PhD Positions in Molecular and Chemical Ecology, Germany

PhD positions available starting January 2017 – Registration is now open !!


students at the symposium 2016
to the homepage of the docto

ral school for “The Exploration of Ecological
Interactions with Molecular and Chemical Techniques”. We are an
International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) that is jointly organized by
the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology (MPICE), the Friedrich Schiller
University of Jena (FSU), and the Leibniz Institute for Natural Product
Research and Infection Biology (HKI).

main focus of our school is the use of molecular, chemical and neuroethological
techniques to experimentally explore ecological interactions under natural
conditions. We study interactions between plants, animals, microbes and their
environment, as well as the behavioral consequences of these interactions. For
further information please visit the research pages.
students prepare for their PhD exam in a 3-year structured program that
includes lectures, practical courses, outreach activities, and participation in
internal and international conferences. All courses are held in English. The
doctoral degree is granted by the Friedrich Schiller University, Jena. A
detailed description of the IMPRS curriculum can be found here.
to the school is possible either through the annual recruitment or a written
application to the school committee. Each year, up to four IMPRS doctoral
positions are awarded following a competitive, worldwide call for applications.
The application procedure and details on the current application call are described
IMPRS is part of the “Jena School for Microbial Communication” (JSMC) which was established in
2006 as an umbrella organization for three existing Research Training Groups.
A roll-up and flyer of the IMPRS in Jena
are available for download. If you follow the link you can
watch a movie about our IMPRS in Jena and the IMPRS in Magdeburg.

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