UNODA Women Scholarship for Peace: Global South in Vienna, Austria

Scholarship for Peace: Global South

The Women
Scholarship for Peace: Global South is an initiative coordinated by the UN
Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) at Vienna in partnership with 26
organisations whose work contribute to disarmament, non-proliferation and
development-related issues. A tot

al of 140 scholarships are made available to
facilitate participation of women from the Global South at the training

is the Women Scholarship for Peace?

  • A Women
    Scholarship for Peace entails financial support for an early career woman
    from the Global South to take training courses about peace and
    development-related areas.
  • A total
    of 140 scholarships are available, covering all costs of registration and
    participation at the training courses.
  • Applications
    now open for: Asia/Pacific, Africa and Middle East (105 scholarships)
  • Applications
    to be announced in 2017: Latin America and the Caribbean (35 scholarships)

Find out more about
the modalities of the scholarship by clicking the link at the bottom of the

is unique about this training programme?

1.  Dual learning modality: both in-person
and on-line training.
2.  Participants will obtain a certificate
from the UN mandated University for Peace (UPEACE). They have the possibility
to with possibility to obtain a diploma carrying university credits.
3.  The training courses are developed
directly by the DNP Education partners, delivering to students first-hand
information from some major international organisations, under the coordination
of the UNODA Office at Vienna and will be administered by UPEACE.
4.  140 fully funded scholarships available
to cover the costs of tuition and travel, room and board to the in-person
training location for 1 week

is the target audience of the training courses?

Early career women
from various fields from the Global South. It is not required to have previous
knowledge of the issues of disarmament, non-proliferation and development.

will participants learn?

This on-line and in-person course introduces
participants to key conceptual and practical aspects of disarmament,
non-proliferation and development-related issues, such as:
  • Weapons
    of mass destruction
  • Conventional
  • Disarmament
    and development
  • Gender
    and disarmament
  • Peace
    and development-related technologies
  • Induction
    courses about entities contributing to disarmament, non-proliferation and
    development, such as the IAEA, CTBTO, OPCW, etc.

are the training courses organised?

The training courses are composed of:
  • 1 month
    introductory on-line training (about 20 hours)
  • 1 week
    in-person training (about 40 hours)
  • 1 month
    advanced on-line training (about 20 hours)
  • Optional:
    1 final examination essay to obtain university credits (about 40 hours)

The on-line
component includes: self-paced webinars with weekly sessions, reading material
and exams, interaction with the instructor and the fellow students.

do participants need to follow the training courses?

  • a
    computer or mobile device, with audio
  • reliable
    internet connection
  • no
    special software is required
  • travel
    to the in-person location for 5 working days to attend workshops and
    training sessions

kind of certification will the participants receive?

Certificate of

all participants successfully completing the on-line and in-person training
courses will receive an official certificate of completion from UPEACE.


eligible participants who successfully pass the additional voluntary
examination will receive an official diploma from UPEACE, carrying university

and where are the training courses scheduled?

Latin America and the Caribbean
Number of scholarships available
Application period
1 August – 31 August 2016
To be announced
in 2017
Selection process
1 September – mid September 2016
Dates on-line
introductory course
1 October – 31 October 2016
Dates in-person
training course
6 November
– Thursday, 10 November 2016
15 November
– Saturday, 19 November 2016
23 November
– Sunday, 27 November 2016
Dates on-line advanced course
1 December – 31 December 2016
Location in-person course
Cairo, Egypt
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Bangkok, Thailand
San José, Costa-Rica

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