Excellence Scholarships for International Students at University of Milan in Italy

Are you thinking to
apply to one of our masterdegree courses?

You would be pleased to know that, if you do it within June 30th, you could be
entitled to receive one of the 50
or one of the 100 enrolment fee exemptions
destined to the best int
among the 10% of the best ones of each study area.

Due to the success
of the ExcellenceScholarship programme, established last year, the University of Milan has
decided to increase
the number of both
the enrolment fee exemptions
and the scholaships
(consisting of 6.000
euro each
, plus enrolment fee exemptions).

The incentive
programme does
not require any further application
beyond the online procedure that
candidates to our master
degree programmes
have to undertake.

A specific committee
will then examine candidates’ academic outcomes and draw up a final ranking
for the assignement of both scholarships and exemptions.

Winners will be informed by e-mail
no later than the end of July.

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