Siberian Federal University PhD Research Grants in Russia

PhD Research Grant

Siberian Federal
University announces selection for SibFU PhD Research Grant in: Biophysics, Optics and Quantum Chemistry, Urban Design and Planning, Metallurgy of Non-FerrousMetals, Metal Forming,
MultidimensionalComplex Analysis.

The grant amount is
600 000 rubles per year*. The program duration is 3 years. The contest winner
is paid equal amounts quarterly during the first year, followed by the renewal
depending on the results

of the annual report.**

  • First
    date of applications submission 8:00 20 July, 2016 (Moscow time).
  • Deadline
    for applications submission 12:00 31 August, 2016 (Moscow time).

The application
package should be sent to: and hard-copy documents
should be brought to office P6-12, bldg. 10, 79, pr.Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk.

  • *The
    scholarship is paid in case a PhD candidate has been enrolled to
    post-graduate PhD program in SibFU on a paid basis.
  • ** In
    case a PhD candidate is a foreign citizen or a non-resident of
    Krasnoyarsk, he/she will be provided with a dormitory room in SibFU
    campus. PhD candidates will have to pay transportation, living, studying
    and insurance costs themselves.

for applicants:

  • Applicant
    age — not older than 30 years old (at the moment of application);
  • Upper-intermediate
    level of English and above, proved by a certificate or by scientific
    publications in peer-viewed academic journals in English (note: the
    certificate is non-obligatory for native English speakers);
  • Research
    work experience during the period of education in Master’s degree program,
    proved either with publications in peer-viewed scientific journals,
    conference proceedings and taking part in international scientific
    conferences, or with Master’s work supervisor’s or colleagues’
  • The
    applicant has never been a winner of this program before.

More details concerning
the requirements can be found in REGULATIONS FOR SibFU SELECTION PROGRAMME «PhD

can I get a scholarship?

Those who would like
to take part in the contest should send the following set of documents to

  • Written
    consent of the intended SibFU supervisor to supervise the applicant’s
    scientific work (Annex 1);
  • Statement
    of Intent for participation in SibFU Selection, addressed to the Rector of
    SibFU (Annex 2);
  • Fill in online application form with personal information
  • Copies
    of Master’s (Specialist’s) degree diplomas;
  • Certificate
    which proves level of English;
  • Copies
    of national passport;
  • The
    applicant’s curriculum vitae;
  • The
    applicant’s аpplication/motivation letter;
  • 2-3
    recommendation letters from previous scientific supervisors and
  • Other
    documents at the discretion of the applicant

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