Childhood Development in Rwanda refers to a comprehensive approach to policies
and programs for children from conception, birth to 6 years of age, with the
active participation of their parents, community and caregivers. Its purpose is
the holistic development of a child during the first years of life: physical,
social, emotional, spiritual, moral, intellectual development.
Childhood Development in Rwanda refers to a comprehensive approach to policies
and programs for children from conception, birth to 6 years of age, with the
active participation of their parents, community and caregivers. Its purpose is
the holistic development of a child during the first years of life: physical,
social, emotional, spiritual, moral, intellectual development.
Government of Rwanda has developed a comprehensive ECD Policy and its
implementation plan with a strong emphasis on positive parenting through the
nurturing care from parents, legal guardians and other caregivers (ECD Policy,
Government of Rwanda has developed a comprehensive ECD Policy and its
implementation plan with a strong emphasis on positive parenting through the
nurturing care from parents, legal guardians and other caregivers (ECD Policy,
Communities is a member of Early Childhood Development technical working group
(ECD TWG).One of the programs of Global Communities is TWIYUBAKE program which
aims to build the capacity of parents and other caregivers to fulfill their
parenting obligations (ECD Policy, 2016). Parents therefore are seen as the primary
educators of their children and are called upon to take lead in child
development support through parenting education sessions.
Communities is a member of Early Childhood Development technical working group
(ECD TWG).One of the programs of Global Communities is TWIYUBAKE program which
aims to build the capacity of parents and other caregivers to fulfill their
parenting obligations (ECD Policy, 2016). Parents therefore are seen as the primary
educators of their children and are called upon to take lead in child
development support through parenting education sessions.
is in this regard that MIGEPROF in collaboration with Global Communities
through USAID Twiyubake program, are working together in the elaboration of a
comprehensive guide on Positive Parenting which will be used by all the
partners in the implementation of Positive parenting program across the
country, to ensure overall wellbeing of children from conception to 21 years. Working
with parents on positive parenting will reduce the occurrence of violence
against children in the home, including the abuse and exploitation of
vulnerable children, and will strengthen the relationship between parents and
is in this regard that MIGEPROF in collaboration with Global Communities
through USAID Twiyubake program, are working together in the elaboration of a
comprehensive guide on Positive Parenting which will be used by all the
partners in the implementation of Positive parenting program across the
country, to ensure overall wellbeing of children from conception to 21 years. Working
with parents on positive parenting will reduce the occurrence of violence
against children in the home, including the abuse and exploitation of
vulnerable children, and will strengthen the relationship between parents and
ensure the effectiveness of the guide, MIGEPROF in partnership with Global
Communities are hiring a consultant to develop a positive parenting guide.
ensure the effectiveness of the guide, MIGEPROF in partnership with Global
Communities are hiring a consultant to develop a positive parenting guide.
purpose of the consultancy is to develop a guide of reference on positive
parenting that will be used to build the capacity of parents and other
caregivers to fulfill their parenting obligations across Rwanda. This will
facilitate different partners in family promotion and child protection in the
implementation of their programs.
purpose of the consultancy is to develop a guide of reference on positive
parenting that will be used to build the capacity of parents and other
caregivers to fulfill their parenting obligations across Rwanda. This will
facilitate different partners in family promotion and child protection in the
implementation of their programs.
developed guide willbe used by all the actors in Positive parenting across the
country. Twiyubake program beneficiaries, volunteers and caregivers will also
be among people to benefit from the guide through acquisition of knowledge and
skills that enhance their positive parenting practices.
developed guide willbe used by all the actors in Positive parenting across the
country. Twiyubake program beneficiaries, volunteers and caregivers will also
be among people to benefit from the guide through acquisition of knowledge and
skills that enhance their positive parenting practices.
Consultant will perform the following tasks:
Consultant will perform the following tasks:
- Develop
a document on positive parenting education that will specify minimum
standard of education as guiding tool for all ECD and parenting education
actors in Rwanda at different ages. The positive parenting guide must
cover the following age groups of children: - 0-3
years old. - 4-6
years - 7-12
years - 13-18
years - 18-21
years - Couples
prepared to get married on how to prepare for the child. - Pregnant
woman - Elaborating
skills and practices that are appropriate in instilling good practices in
parenting in Rwanda and detail the role of both parents (father and
mother) in caring for children. - Spell
out rolesand responsibilities of children at above listedage groups. - Develop
a set of questionnaire that will be used in data collection from the
community for appropriate and contextualized practices and experiences. - Collect
data from 15 districts sampled from all the 5 provinces of Rwanda. - Work
closely with USAID/ Twiyubake team and MIGEPROFto assess the data
collection tools and related implementation plan to ensure that positive
parenting is systematically institutionalised within the Twiyubake program
and the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion strategies of promoting
Early Childhood Development, as a lasting solution to child abuse and
violation of child rights in Rwanda. - The
consultant will elaborate on how to detect early disabilities among
children, prevention and its management. - The
consultant will elaborate on the developmental milestones in linkages with
the scope of work. - The
consultant will be required to deliver the following:
- An
inception report comprising the table of content, objectives, detailed
methodology, executive summary of the positive parenting guide, and desk
review, data collection tools, and a clear work plan. - Consult
different stakeholders including but not limited to: Government
institutions, private, parents, children, youth, NGOs, FBOs, Inshuti
z’Umuryango, Umugoroba w’Ababyeyi committees, NWC, Inteko izirikana, Local
Leaders, etc. - Share
progress report (soft) every two weeks with technical teams composed of
MIGEPROF, Global Communities, NCC, NWC, REB, RBC/MoH, RWAMREC and Umuhuza. - Share
the draft report to be approved by MIGEPROF and Global Communities after
30 days. - Submit
the final report after 45 days incorporating the feedback from MIGEPROF
and Global Communities for final validation. - Produce
a final guide in Kinyarwanda in three colored hard copies and the soft
copy of the final guide. - Provide
soft, hard and PDF copies of the guide and Power Point presentation
including a summary of the guide. - Conduct
the ToT for National facilitators on the use of the guide.Conduct the ToT
for National facilitators on the use of the guide.
consultancy will be carried out for a period of 45 calendar days from
the time when the contract is signed.The consultants will work closely and
regularly with MIGEPROF and Global Communities. The contract will be signed
between the consultant and the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion and will
be governed by the GoR rules and regulations.
consultancy will be carried out for a period of 45 calendar days from
the time when the contract is signed.The consultants will work closely and
regularly with MIGEPROF and Global Communities. The contract will be signed
between the consultant and the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion and will
be governed by the GoR rules and regulations.
- After
submission and approval of inception report: 20% down payment; - After
submission of the approvedPositive Parenting Guide for final validation:
30% down payment; - At
the submission of the final Positive Parenting Guide approved for
dissemination: 50% final installment.
consultancy firmmust have:
consultancy firmmust have:
- Experience
of at least 3 years and expertise in family issues and education.
Expertise in ECD issues, substantial experience in developing,
implementing and analyzing will be an asset; - Experience
in working with multi sectorial projects or programs; - Demonstrated
capacity in research methods including data analysis, qualitative and
quantitative methods and focus groups discussions; - Previous
provenexperience in similar workwill be helpful; - Fluency
in Kinyarwanda and English is required; - Having
at least two staff with qualification in Early Childhood Development,
Education, Social Sciences or any other related field with a minimum
experience of three years in the mentioned domains.
invite interested consultants to submit the following application documents:
invite interested consultants to submit the following application documents:
- Letter
of Application; - Documents
outlining how the consultant meets the selection criteria and his/her
understanding of the TOR and schedule/work plan with time frame and work
methodology; - An
updated signed and detailed CV; - Copies
of degree and professional trainings; - One
(1) notifiedcertificates of good completion for previous consultancies in
the field of education; - Financial
- Instructions
for Preparation of the Technical and Financial Proposal
- Technical
Proposals should explain how the applicant intends to carry out the work. - Should
give details of technical financial proposal - Technical
Proposals will be limited to four (4) pages in total. Pages in excess of
the 4 pages limit will not be read or evaluated. - The
technical proposal should be written in Kinyarwanda and include the
Approach (1 page): The Bidder shall demonstrate his/her understanding, ability
and overall approach to performing the requirements described in the Statement
of Work.
Approach (1 page): The Bidder shall demonstrate his/her understanding, ability
and overall approach to performing the requirements described in the Statement
of Work.
- Personal
Qualifications and Availability (1 page): The Bidder shall identify
in summary format the names, education, experience and professional
qualifications of all individuals proposed for this Statement of Work as
well as the personnel signed CV and tasks. - Past
Performance (1 page): The Bidder shall submit a list of related contracts
and subcontracts that are similar in scope. Additionally, the Bidder
shall provide the contact details for reference purposes. - Timeframe
for completion (1 page): The Bidder shall explain the amount of time
required for each element in the Statement of Work.
- The
Bidder must propose realistic and reasonablecostsfor the work in
accordance with the Bidder’s technical approach.
bidders are requested to submit their application (3 copies) no later than Tuesday,
30th August 2016 at 5:00 pm, in a sealed envelope at Global Communities,
located at Kacyiru- Kigali, Kg 563 St (behind telecom house), with
mention “Development of the National Parenting Guide Consultancy”.
bidders are requested to submit their application (3 copies) no later than Tuesday,
30th August 2016 at 5:00 pm, in a sealed envelope at Global Communities,
located at Kacyiru- Kigali, Kg 563 St (behind telecom house), with
mention “Development of the National Parenting Guide Consultancy”.
shortlisted bidders will be contacted.
shortlisted bidders will be contacted.
Communities is a member of the Network of International NGOs
Communities is a member of the Network of International NGOs