ENS Cachan International Scholarship Programme in France For Rwandan Students

Cachan International Scholarship Programme 2016-2017 (Master and PhD)

International Scholarship Program of the ENS Cachan is aimed at high level
international students who are currently studying or have studied and obtained
their most recent qualification outside of France.
According to the
objective of your stay at ENS Cachan, the grant amounts of the scholarship is
500 euros/month (resear

ch training) to 1000 euros/month (Master, PhD).

In order to participate in the program :

  • If you
    are applying for a Ph.D or a to do a research stay at the ENS Cachan
    please fill out this form and send it to the dedicated head of laboratory and to the
    Office of International Affairs at : ri@ens-cachan.fr
  • If you
    are applying for a Master’s program at the ENS Cachan please fill
    out this form and send it to the dedicated head of Master’s program and
    to the Office of International Affairs at: ri@ens-cachan.fr
  • If you are applying for a Paris-Saclay Master’s
    please refer to the program regulations


    Deadline for reception by email  21 April 2016

    any question regarding this programme, please only
    contact this address

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