Auditors’ duties in respect of compliance with the combined code in corporate governance

Here we will look specifically at the auditors’
duties in considering whether or not the company has complied with the
provisions of the combined code.
The requirement of the code which is relevant to
the auditors can be summarized as: 

The auditors duties are covered by ISA 720
(revised) section A-other information in documents contains audited financial
statements; section-the auditors’ statutory reporting responsibility in
relation to directors’ reports.

can be summarized as follows.
‘read only’ requirement for other information
Any apparent inconsistencies or any apparent
misstatement in the corporate governance statements should be resolved and the
directors should amend the inconsistency.
If this
does not happen then the auditors should:
If the
financial statements are incorrect, qualify their report.
If the
financial statements are correct and the other information is incorrect or
inadequate, make a statement in the auditors’ report. This statement is however
not a qualification.
the statement of compliance with the provisions of the code
review should take the following form:
auditors should obtain sufficient appropriate evidence to support the
compliance statement made by the company.
            Appropriate evidence can be gained
by the following procedures:
the minutes of the meetings of the board and of relevant board committees
(audit, nomination, remuneration, risk management etc.)
relevant supporting documents prepared for the board or board committees.
enquiries of the directors and the company secretary.
meetings of the audit committee (or other committee) when the annual report and
accounts and statements of compliance are considered and approved for
submission to the board.
auditors may ask for a letter of representation of any written or oral representations
made in the course of the review
If the auditors are not satisfied with the
directors’ compliance statement they will include an explanatory comment in their
auditors’ report


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