PhD Position in Population Genetics at Popgen Vienna in Austria For Rwandan Students

Graduate School of Population Genetics is inviting applications for PhD position in Population
Genetics. Position is open to international applicants but those from related
disciplines, such as physics or mathematics are also welcome to apply.
Applicants with a genuine interest for interdisciplinary PhD education will be
Vienna Graduate School of Popula

tion Genetics provides an exciting training
opportunity for highly motivated and outstanding PhD students with a background
in one of the following disciplines: Bioinformatics, Statistics,
Evolutionary Genetics, Functional Genetics, Theoretical And Experimental
Population Genetics.

genetics seeks to describe the distribution of and the change in allele frequencies
in natural and domestic populations. It attempts to explain evolutionary
phenomena such as adaptation, differentiation, and speciation
should have an excellent command of both written and spoken English.

Position is available for pursuing PhD programme.
is available in Population Genetics.
include: Convergent and adaptive evolution during ecotype
formation, Wolbachia infection dynamics in evolving Drosophila
populations, Optimizing novel, Next Generation Sequencing based,
approaches for dissecting the genetic basis of complex traits, Evolution
of the transposable element landscape in Drosophila, Selfish
mutations, Statistical inference for experimental evolution using pooled
NGS data, Inferring evolutionary trajectories from time series
data, Functional characterization of beneficial alleles in Drosophila
and Modified evolve and re-sequence design.

Accepted students will receive a monthly salary along with full health and
social benefits based on the regulations of the Austrian Science Foundation
(FWF) and Austrian legislation.
can be taken at:

Eligibility: University
encourage young, enthusiastic graduate students intrigued by the
interdisciplinary nature of the Vienna Graduate School of Population Genetics
to apply for the program within the application deadline. They welcome
candidates with backgrounds in either
computational or experimental fields such as
bioinformatics, statistics,
evolutionary genetics, functional genetics, theoretical and experimental
population genetics. Candidates from related disciplines, such as physics or
mathematics are also welcome to apply
. Applicants
with a genuine interest for interdisciplinary PhD education will be preferred.
Nationality: International
applicants can apply for this PhD position.
Admission Requirement
Applicant should have a master’s degree or equivalent.
Language Requirement
Applicant should have excellent command of both written and spoken English.
Applicants are requested to email the following information as a single pdf
document to the program coordinator:
-application form
-a motivation letter with a statement of research interests
-university certificates including grades
-a copy of your university degree that enables you to pursue a doctoral study
(diploma, master); if you will earn your degree after the deadline: please
supply recent transcripts
-an indication of two preferred topics
-at least two reference letters assessing your scientific qualifications need
to be e-mailed directly to us (please contact your referees proactively and use
the referee request below as a guideline). Please consider that your referees
may need some time to prepare and send their letters within the deadline.
to Apply:
 Applicants must
be submitted by e-mail.
application deadline is May 22nd, 2016.

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