In particular
we are concerned with the requirement of those assertions-‘assertions about
account balance at the period end’, but of course, the other assertions
particularly those relating to transaction, also apply.
assertions set out the following matters about which the auditor has to gather
sufficient reliable evidence so as to verify their truth-or otherwise:
assertions set out the following matters about which the auditor has to gather
sufficient reliable evidence so as to verify their truth-or otherwise:
mnemonic often used by student in connection with the audit of balance sheet
items is:
mnemonic often used by student in connection with the audit of balance sheet
items is:
Beneficial Ownership
Beneficial Ownership
Presentation in the Accounts.
Presentation in the Accounts.
does cover all aspects of the assertions and might be easier to remember?
does cover all aspects of the assertions and might be easier to remember?
examination questions in this area can be answered adequately by running
through each of these and devising means of verifying each aspect.
examination questions in this area can be answered adequately by running
through each of these and devising means of verifying each aspect.
will also appreciate that the amount of evidence required will depend partly on
the risk of a misstatement in the accounts.
will also appreciate that the amount of evidence required will depend partly on
the risk of a misstatement in the accounts.
text books tended to stress existence, ownership and value only. The addition
of presentation reflects the relatively greater importance attached now to the
‘fair’ as well as the ‘true’ view given by the financial statement and the
importance of the appropriate selection and disclosure of accounting policies.
text books tended to stress existence, ownership and value only. The addition
of presentation reflects the relatively greater importance attached now to the
‘fair’ as well as the ‘true’ view given by the financial statement and the
importance of the appropriate selection and disclosure of accounting policies.
assets held at the beginning of the year, the acquisition will have been dealt
with in a previous year. The presentation will, of course, need to be
consistent with the presentation adopted in previous tears; most examination
questions state whether or not the assets concerned were purchased in the year
under review.
assets held at the beginning of the year, the acquisition will have been dealt
with in a previous year. The presentation will, of course, need to be
consistent with the presentation adopted in previous tears; most examination
questions state whether or not the assets concerned were purchased in the year
under review.
will appreciate that this distinction does not arise with current assets.
will appreciate that this distinction does not arise with current assets.