Anniversary Prizes Scholarships Terms and Conditions
Scholarship details
Value: £3,000 fee waiver
no application required. Information will be taken from the course application
form and verified at Registration.
To be eligible for
consideration of Queen’s Anniversary Prizes Scholarship, a student:
- must
have an unconditional offer of a place on one of the following full-time
postgraduate programmes of study:
Management MSc
EnvironmentalPollution and Monitoring MSc
Entrepreneurship and Design MSc
Toxicologyand Risk Assessment MSc
- must
have submitted the course application no later than 1 September 2016. - must
have an honours degree, minimum 2.1 classification, or international
equivalent - must
possess excellent English language skills – international applicants will
require an IELTS score of 7.5 or above - must
not hold any other scholarship from Brunel University London e.g.
Postgraduate Academic Excellence
The scholarships
will be allocated during September to the top six applicants who meet all of
the eligibility criteria and who are deemed to be the strongest applicants, on
the basis of their academic qualifications and personal statement.
Applicants awarded a
scholarship will need to confirm their acceptance by paying the course deposit
of £300, which will be deducted from the remainder of the tuition fees. If the
applicant does not register for the course, there will be no refund of the
deposit. If an applicant does not pay the deposit within four weeks of being
notified of the scholarship award, the scholarship may be awarded to another
4. Withdrawal
of scholarship
The University
reserves the right to withdraw a scholarship from anyone who is found to have
misled the University about any aspect of their eligibility and to seek payment
for the full tuition fees.
If a student changes
to a programme of study outside those listed under the eligibility section
above, the scholarship will be withdrawn