Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program for Overseas Scholars in Germany

A Global
Fellowship Program for Research on Child and Youth Development

The Jacobs
Foundation Research Fellowship Program is a globally competitive fellowship
program for early and mid-career researchers aiming at improving the
development and living conditions of

children and youth or contributing to one
of the Jacobs Foundation’s thematic priorities. This includes, but is not
limited to educational sciences, psychology, economics, sociology, family
studies, media studies, political sciences, linguistics, neurosciences, and
medical sciences.

Fellowships are
awarded to the most highly talented and innovative young scholars and
mid-career researchers working on child and youth development. Funds from
Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowships are awarded directly to the Fellow’s
institution and may be used over a three-year period by the Fellow to partially
cover the Fellow’s salary and for any activity supporting the Fellow’s
research, such as assistant salaries, equipment, technical assistance,
professional travel, or trainee support.

Scholars who engage
in interdisciplinary work on individual development and learning of children
and youth, and who seek to combine genetic, epigenetic, neurobiological,
behavioral and social levels of analysis, are particularly encouraged to apply.

Besides providing
Fellows with independent and competitive funding, the program offers a wide
range of non-financial benefits. Fellows are encouraged to interact with each
other and make use of the Jacobs Foundation’s Conference Center Marbach Castle
at Lake Constance (Germany) for short-term group residencies and workshops.
Networking and alumni events will enrich the fellowships

and Competitive Funding: Fellowship Categories


Fellows are selected
on the basis of their research accomplishments, creativity, and potential to
become leaders in the scientific community through their contributions to the
field of child and youth development. International relevance of the fellow’s
planned work, the alignment of planned projects with the goals of the Jacobs
Foundation, and the willingness to identify with our aims and to engage
actively with us will also be selection criteria.

Focus of the

The Jacobs
Foundation Research Fellowship addresses all scholarly disciplines contributing
to improving the living conditions of children and youth and/or to one of the
Foundation’s thematic priorities as described below.

In the years
2016–2020 the Jacobs Foundation will focus on three thematic priorities:

Within our
thematic priority “Science of Learning,” we explore the frontiers of
individualized learning and intervention. We do this by generating research
insights and innovation related to the biological, technological,
psychological, and pedagogical dimensions of learning.

We are interested in research on the biological bases of skill acquisition and
development of children and youth and their consequences for learning
environments and institutions. We want to understand how new technology can
optimize learning — whether it occurs in the informal setting of the
playground, the more formal setting of a school, or in the family.

Within our
thematic priority “Early Education,” we help to formulate comprehensive early
education policies in Switzerland and other European countries. We do this by
developing systematic programs designed to promote equal opportunity at the
school-entry level and emphasizing the societal returns of education.

Within our
thematic priority “Rural Livelihoods,” we work to improve the lives of the
rural population of Côte D’Ivoire, both today and in the future. We do this by
nurturing an ecosystem of private and public stakeholders dedicated to the
common goal of enhancing educational quality.

JacobsFoundation Research Fellowships

for Applications Fellowship Program 2017-2019 including online application form

2016-2018Jacobs Foundation Research Fellows

Jacobs Foundation
Seefeldquai 17
CH-8034 Zürich


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