Nyamagabe District,65 JOBS Vacancies in Rwanda

 CLOSE: 24/03/2016
District wishes to recruit the qualified and competent staff for the following
  1. Logistics
    and Storekeeping Officer (1)
  1. Director
    of Agriculture and Natural Resources (1)
  1. Land
    Surveyor and GIS (1)
  1. Advisor
    to the Executive Committee (1)
  1. Director
    of Human Resources and Administration (1)
  1. Local
    Revenue Inspector (1)
  1. School
    Construction Engineer (1)
  1. Secondary
    and TVET education Officer (1)
  1. Anima
    Resources Officer (1)
  1. Billing
    Officer (1)
  1. Road
    Development and Maintenance Engineer (1)
  1. Health
    promotion and disease prevention officer (1)
  1. Executive
    Secretary of the Sector (4)
  1. Civil
    registration and Notary (1)
  1. Education
    Officer (1)
  1. Secretary
    and Customer Care Assistant (1)
  1. Finance
    and Administration Officer (9)
  1. Business
    Development and Employment Promotion Officer (1)
  1. Animal
    Resources Officer (13)
  1. Executive
    Secretary of the Cell (3)
  1. Socio-Economic
    Development Officer (7)
  1. Head
    Teacher of TVET (1)
  1. VUP
    Officer (1)
more details about the above job positions,please CLICKHERE
To Apply
interested candidates should submit their application along with the following
  • Fill
    job application form downloadable from the following website: www.psc.gov.rw
    or at Nyamagabe District
  • Copy
    of ID
  • Copy
    of degree of academic qualification
documents should be submitted to the Central Secretariat of Nyamagabe District
since 18/0312016 until 24/03/2016 at 4:00.P.M
list of shortlisted candidates will be available on 31/03/2016 al
Nyamagabe District Office and on website : www.nyamagabe.gov.rw

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