25 University of Warwick International Scholarships in UK

International Scholarship

The University of
Warwick is committed to being able to ensure as many academically outstanding
students as possible from around the world are able to study here.

The Chancellor’s
International Sch

olarships are allocated annually via a combined postgraduate
research scholarship competition and are open to all overseas students in any
discipline offered at Warwick.

for Chancellor’s International Scholarships 2017/18 entry will open on 1 August
2016. Before submitting an application we would strongly advise reading ‘Guidancenotes for applicants‘.


For 2017/18 entry
there will be 25 Chancellor’s International Scholarships available to be
awarded to the most outstanding international PhD applicants. Awards made for
entry in Autumn 2017 will include both of the following:

  • The
    full payment of overseas tuition fees (worth up to £19,740 at 16/17 rates,
    this figure is likely to increase with inflation for 2017/18)
  • A
    maintenance stipend in line with RCUK rates (provisional £14,539* for full
    time award holders in 2017/18)
  • Length
    of funding: 3.5 years unless you are already in your first year of study
    when you apply then the length of funding will be reduced accordingly

* Please note this is a RCUK
provisional predicted figure and is subject to change.


  • Applicants
    for a Chancellor’s International Scholarship must also be applying for a
    PhD at the University of Warwick to begin in October 2017;
  • Students
    currently enrolled on a PhD or MPhil/PhD at the University of Warwick may
    apply in their first year of registration only.
  • Applicants
    must expect to be ‘overseas’ students for fees purposes, but there is no
    other nationality criteria;
  • Applicants
    may be from any discipline at Warwick.


We strongly
advise that all applicants read the guidance listed below before completing an
application form.

Please note due to
the volume of enquiries the Graduate School is unable to send any application
materials to potential applicants.

to Apply

Applicants should
read the guidance notes carefully before completing the application form.

  • New
    applicants can apply for the Chancellor’s International Scholarship by
    completing the Joint Postgraduate Admissions and Scholarship Application form. If you are
    eligible for this scholarship you will be asked if you would like to be
    considered for funding as part of your application to the University.
    Please select YES at this point and you will be invited to complete
    further information that will form the basis of your application for this
  • If you
    are in the first year of your PhD or applied before 1st August 2016 and
    would like to be considered for this Scholarship to fund the remainder of
    your studies please complete the Single Scholarship Application form.


The Application
deadline for this year’s competition is 23:59pm (GMT) on Wednesday 18th January 2017

All supporting
documents (references and transcripts) must be uploaded by Wednesday 1st
February 2017 at the latest.

Please note no late
applications will be accepted.


Results of the PGR
Scholarships Competition will be communicated through email by mid March 2017.
Please do not contact the Graduate School before this date to enquire about


Please note: due to
the large volume of applications the Graduate School is unable to provide
individual feedback to applicants.


Colleagues seeking
further information about the postgraduate research scholarship competition
should visit the Graduate School’s staff pages.

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