Nyamagabe District, JOBS Vacancies in Rwanda(a day to go)

Nyamagabe District wishes to recruit the qualified and competent
staff for the following posts:

  1. Local Revenue Accountant: A0
    in Accounting, Finance, Management with specialization in Finance /
    Accounting or Professional Qualification recognized by IFAC (ACCA, CPA,
  1. Community Based Health Insurance Officer: A0 in Management, Social Work, Demography,
    Accounting, Education Sciences, Socio-Economics, Public Health, Marketing
    or Bachelor of Arts, Sciences
To Apply
interested candidates should submit their application along with the following
  • Fill
    job application form downloadable from the following website: www.psc.gov.rw
    or at Nyamagabe District
  • Copy
    of ID
  • Copy
    of degree academic qualification
documents should be submitted to the Central Secretariat of Nyamagabe District
since 15/07/2016 until 21/07/2016 at 5:00 P.M.
list of shortlisted candidates will be available on 26/07/2016 at Nyamagabe
District Office and on website www.nyamagabe.gov.rw
written test will take place on 29/07/2016 at School of Sciences Nyamagabe at
Nyagisenyi at 09:00 A.M.
Done at Nyamagabe, on 12/07/2016
MUGISHA Philbert
Mayor of Nyamagabe District

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