The CMD was established in January 1973 by the then
federal military government as the operational arm of the Nigerian Council for
management Development (NCMD). The CMD was given a legal backing by decree No.
15 of 1976
federal military government as the operational arm of the Nigerian Council for
management Development (NCMD). The CMD was given a legal backing by decree No.
15 of 1976
Aims and Objectives of CMD
The following are the aims of CMD
To assess Nigeria’s management manpower needs in both public and private
sectors of the economy
To assess Nigeria’s management manpower needs in both public and private
sectors of the economy
To develop resources for management research, consultancy and training
To develop resources for management research, consultancy and training
To sponsor, promote and conduct research into all aspect of management and
allied subjects (Accounting, human relation etc), in relation tot he Nigerian
To sponsor, promote and conduct research into all aspect of management and
allied subjects (Accounting, human relation etc), in relation tot he Nigerian
To establish relevant professional association to meet the needs of
national development
To establish relevant professional association to meet the needs of
national development
To assess the type and quality of programme for developing the country’s
managerial manpower consulting and training
To assess the type and quality of programme for developing the country’s
managerial manpower consulting and training
To establish and maintain up to date library for management studies
To establish and maintain up to date library for management studies
To publish journals, research papers and books on modern management
techniques and concepts in relation to the Nigerian situation
To publish journals, research papers and books on modern management
techniques and concepts in relation to the Nigerian situation
To provide the council background information and other technical data
necessary for the council policy making and coordinating functions
To provide the council background information and other technical data
necessary for the council policy making and coordinating functions
of the CMD
of the CMD
accomplish these aims, the CMD is expected to perform the following functions
accomplish these aims, the CMD is expected to perform the following functions
Undertaking the management development component of small – scale
industrial development in Nigeria
Carrying out more effective training in the private sector
Carrying out any other assignment that may be given by the CMD governing
carry out its functions effectively, CMD is structured into five departments
carry out its functions effectively, CMD is structured into five departments
Administration and finance department
Administration and finance department
Management services department
Management services department
Research publications and library department
Research publications and library department
Education and training department
Education and training department
Small industry’s services department and several operating units.
Small industry’s services department and several operating units.
effective coverage of the country, there are two offices, one at Aba and the
other one in Kano.
effective coverage of the country, there are two offices, one at Aba and the
other one in Kano.
of CMD in the development of small business enterprises
of CMD in the development of small business enterprises
contribution of CMD cannot be over emphasized in the development of small
business enterprise in particular and the national economy in general. The
contribution can be viewed from the following perspective:
contribution of CMD cannot be over emphasized in the development of small
business enterprise in particular and the national economy in general. The
contribution can be viewed from the following perspective:
In the area of training, CMD programmes are directed at two important groups
Industrial extension officers from industrial development centers and
the state ministry of commerce and industry, staff of Nigeria Bank for Commerce
Industry (NBCI) and other organization in the development of small business
Small scale industrialist and entrepreneurs – through direct training
training programmes of CMD for extension officers and small business
industrialists include:
training programmes of CMD for extension officers and small business
industrialists include:
Industrial management training for extension officers
Industrial management training for extension officers
How to set up new business
How to set up new business
Workshop on how to prepare feasibility report
Workshop on how to prepare feasibility report
small enterprises management programme
small enterprises management programme
cash management for small business
cash management for small business
linkage opportunity workshop
linkage opportunity workshop
entrepreneurship development programme (EDP)
entrepreneurship development programme (EDP)
Consultancy services, research and information
Consultancy services, research and information
small industries department of CMD provides consultancy services, research and
technical information to small-scale industrialists and agencies equally enable
the center to evaluate its training materials and modules for more effective
services to the sector
small industries department of CMD provides consultancy services, research and
technical information to small-scale industrialists and agencies equally enable
the center to evaluate its training materials and modules for more effective
services to the sector
Institutional building
Institutional building
1978, CMD, through its small industries department promoted the formation of
the Nigerian Association of Small Scale Industrialist (NASSI) to provide a plat
form for developing small industrialist and their employees
1978, CMD, through its small industries department promoted the formation of
the Nigerian Association of Small Scale Industrialist (NASSI) to provide a plat
form for developing small industrialist and their employees
World bank assisted programmes
World bank assisted programmes
The CMD had the singular privilege on behalf of federal ministry of industries
to design the training document for manpower development under the World Bank
assisted project for small and medium enterprises in Nigeria. The pilot scheme
involved extensive field survey of five states of the federations. Cross-Rivers,
Imo, Ondo, Niger and Plateau. The training involved a comprehensive development
for industrial extension workers from IDC, state ministries in the five pilot
states, staff of NBCI and the staff of project monitoring units of Federation
Ministry of Industries
to design the training document for manpower development under the World Bank
assisted project for small and medium enterprises in Nigeria. The pilot scheme
involved extensive field survey of five states of the federations. Cross-Rivers,
Imo, Ondo, Niger and Plateau. The training involved a comprehensive development
for industrial extension workers from IDC, state ministries in the five pilot
states, staff of NBCI and the staff of project monitoring units of Federation
Ministry of Industries
Entrepreneurship development programme
Entrepreneurship development programme
CMD has over the year been involved in designing programmes that will stimulate
the development of indigenous entrepreneurship. CMD entrepreneurship programme
cover such area as advisory and consultancy service, venture initiation,
preparation of business plans, plant layout, marketing analysis management,
product, personnel etc
CMD has over the year been involved in designing programmes that will stimulate
the development of indigenous entrepreneurship. CMD entrepreneurship programme
cover such area as advisory and consultancy service, venture initiation,
preparation of business plans, plant layout, marketing analysis management,
product, personnel etc
most cases, these services are offered free of charge or are heavily subsidized
by CMD. It is worth noting that in 1993, the CMD was restructured into six
departments, viz:
most cases, these services are offered free of charge or are heavily subsidized
by CMD. It is worth noting that in 1993, the CMD was restructured into six
departments, viz:
Director general department
Director general department
Management education and training department
Management education and training department
Administration department
Administration department
Research publication and consultancy department
Research publication and consultancy department
Small and medium scale enterprises department
Small and medium scale enterprises department
Finance and general service department
Finance and general service department