for 2017 will open on 29th August.
Sydney Scholars Awards offers Year 12 students commencing their studies in 2017
the opportunity to apply for scholarships ranging from $6,000 to $10,000 in
value and awarded in duration from one year, up to 5 years (combined degrees).
These prestigious scholarships will be offered to students who meet the
selection criteria including an ATAR requirement of 95 and above. Students
applying to the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and Sydney College
of Arts require
an ATAR of 90 or above. If you are an international student, have recently
completed an International Baccalaureate or educational award equivalent to the
HSC, and are applying for admission through UAC, you are also eligible to apply.
For domestic students (including New Zealand citizens), if you receive an ATAR
of 99.90 you will automatically be awarded a scholarship worth $10,000 for the
duration of your undergraduate degree.
be considered for a range of faculty scholarships, please see faculty scholarships for more details.
For Sydney Scholars Awards, you will need to complete an online application
form and upload your most recent school report.
Provision for a personal statement will be included in the online application.
We suggest that you complete a draft first and then cut and paste your final
answers into the text boxes provided. Please note there is a 1000 character
limit on each text box (approximately 150-200 words). Strict character
limits apply.
Sydney Scholars Awards also supports students with excellent academic ability
who have faced significant challenges, such as financial, medical or disability
issues, have refugee status or live in a rural area. To be eligible you will
need to apply for a Sydney Scholars Award on hardship grounds. You will also
need to submit a separate equity scholarship application to UAC.
The University will link your Sydney Scholars Awards application to your UAC
application for assessment purposes. Selection criteria will be on the basis of
equity and a broader level of academic ability. To be considered for a
conditional scholarship offer in late-November, you need to provide all
documents to UAC by 30 October 2016. Submissions to UAC after 30 October will
be considered in a later offer round.
Tips on how to apply for the Sydney Scholars Program 2017
Apply for the Sydney Scholars Program
Dates to Remember:
August 2016 |
Open |
September 2016 |
Close |
Offers Issued |
Scholarship Offers Issued – except for Sydney Scholars Awards on Hardship Grounds |
Scholarship Offers for Sydney Scholars Awards on Hardship Grounds Issued |