Monitoring Manager
Monitoring Manager
Lines: Reports to Senior
Manager, Evidence
Lines: Reports to Senior
Manager, Evidence
Girl Effect
Girl Effect
Effect works to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty. We do this by
connecting girls to each other and to the critical assets they need. We work to
create lasting perception change by harnessing media in innovative ways and
building social networks to develop girls’ positive perceptions of themselves
and shift how others see and value them.
Effect works to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty. We do this by
connecting girls to each other and to the critical assets they need. We work to
create lasting perception change by harnessing media in innovative ways and
building social networks to develop girls’ positive perceptions of themselves
and shift how others see and value them.
take a girl-centred approach to the challenges they face. We know that girls
need support in multiple areas to break the cycle of poverty – focusing on
single issues will never be enough. Only a holistic approach will work, so we
developed the 5+1 Theory of Change to put this into action.
take a girl-centred approach to the challenges they face. We know that girls
need support in multiple areas to break the cycle of poverty – focusing on
single issues will never be enough. Only a holistic approach will work, so we
developed the 5+1 Theory of Change to put this into action.
believe there are 5 key assets that determine a girl’s reality and 1 critical
catalyst – perception change – that inspires behaviour change that creates
empowered lives.
believe there are 5 key assets that determine a girl’s reality and 1 critical
catalyst – perception change – that inspires behaviour change that creates
empowered lives.
5 key assets are: Education, Health, Economic
Security, Safety, and Voice and Rights.
5 key assets are: Education, Health, Economic
Security, Safety, and Voice and Rights.
a girl is better educated, has access to sexual and reproductive healthcare
information and services, has access and control of economic assets, is safe
from violence and exploitation, and has the capabilities and confidence to make
positive choices, she can break the cycle of poverty.
a girl is better educated, has access to sexual and reproductive healthcare
information and services, has access and control of economic assets, is safe
from violence and exploitation, and has the capabilities and confidence to make
positive choices, she can break the cycle of poverty.
add the catalyst of perception change to improve awareness and
sensitivities of communities and families, and create an environment in which
girls are better able to capitalise on the five assets. Together, the 5+1
creates a virtuous cycle of change, lifting girls, their families and
communities out of poverty.
add the catalyst of perception change to improve awareness and
sensitivities of communities and families, and create an environment in which
girls are better able to capitalise on the five assets. Together, the 5+1
creates a virtuous cycle of change, lifting girls, their families and
communities out of poverty.
currently operate in Rwanda, Nigeria and Ethiopia with headquarters in London.
currently operate in Rwanda, Nigeria and Ethiopia with headquarters in London.
Girl Effect Rwanda (GER)
Girl Effect Rwanda (GER)
Effect Rwanda’s mission is to enable all of Rwanda’s one million adolescent
girls (aged 10-19) to fulfil their potential. We work across four areas:
partnering with leaders to deliver for girls; developing innovations in girl
programming; working through our brand platform Ni Nyampinga to
inspire and enable girls; and generating girl-led insights and
evidence. Our work aims to encourage investments that will benefit Rwandan
girls – in systems, culture, government and industry. These investments will realise
Rwanda’s Vision 2020.
Effect Rwanda’s mission is to enable all of Rwanda’s one million adolescent
girls (aged 10-19) to fulfil their potential. We work across four areas:
partnering with leaders to deliver for girls; developing innovations in girl
programming; working through our brand platform Ni Nyampinga to
inspire and enable girls; and generating girl-led insights and
evidence. Our work aims to encourage investments that will benefit Rwandan
girls – in systems, culture, government and industry. These investments will realise
Rwanda’s Vision 2020.
our branded media platform, Ni Nyampinga
our branded media platform, Ni Nyampinga
Effect Rwanda uses the power of brand thinking to promote positive social norm
and behaviour change amongst girls and their communities in Rwanda. Ni
Nyampinga is Rwanda’s first teen brand, developed by and for girls, redefining
what it means to be an adolescent girl in their community. In just three years
it has been established as a much loved and trusted brand, rooted in Rwandan
culture. Ni Nyampinga is an idea, an identity. It’s something that both
belongs to, and is created by, Rwandan teenage girls. Translated
as “a girl who is beautiful inside and out and makes good decisions”,
the term ‘ni nyampinga’ is a potent one in Rwandan culture.
Effect Rwanda uses the power of brand thinking to promote positive social norm
and behaviour change amongst girls and their communities in Rwanda. Ni
Nyampinga is Rwanda’s first teen brand, developed by and for girls, redefining
what it means to be an adolescent girl in their community. In just three years
it has been established as a much loved and trusted brand, rooted in Rwandan
culture. Ni Nyampinga is an idea, an identity. It’s something that both
belongs to, and is created by, Rwandan teenage girls. Translated
as “a girl who is beautiful inside and out and makes good decisions”,
the term ‘ni nyampinga’ is a potent one in Rwandan culture.
its launch as a quarterly magazine and weekly radio shows by Rwandan girl
journalists, there is a rich tale to tell about Ni Nyampinga, with some
exciting early signs of impact.
its launch as a quarterly magazine and weekly radio shows by Rwandan girl
journalists, there is a rich tale to tell about Ni Nyampinga, with some
exciting early signs of impact.
find out more about our work visit:
find out more about our work visit:
of the role
of the role
Effect Rwanda is seeking a highly experienced mixed methods research manager,
to lead on brand monitoring and formative research, using innovative and
sophisticated approaches to quantitative data collection and analysis. Brand
monitoring and formative research plays an important role in Ni Nyampinga’s
content creation, measuring its progress against targets, as well as informing
brand strategy and media content development.
Effect Rwanda is seeking a highly experienced mixed methods research manager,
to lead on brand monitoring and formative research, using innovative and
sophisticated approaches to quantitative data collection and analysis. Brand
monitoring and formative research plays an important role in Ni Nyampinga’s
content creation, measuring its progress against targets, as well as informing
brand strategy and media content development.
Brand Monitoring Manager, will work closely with the Senior Manager, Evidence
team in Girl Effect Rwanda as well as collaboratively with colleagues across
Brand, Girl Networks and Girl Specialist teams, to design and deliver complex
and sophisticated approaches to brand monitoring and formative research that
are fit-for-purpose, timely and of high quality. Here, the Manager will work
closely with the technical leads within Girl Effect’s global Evidence team,
based in London, to ensure global standards and approaches have been adequately
implemented in Rwanda. The Manager will line manage a Specialist, Evidence, who
will oversee field management.
Brand Monitoring Manager, will work closely with the Senior Manager, Evidence
team in Girl Effect Rwanda as well as collaboratively with colleagues across
Brand, Girl Networks and Girl Specialist teams, to design and deliver complex
and sophisticated approaches to brand monitoring and formative research that
are fit-for-purpose, timely and of high quality. Here, the Manager will work
closely with the technical leads within Girl Effect’s global Evidence team,
based in London, to ensure global standards and approaches have been adequately
implemented in Rwanda. The Manager will line manage a Specialist, Evidence, who
will oversee field management.
way of working is fast paced and agile and the ideal candidate will thrive on
this. Experience and/or interest in brands, media and communications is
desirable. The role will require regular travel within Rwanda and occasional
international travel.
way of working is fast paced and agile and the ideal candidate will thrive on
this. Experience and/or interest in brands, media and communications is
desirable. The role will require regular travel within Rwanda and occasional
international travel.
are going through a period of exciting growth and change – we are hugely
ambitious for our future and we are looking for colleagues who share in our
are going through a period of exciting growth and change – we are hugely
ambitious for our future and we are looking for colleagues who share in our
role will be focused on all aspects of brand monitoring and evaluation as well
as brand formative research.
role will be focused on all aspects of brand monitoring and evaluation as well
as brand formative research.
Design & Development
Design & Development
- Liaison
with Girl Effect teams (Evidence, Brand, Girl Specialists) to identify and
translate research requests/briefs into (updated) brand-monitoring and
formative-research designs.
- Lead
on technical implementation of Girl Effect Rwanda’s brand monitoring and
formative research frameworks, working as Girl Effect Rwanda’s
quantitative lead to ensure sampling strategies, quantitative measurement
approaches, analyses frameworks are to standard.
- Development
of field tools – including consent request forms, recruitment
questionnaires, surveys.
- Development
of Terms of Reference for external research commissioning and leading on
external agency procurement for brand monitoring and formative research.
- Lead
on in-house analysis of quantitative and qualitative data sets.
- Work
with other Evidence team members in developing brand and media research
- Oversight
of brand-monitoring and formative research calendars and reporting
timelines to ensure evidence and insights have been generated within
effective and achievable timeframes
- Management
of external field agencies, ensuring that they provide expected
deliverables at stipulated timelines and quality standards.
- Work
closely with other Evidence Team members in order to use in-house girl
centred research methodologies to support brand Monitoring &
Evaluation and formative research qualitatively and to its fullest
- Ensuring
girl safeguarding and field ethics are upheld.
- Raising
all risk reporting from the field to Girl Effect girl safeguarding focal
- Responsibility
for field quality assurance processes.
Analysis & Reporting
Analysis & Reporting
- Data
management including quality assurance of the data submitted by agencies
- Conducting
analysis and reporting as required
- Lead
on insights generation from findings to ensure that Girl Effect
stakeholders’ research objectives are addressed.
Uptake & Evolution
Uptake & Evolution
- Lead
on internal dissemination and uptake of insights through workshops, data
dashboards, and other learning activities
- Production
of knowledge products for internal and external audiences
- Lead
on collating lessons learned on brand monitoring and formative research in
country and its potential methodological evolution for this context and
the global brand-monitoring network.
- Representing
Girl Effect at external events where research is presented, as required by
Evidence Senior Manager.
- Line
management, oversight and quality assurance of all of the work being led
by the Evidence Specialist.
- Oversight
of brand-monitoring budget.
and Experience
and Experience
- Bachelors
degree in psychology, sociology, anthropology or other social science.
- Demonstrated
ability to lead high quality quantitative research design, fieldwork, data
analysis and reporting at speed and at stipulated data quality standards.
Or one or the other
- Demonstrated
ability to lead high quality qualitative research design, fieldwork, data
analysis and reporting, including tech-based, girl-centered and
participatory approaches preferred
- Experience
in brand and marketing research strongly preferred.
- Demonstrated
skills in producing high quality, innovative and engaging research
presentations and briefings for diverse audiences
- Experience
in training and mentoring others in research methods, data analysis and
- Experience
of conducting research with children and youth, in particular girls
- Experience
of fast-paced and agile working environments, with a natural aptitude for
technology and innovation
- Ability
to work effectively in teams with diverse skillsets and backgrounds
- Creative
and inquisitive mindset
- Strong
proactive work habits
- Strong
communication and organizational skills
- Commitment
to realizing the potential of girls and to the vision and values of Girl
package and benefits:
package and benefits:
– Competitive salary will be offered to the successful candidate
– Competitive salary will be offered to the successful candidate
date for applications: July 8th 2016 at 5PM Kigali time.
date for applications: July 8th 2016 at 5PM Kigali time.