Agriculture Board is a Public Institution with the mission of developing
agriculture and animal husbandry through their reform, and using modern methods
in crop and animal production, research, agricultural extension, education and
training of farmers in new technolo
Agriculture Board is a Public Institution with the mission of developing
agriculture and animal husbandry through their reform, and using modern methods
in crop and animal production, research, agricultural extension, education and
training of farmers in new technolo
gies. Therefore, Rwanda Agriculture Board is
seeking to recruit experienced staff to fill the following vacant posts:
- Girinka
Program Specialist (1 position): A0 in Anima Sciences, Animal Husbandry or
Veterinary sciences, with 3 years of working experience in Girinka or
Master’s Degree in Animal sciences, Animal Husbandry or Veterinary
sciences with at least one year of working experience in related field
- Animal
resources Production & Extension Specialist (1 position): A0
in Anima Sciences, Animal Husbandry or Veterinary sciences, with 3 years
of working experience or Master’s Degree in Animal sciences, Animal
Husbandry or Veterinary sciences with one year of working experience in
related field
- Irrigation
Specialist (1 position): A0 in Agriculture Engineering, Soil Science,
environmental sciences, irrigation and hydrology, agricultural
mechanization with 3 years of working experience or Master’s Degree in
Agriculture Engineering, Soil Science, Engironmental sciences, irrigation
and hydrology, Agricultural mechanization with 1 year of working
experience in related field.
- Agriculture
Mechanization Specialist (1 position): A0 in Agriculture
Mechanization, Soil and Environmental management, Rural Engineering, or
Master’s Degree in Agriculture Mechanization, Soil and Environmental
management, Rural Engineering;
- Secretary
to the Scientific Committee (1 position): A0
in Agriculture, Animal sciences, Agriculture Economics, Rural development,
agri-business, Natural Resources Management.
- Aquaculture
and Fisheries Technician in SAZD (1 position):
A1/A0 in Animal breeding and genetics/Animal nutrition or Animal health;
- Animal
Disease Control Technician in EAZD and WAZD (2 positions): A1
in Animal Health/A0 in Veterinary Medicine;
- Animal
Production Technician (1 position): A1/A0 in Animal sciences, Animal Husbandry
and Veterinary sciences;
- Quality
Seed Control Officer (1 position): A1/A0 in Agriculture, Crop Production, Crop
- Cooperative
Development and Marketing Technician (1 position): A0
in Economics, Agri-business, Development studies
- Post
Harvest Handling Technician in NAZD (1 position): A0
in Crop Science, Agriculture Economics, Agribusiness, and Food sciences.
- Seed
Laboratory Analysis Officer (1 position):
A1/A0 in Agriculture, Chemistry, Biology, Biotechnology;
- Veterinary
Public Health Inspector (1 position): A0 in Veterinary Medicine
- Veterinary
Labo Analysis Officer (1 position): A1 in Animal Health or A0 in Veterinary
Medicine, Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry;
- Animal
Disease Management Officer (1 position): A0 in Veterinary Medicine
- Veterinary
Satellite Labo Technician(1 position): A1 in Animal Health, or A0
in Veterinary Medicine;
- Veterinary
Quarantines Stations Technician (1 position): A1
in Animal Health, or A0 in Veterinary Medicine;
- National
Herd-book Technician (1 position): A0 in animal breeding and genetics
- Administrative
Assistant to the Head of Research Department (1 position): A1
in Secretarial Studies, Office Management or A0 in Public Administration,
Administrative Science, Management, Social Work, Law
- Human
Resources Management Officer (1 position): A0
in Human Resources Management, Public Administration, and Administrative
Sciences, Key knowledge of Rwandan Public Service rules and regulations,
human resources concepts, practices, policies & procedures, and being
familiar with IPPIS software will be an added advantage.
- Accountant
(1 position): A1
in Finance, Accounting or Management with specialization in
Finance/Accounting or Accounting Professional Qualification recognized by
IFAC (ACCA,CPA); Deep knowledge of public finance procedures and being
familiar with SMART IFMS software will be an added advantage
- Business
Development, Partnership and Resources Mobilization Officer (1 position): A0
in Economics, Project Management, Management, Development Studies,
Business Administration. Being familiar with projects management and
partnership and knowledge in resource mobilization will be an added
- Librarian
(2 positions): A1
in Library studies, Arts and Publishing Information Sciences or A0 in
Library studies, Arts and Publishing, Information Sciences;
- Archives
Officer (2 positions): A1 in Library studies, Arts and Publishing
Information Sciences or A0 in Library studies, Arts and Publishing,
Information Sciences, Information System.
- Head
of Centre (2 positions): A0 in Human Resources Management, Management,
Public Administration, Administrative Sciences, Business Administration,
Economics, Rural Development, Development Studies;
- Head
of Central Secretariat (1 position): A1 in Secretariat Studies,
Office Management, Library & Information Science or A0 in Public
Administration, Administrative Sciences, Library & Information
Science, Management, Sociology and Social Work, Law.
- Secretary
to Rubilizi Center (1 position): A1 in Secretarial Studies, Office Management
or A0 in Public Administration, Administrative Science, Management,
Sociology, Social Work, Law
document shall include the following
document shall include the following
- Application
form available at Public Service Commission website (
- A
copy of degree and certificates and other relevant documents (not
- A
copy of the National Identity Card
document should reach the Central Secretariat of Rwanda Agriculture Board not
later than 19/05/2016 at 5pm.
document should reach the Central Secretariat of Rwanda Agriculture Board not
later than 19/05/2016 at 5pm.
For more
details about these jobs, please CLICK HERE
details about these jobs, please CLICK HERE