of Reference for Provision of Consultancy Services to summarise and translate
the training manual for ToT in Woman leadership in Cooperative (WLC)
of Reference for Provision of Consultancy Services to summarise and translate
the training manual for ToT in Woman leadership in Cooperative (WLC)
- Background
and rationale:
envisions a just Rwanda without poverty and will stage its interventions in
line with its mission – to ensure that poor men, women and youth enjoy equal
life and benefit from fair and inclusive development – through three strategic
and complementary pillars: (i) Sustainable Livelih
envisions a just Rwanda without poverty and will stage its interventions in
line with its mission – to ensure that poor men, women and youth enjoy equal
life and benefit from fair and inclusive development – through three strategic
and complementary pillars: (i) Sustainable Livelih
oods, (ii) Participatory
Governance and (iii)GenderJustice.
Sustainable Livelihoods Program has set big ambitions to ‘Create
Sustainable Livelihoods of thousands marginalized actors (Small farmers,
cooperatives and SMEs) through market Systems that are more Inclusive,
Efficient and Sustainably Productive while generating income and Job
opportunities especially for Women and Youth’.
Cooperatives are the main actor through which Oxfam is working with small
holder farmers to improve their livelihoods. Though women members in many
cooperatives in Rwanda have significantly grown in number, they continue to be
inadequately represented in cooperative leadership. Unfortunately, even today
gender bias and discrimination persist in most parts of the world, which
systematically disadvantage women and cause their unsatisfactory representation
and participation in cooperative leadership. Determining factors include:
Sustainable Livelihoods Program has set big ambitions to ‘Create
Sustainable Livelihoods of thousands marginalized actors (Small farmers,
cooperatives and SMEs) through market Systems that are more Inclusive,
Efficient and Sustainably Productive while generating income and Job
opportunities especially for Women and Youth’.
Cooperatives are the main actor through which Oxfam is working with small
holder farmers to improve their livelihoods. Though women members in many
cooperatives in Rwanda have significantly grown in number, they continue to be
inadequately represented in cooperative leadership. Unfortunately, even today
gender bias and discrimination persist in most parts of the world, which
systematically disadvantage women and cause their unsatisfactory representation
and participation in cooperative leadership. Determining factors include:
- Low
status due to persistent gender discrimination and gender stereotyping,
where women are generally viewed to be unfit for leadership, and
subsequent lack of support for women’s entry to leadership structures; - Limited
opportunity to engage full time in activities outside the home due to
unequal burden of care work that falls upon them; - Lack
of resources due to their economic dependence on their husbands or other
male household heads; and - Low
self esteem and inadequate leadership skills and experience as a result of
the above factors
is in this framework that from IFAD support, Oxfam is planning to hire a
Consultant to summarize and translate a training manual for training for
Trainers (partner staff and cooperative representatives especially
women-leaders), to address the above gender issues.
is in this framework that from IFAD support, Oxfam is planning to hire a
Consultant to summarize and translate a training manual for training for
Trainers (partner staff and cooperative representatives especially
women-leaders), to address the above gender issues.
training aims to assist trainers of cooperatives (training for trainers) to:
training aims to assist trainers of cooperatives (training for trainers) to:
- Raise
the awareness of women and men leaders and members of cooperatives on the
manifestations of gender bias (against women) in cooperatives, and on the
effects of discrimination against women on the personal and interpersonal
growth of its leaders and members, as well as on the organizational
development of cooperatives; - Build-up
the capacity of current and potential women leaders of cooperatives by
equipping them with knowledge and skills on the nature of cooperatives;
effective and gender-responsive leadership; Cooperative enterprise
management; women cooperative leadership challenges; and Personal women
leadership development. - To
develop training manuals in local language (Kinyarwanda) for Training of
Trainers on Women Leadership in Cooperatives
detailed methodology will be part of the technical proposal to be submitted by
the Consultant. However, as the learners are adults, it is recommendable to
consider their wealth of life experiences to the training process. To
effectively stimulate their minds, the best if not the only way is to make the
learning content and process relevant to these experiences. Trainees’ attention
to the learning contents is effectively achieved if the method not only excites
their minds, but as well as entertains them. The consultant should use the
methodology which tries to be very creative in selecting learning methods that
amuse and tickle the playfulness and sense of humour of the trainees.
detailed methodology will be part of the technical proposal to be submitted by
the Consultant. However, as the learners are adults, it is recommendable to
consider their wealth of life experiences to the training process. To
effectively stimulate their minds, the best if not the only way is to make the
learning content and process relevant to these experiences. Trainees’ attention
to the learning contents is effectively achieved if the method not only excites
their minds, but as well as entertains them. The consultant should use the
methodology which tries to be very creative in selecting learning methods that
amuse and tickle the playfulness and sense of humour of the trainees.
Timeframe- Duration-Reporting
Timeframe- Duration-Reporting
consultant is expected to use 5 working days to summarize and translate in
Kinyarwanda the training manual for WLC Master Trainers adapted to Rwanda
context. The manual to be summarised and adapted to Rwanda context can be found
on http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—asia/—ro-bangkok/—sro-new_delhi/documents/publication/wcms_124337.pdf.
The reporting schedule is as follows:
consultant is expected to use 5 working days to summarize and translate in
Kinyarwanda the training manual for WLC Master Trainers adapted to Rwanda
context. The manual to be summarised and adapted to Rwanda context can be found
on http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—asia/—ro-bangkok/—sro-new_delhi/documents/publication/wcms_124337.pdf.
The reporting schedule is as follows:
- Submission
of summarized WLC training manuals in English by: by 18th June 2016 - Submission
of summarized WLC training manuals translated in Kinyarwanda by 21st June
- Women
Leadership in Cooperatives training manuals is summarized in English in a
less than 30 pages document and adapted to Rwanda Context - Women
Leadership in Cooperatives training manuals, summarized in English and
adapted to Rwanda Context are translated in Kinyarwanda in less than 20
pages document to be used by project staff and local WLC Master Trainers.
Selection Criteria:
Selection Criteria:
Proposed methodology/tools for training: (30 points)
Proposed methodology/tools for training: (30 points)
- Level
of understanding of the Statement of Work/ToR - Clarity
in the presentation of the bid - Clarity
of the chronology/planning of the proposed activities - Relevance
/suitability/soundness of the methodology for the proposed activity - Logistics
for a good and smooth administration of the assignment
Relevant experience and competence of the proposed consultants as Rwandan (30
Relevant experience and competence of the proposed consultants as Rwandan (30
Organizational capacity and experience in implementing trainings or similar
assignments (15 points)
Organizational capacity and experience in implementing trainings or similar
assignments (15 points)
Cost reasonableness – a realistic budget in line with costs for similar
activities in Rwanda (25 points)
Cost reasonableness – a realistic budget in line with costs for similar
activities in Rwanda (25 points)
minimum score of 70 points is required for a proposal to be eligible for
further consideration.
minimum score of 70 points is required for a proposal to be eligible for
further consideration.
Application Procedure
Application Procedure
you meet the criteria outlined above, please send your technical and financial
proposals and 3 previous similar assignments completed successfully to Kigali@oxfam.org.uk. The closing date for
proposal submission is on 14th June 2016. Application received after 5pm
local time on the date indicated, will not be considered. Please note that
due to high Volume of applications we cannot respond to all applications and
will only be contacting selected applicants.
you meet the criteria outlined above, please send your technical and financial
proposals and 3 previous similar assignments completed successfully to Kigali@oxfam.org.uk. The closing date for
proposal submission is on 14th June 2016. Application received after 5pm
local time on the date indicated, will not be considered. Please note that
due to high Volume of applications we cannot respond to all applications and
will only be contacting selected applicants.
at Kigali on 07 June 2016-06-07
at Kigali on 07 June 2016-06-07
Director for Oxfam Rwanda
Director for Oxfam Rwanda