of the reasons why government control business enterprises are:
of the reasons why government control business enterprises are:
to protect citizen
to protect citizen
and inferior goods can be and are frequently dumped in the Nigerian economy
where quality measurement ability is limited. The existence of legislation
and inferior goods can be and are frequently dumped in the Nigerian economy
where quality measurement ability is limited. The existence of legislation
against such practices is designed to protect citizens whether they are
rigorously enforced or not. When a lucky discovery is made of such
malpractices, swift and punitive government measures send warning signals to
other unscrupulous men
as revenue raising sources
as revenue raising sources
of the control imposed on business enterprises is intended to raise revenue for
government. For instance, taxes of all forms, duties, import and excise,
licensing and registration fee which provide valuable revenue for government.
They equally provide information for government planning
of the control imposed on business enterprises is intended to raise revenue for
government. For instance, taxes of all forms, duties, import and excise,
licensing and registration fee which provide valuable revenue for government.
They equally provide information for government planning
as revenue raising sources
as revenue raising sources
of the control imposed on business enterprises is intended to raise revenue for
government. For instance, taxes of all forms, duties, import and excise,
licensing and registration fee which provide valuable revenue for government.
They equally provide information for government planning
of the control imposed on business enterprises is intended to raise revenue for
government. For instance, taxes of all forms, duties, import and excise,
licensing and registration fee which provide valuable revenue for government.
They equally provide information for government planning
as means of keeping international obligation
as means of keeping international obligation
has reciprocal patent and copyright agreement with many civilized countries of
the world. So also Nigeria subscribe to generally accepted practices
has reciprocal patent and copyright agreement with many civilized countries of
the world. So also Nigeria subscribe to generally accepted practices
enforcement of such regulations of business operating in Nigeria is intended to
enable government to fulfil its international obligation on those matters
enforcement of such regulations of business operating in Nigeria is intended to
enable government to fulfil its international obligation on those matters
over foreign dominance
over foreign dominance
major control was imposed by the then military government on business enterprises
operating in Nigeria in the name of enterprises promotion decree, which was
promulgated in 1972 but repealed and replaced in 1977 before finally repealed
in 1995
major control was imposed by the then military government on business enterprises
operating in Nigeria in the name of enterprises promotion decree, which was
promulgated in 1972 but repealed and replaced in 1977 before finally repealed
in 1995