The purchase and expense sytem in auditing

The first point to consider is the objectives of
the audit of purchases and expenses system.
Audit objectives – purchases and expenses system
The audit objectives are to carry out audit work so
as to gather sufficient

appropriate evidence to validate the assertions about
the purchases system. These can be summarized as:

of goods and services relate to the company being audited (occurrence);
purchases of goods and services that should have been recorded  have been recorded (completeness);
of goods and services have been recorded at the correct amounts (cut-off);
All the
relevant transactions have been recorded in the correct accounting period
of goods and services have been recorded in the correct amounts in the nominal
and purchase ledgers and any other related records, e.g. stock or costing
records (classification).
System objectives – purchases and expenses system
The purchases and expenses system has objectives
which are the basis for the internal controls designed into the system.
We can consider the purchases system in three
of goods and invoicing;
orders for goods and services are properly authorized, are for goods and
services that are actually received and are for the company (occurrence).
are made only to authorized suppliers (accuracy).
Receipt of goods and invoicing
All goods
and services received are for the purpose of the business and not for the
private purpose of any individual (occurrence).
Goods and
services are accepted only if they have been ordered (completeness).
receipts of goods and services are accurately recorded (accuracy).
are recognized for all goods and services received (accuracy).
Any credit
due to the business for faulty goods and services has been claimed
It is
possible to record a liability for goods or services which haven’t been
received (completeness).
payments have been properly authorized (occurrence).
payments are for goods and services which have been received (completeness).
expenditure has been recorded correctly in the books and records of the
business (accuracy).
credit notes have been properly recorded in the books and records of the business
entries in the purchase ledger are to the correct suppliers accounts
entries in the nominal ledger are to the correct account (classification).
Cut-off has
been applied correctly (cut-off).
System controls – purchases and expenses system
The purchases and expenses system will have within
controls and procedures which are designed to:
the system objectives;
the possibility of fraud and error;
You should be familiar with the principles of
internal control from chapter 9 but if not you should review them before
reading further.
Organizational controls              – written
       Policy on ordering from approved suppliers
       Authority levels for order limits
       Defined structure of who can order what
Segregation of duties                   – separation of staff responsible for raising
orders from those involved in processing and paying invoices
Physical controls                           
safeguarding blank order forms
all orders to be authorized by a responsible person
Arithmetical and                           
pre-numbered order forms
Accounting checks                       -review
of orders placed but not delivered or invoiced

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