Four-Year Fully Funded PhD Studentship at University College London in UK


way that EPSRC
funding for doctoral training works, is that we issue block grants to
particular universities via Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs), Centres for
Doctoral Training (CDTs) or Industrial CASE
(ICASE). The universities then manage the recruitment and selection of students
to the projects that will be funded.

For details on how
to apply, eligibility and criteria for selection, you must approach the
relevant University.

Helpfor students

Information about
help and advice available to EPSRC-funded

Guidance for
current EPSRC students
, Opportunities
for international students
, Student
, A statement ofexpectations for Research Council-funded students, Flexibility to
support the very best students

Doctoral Training
Partnership (DTP)

Each year EPSRC
awards four-year Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTP), formally known as DTG
or DTA, to institutions based
on their research grant income.

EPSRC Doctoral
Training Partnerships (DTP)
, Doctoral
Training Partnership (DTP) 50% rule
, Flexibility in
doctoral partnerships
, Length of PhD
, Disabled
students allowance

Collaborative training

Navigational page
for EPSRC’s
collaborative training section within the studentships section.

Industrial doctoral
, Collaborative
training accounts
, Industrial CASE,

Centres for Doctoral

EPSRC-funded centres
bring together diverse areas of expertise to train engineers and scientists.
They aim to create new working cultures, build relationships between teams in
universities and forge lasting links with industry.

starting 2013 / 14
, Centres
starting pre-2013
, EPSRCmonitoring and evaluation framework for the portfolio of Centres for DoctoralTraining (2016/17), 2013
CDT exercise
, 2011
mid-term review

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