CLOSE: 04/04/2016
The District of KIREHE has the great pleasure to inform the
interested Candidates that It wishes to recruit qualified persons who respond
to the requirements enumerated hereafter:
interested Candidates that It wishes to recruit qualified persons who respond
to the requirements enumerated hereafter:
- Rwandan by Nationality ( a copy of Identity Card)
- A copy of the Degree
- To be fluent in, Kinyarwanda English and/or French
- The proof of experience where experience is required
- To fill an application form available in the Central
Secretariat of the District
- Application deadline 04 April 2016
Sector Agronomist (1)
A0 in Agronomy, Rural Engineering, Agricultural
Economics, A1 in Agronomy, Rural Engineering, Rural Development, Agricultural
Economics with at least one year working experience in rural development
or agriculture sector.
Sector Agronomist (1)
A0 in Agronomy, Rural Engineering, Agricultural
Economics, A1 in Agronomy, Rural Engineering, Rural Development, Agricultural
Economics with at least one year working experience in rural development
or agriculture sector.
2. Land Survey and GIS Officer (1)
A0 In Geography, Topography, Land Surveying and GIS, Land
3. Administrative Assistant to the Mayor (1)
A1 In Secretariat studies, Office Management or AO In Public
Administration, Administrative Sciences, Management, Sociology ,Social Work,
Administration, Administrative Sciences, Management, Sociology ,Social Work,
4. Sector Finance and Administration Officer (7)
A0 In Management, Finance, Public Finance, Accounting
5. Deputy Head Techer (2)
A0 In Education
6. Head Teacher of GS Nyakarambi (1)
A0 In Education
7. School Secretary Accountant (3)
A2 in Accounting
8. Health Center Accountant (2)
A2 in Accounting
9. In charge of Recovery in Health Centers (2)
A2 in Accounting