DAAD Master Scholarships for Public Policy and Good Governance in Germany


This programme is
designed to further qualify future leaders in politics, law, economics and
administration according to the principles of Good Governance and to prepare
them in a praxis-oriented course for their professional life. The programme
offers very good graduat

es with a first university degree the chance to obtain
a Master’s degree in disciplines that are of special relevance for the social,
political and economic development of their home country. With this programme,
DAAD intends to contribute to the support of Good Governance and civil society structures
in selected partner countries and regions.

The following Master
courses are available:

• Hertie School of
Governance, Berlin: Master of Public Policy (MPP)
• University Duisburg-Essen: Master of Development and Governance
• Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt: Master of Public Policy (MPP)
• Leuphania University Lüneburg: Public Economics, Law and Politics (PELP)
• Hochschule Osnabrück: Management in Nonprofit Organizations
• University of Osnabrück: M.A. Democratic Governance and Civil Society
• University Passau: Master of Governance and Public Policy
• University Potsdam: Master
of Public Management (MPM)

can apply?

Very well qualified
graduates with a first university degree (Bachelor or equivalent) who in the
future want to actively contribute to the social and economic development of
their home countries. The scholarships are offered both for young graduates
without professional experience and for mid-career professionals. The
scholarship scheme is open to candidates from Africa, Latin America, South
Asia, Southeast Asia as well as from countries in the Middle East (see list of countries).

is fundable?

The scholarships are
for Master courses at a German institution of higher education. The successful
candidates will study on one of the selected Master courses listed above. The
courses have an international orientation and are taught in German and/or
English. The scholarship holders will study in groups and be offered a special
DAAD-financed tutoring at their host institutions. Furthermore, there is the
possibility of networking events for participants in different courses and
their attendance at tailor-made summer-schools.

Before taking up
their Master studies the scholarship holders will be placed on German courses
for normally 6 months (this also applies to scholarship holders in Master
courses taught in English).The language courses take place at selected
institutes in Germany and not at the universities.

DAAD pays a monthly
scholarship rate of currently 750 €. The scholarship also includes
contributions to health insurance in Germany. In addition, DAAD grants an
appropriate travel allowance as well as a study and research subsidy and in
applicable cases rent subsidies and / or family allowances. DAAD-scholarship
holders are exempt from tuition fees.


In addition to the
completed undergraduate studies (Bachelor or equivalent) and the study results,
the main criterion for selection is a convincing description of the
subject-related and personal motivation for the study project in Germany and
the expected benefit after the return to the home country.

For Master courses
taught in German or in German and English, good knowledge of German (ideally at
completed A 2 level at the time of application) is an advantage for being able
to pass the German language test required for admission to the Master programme
at the end of the six-month preparatory German course. For courses taught in
English, proof of good knowledge of English is required. (For more details
please check the admission requirements for the selected course.)

The university
degree should have been obtained during the six years before the application
for the scholarship. Applicants cannot be considered if they have been in
Germany for more than 15 months at the time of application.

All Master courses
have further additional requirements that must be fulfilled by the applicants
at any case.


Please submit your
application for the Master courses and for the DAAD scholarship solely to the
Master courses you have selected at the respective university. Please check the
deadlines on the homepages of the elected Master courses. You are allowed to
submit your application to up to three Master courses listed below.

  • Application
  • Motivation
    Letter containing a precise description of the applicant’s academic /
    professional and personal reasons for wishing to participate in the
  • Full
    Curriculum Vitae (CV) including information about precise field of study
    and, if applicable, description of job experience
  • Copies
    of all certificates
  • Recent
    language Certificates
  • Two
    letters of recommendation by university professors and/or current or
    former employer


Please submit your
application for the selected Master courses and for the DAAD scholarship directly to the respective
. The application
at all 8 universities lasts from June 1st to July 31st 2016.

You are allowed to submit your application for up to two Master
courses listed. Please fill in the DAAD appliction form only once indicating
the study courses in their order of priority. Please send this same application
form and the necessary documents listed, to both universities of your

It is important to
read the 2017 Announcement and the FAQs for further information.

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