BU International Scholarship in Journalism, UK


For courses starting September 2016
  • Any
    international applicant classed as overseas for fee purposes
  • You
    cannot be in receipt of any other BU scholarships.
£3,000 (tuition fee reduction)
Number available
Need to fill in an application
Application deadline
31 May 2016

The Reham al-Farra
International Scholarship in Journalism is offered to an international
applicant for MAMultimedia Journalism within the Facultyof Media & Communication.

In your application
you need to show a high level of achievement in your undergraduate studies,
have excellent proficiency in English and demonstrate that you are likely to be
an asset to the course.

If you would prefer
to complete a paper application form, please contact us.

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Scholarships are
reviewed on a regular basis and the university reserves the right to withdraw,
amend or introduce new scholarships at any time. Scholarships are offered
subject to funding and availability. Scholarship is awarded in your first year
only, unless stated otherwise.

Details of BU’s
Student Agreement, including our Scholarships Policy, can be found here.

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