CNFA,Agricultural Mechanization Specialist Jobs in Rwanda

Mechanization Specialist – FTF Rwanda SFAN
is a not-for-profit international agricultural development organization
headquartered in Washington, D.C. and dedicated to increasing rural incomes by
empowering farmers and rural entrepreneurs. CNFA assists smallholders in increasing
household-level food security and nutrition through improved agricultural
practices, introduction of new varieties, diversificatio

n of crop production,
food preservation and storage, development of farmer-based organizations, and
strengthened linkages to markets. CNFA has a successful track record of
implementing agricultural development programs in 43 countries.

Project Overview:
USAID/Rwanda Feed the Future Sustainable Food, Agriculture, and Nutrition
(SFAN) Activity, will link agriculture productivity with sustainable management
of natural resources through integrated soil fertility and water management to
improve the nutrition outcome of agriculture investments. The activity will be
implemented through the integrated approach of climate smart agriculture (CSA)
to improve the resilience of the national farming and food systems. Moreover,
as the majority of the agricultural population is made of women, and women are
among the most vulnerable groups, this activity is being designed with an emphasis
on ensuring women have access to and control over agricultural resources and
that proposed interventions take into considerations issues raised in the
gender analysis.   
is currently seeking applicant’s foranAgricultural Mechanization Specialist.
Ideal Candidate’s Experience:
  • 5+
    years of experience in agriculturalmechanization is required, experience
    in private sector work is preferred;
  • Experience
    working on USAID-funded or other international donor-funded projects is
  • Bachelor’s
    degree in related field is required, Master’s degree is preferred;
  • Experience
    working in Rwanda is highly preferred;
  • Strong
    verbal and written skills in English and French are required; Knowledge of
    Kinyarwanda is an asset.
and Rwandan Nationals are strongly encouraged to apply.
must send their CV and cover letter to
with “Rwanda FTF SFAN- Agricultural Mechanization Specialist” in the
subject line. Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis.
Deadline for submission is September 30, 2016

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