what impact it has on their
agency will be expected to work closely with Girl Effect’s Brand, Gender, and
Evidence Teams as well as the Director of Girl Networks at Girl Effect London,
to ensure that insights from this research piece effectively inform the Ni
Nyampinga strategy around clubs engagement.
agency will look at existing Girl Networks across Rwanda. It is expected to
deliver a comprehensive report that will help Girl Effect Rwanda to understand
the existing structures for 10-19 years old girls and boys to come together,
network and learn new skills in formal and informal environments as well as the
content that exists within these structures.
details of the deliverables below will be refined with the selected agency,
along with clear outputs and a work plan for completion. However, the report is
expected to:
  • Identify
    different safe spaces and clubs based on type (formal vs. informal,
    self-started vs. stakeholder led, partner club vs. safe space); how they
    are managed (mentors vs. peer-led); the focus areas, objectives and type
    of service package they provide; venue of meetings; membership/attendees
    demography in terms of age, in/out of school, as well as number of members
    Identify the scale and estimate number within each club type targeting
    10-19 year old girls and boys across Rwanda
  • Identify
    all actors involved in funding and implementing this type of work
  • Detail
    how safe spaces and clubs are connected to schools and other existing
    services and initiatives at the local level
  • Identify
    enablers and constraints for 10-19 year old girls and boys to participate
    in safe spaces and clubs
  • Map
    the type of content that is consumed in safe spaces and clubs (e.g.
    structure, topics discussed, learning objectives), comparing the content
    to the level of impact on girls’ and boys’ lives.
  • Collect
    evidence on the impact of safe spaces and clubs on girls and boys, as well
    as examples of best practice that could be taken to scale
  • Suggest
    entry points on how the types of Girl Networks could build up on existing
    structures for girls across Rwanda, noting any regional differences in
    existing structures
  • Identify
    support required to ensure the different types of Girl Networks are as
    effective as possible and sustainable
national-level study is expected to include a mixed methodological approach for
a collection of both primary and secondary data (e.g. a combination of desk
review, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs)).
agency is expected to propose the detailed methodology for the type of study.
The methodological design, included in submissions to this Request for
Proposals, will dictate the sampling strategy for the study.
will be finalised in collaboration with the selected consultant but are likely
to include:
  • Inception
    meeting with Girl Effect to discuss and agree the detailed methodology for
    the research, detailed in an inception report
  • Manage
    and lead on all relevant research approval processes. Girl Effect Rwanda
    will provide the consultant with necessary recommendations letters.
  • Attend
    and complete successfully the Girl Effect Safeguarding training.
  • Conduct
    literature review, FGDs and KIIs with relevant stakeholders and key
  • Draft
    and translate data collection tools for Girl Effect Rwanda’s review and
    feedback prior to using in the field.
  • Manage
    in-country field research using trained team of Rwandan researchers,
    including female researchers for any work with girls.
  • Transcripts
    and analysis of findings.
  • Produce
    a table of existing content that is used in safe spaces and clubs with
    details on topics, learning outcomes and methodologies used in these
  • Submit
    a draft PowerPoint of findings and recommendations on how Girl Effect’s
    Girl Networks approach and Brand can build on or connect with existing
    structures for girls and partners already engaged in similar activities.
    The draft will be commented on and returned to you by Girl Effect within 3
    working days of submission.
  • Deliver
    research-uptake presentation on the mapping of girls and boys’ safe spaces
    and clubs across Rwanda for review and feedback to Brand Strategy, GST,
    and Evidence Team in Rwanda.
  • Draft
    report on the mapping of girls and boys’ safe spaces and clubs across
    Rwanda for Girl Effect review and feedback.
  • Final
    report, including a 2 page executive summary, no longer than 30 pages. The
    report will include recommendations on how Girl Effect’s Girl Networks
    approach can build on or connect with existing structures for girls and
    partners already engaged in similar activities.
  • Produce
    a table summarizing the information on existing safe spaces and clubs that
    have been identified during this research with details for each structure
    (e.g. location, type of girl/boy accessing the structure, methodology,
    content etc.), to be included as an annex in the final report.
agency will report to Associate Manager, Evidence Rwanda, who is based in Girl
Effect’s Kigali office. The expected report delivery date is  April 2017.
Consultants should display the following skills and experience:
  • Extensive
    applied experience of research design and implementation to support
    practical outcomes, within the international development or social
    research sectors and particularly in relation to gender sensitive and
    youth programming. Proven experience in designing and implementing girl
    centred research will be an added advantage
  • Understanding
    of research demands within the media, communications or market research
  • Understanding
    of research ethics particularly in relation to safe guarding/ child
  • Experience
    conducting field research with children and young people
  • Experience
    managing qualitative and quantitative field research in a second language,
    particularly within Rwanda and/or Southern Africa
  • Ability
    to communicate technical concepts and research findings clearly to
    colleagues, in particular those whose first language is not English
  • Excellent
    interpersonal skills and the ability to engage appropriately with local
    researchers, contractors, and senior project staff
  • Track
    record of delivering consultancy projects on time, on budget and to a high
  • Excellent
    written and fluent spoken English
apply please send CVs for all relevant team members along with a brief plan (5
page max) for how you would approach this research. An indicative budget (1
page max) should also be included.
apply, please send a proposal (5 pages max) with the following items, in
addition to addressing the criteria above:
  • Detailed
    CVs for all proposed team members
  • Proposed
    methodology to meet the objectives
  • A
    preliminary work plan with deliverables and timelines noted
  • Budget
    providing breakdown of costs by activity, daily rates and expenses (1 page
  • Sample
    of previous, similar work
  • Two
for receiving applications is 13th January 2017.
1: Types of Girl Networks
  • Girls,
    and sometimes boys too, come together based on a connection to a Girl
    Effect brand
  • Informally
    structured and do not follow any set curricula or guidance
  • Use
    existing branded media products as content to engage with and learn from
  • Gatekeeper
    approval required for girls to engage
  • Social
    capital and some degree of confidence is built
  • Some
    level of skills and knowledge around all or any of the 5 success factors
  • Gatekeeper
    approval given
  • Run
    by other development actors and/or government bodies
  • Engages
    girls and boys
  • Facilitated
    by a mentor that follows a structured curriculum
  • Methodology
    will likely be youth-focused but not necessarily participatory in delivery
    and engagement during club meetings
  • Parents
    and families may engage with clubs but not consistently, approval required
    for girls to engage
  • Social
    capital is built
  • Most
    clubs will increase girls’ confidence and some will work on girls’ agency
    but not guaranteed
  • Some
    degree of skills and knowledge around all or any of the 5 success factors
  • Gatekeeper
    approval given, may see value and support towards girl but not necessarily
  1. SAFE
  • Run
    by other development actors and/or government bodies
  • Girl-only
  • Facilitated
    by a mentor who is a young female from the community
  • The
    methodology is girl-centred
  • Girls
    meet in a ‘safe’ environment – e.g. girls freely express themselves
    without fear of judgment or backlash and are not put at risk accessing the
    safe space
  • Strong
    community engagement with parents, families and gatekeepers to approve
    girls attending AND create/strengthen support systems within families and communities
  • Social
    capital, confidence and agency is built
  • Increased
    skills and knowledge around all 5 key asset areas
  • Gatekeeper
    approval, values and support girls.

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